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The SBC Sexual Abuse Scandal is a ‘Success’ Story of the Theological Vision and Social Structure of the ‘Conservative Resurgence’

…controlling women. And there’s nothing mythological about that. It is the way patriarchy always works. * * * Southern Baptists may like the myth about saving their church from liberalism. But there’s something Baptists don’t like: creeds. Oddly enough, a “creed” plays a central role in this story of the Fundamentalist takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention. Since their beginnings in the 17th century, Baptists have emphasized freedom of consc…

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Cafeteria Christianity in the Age of Social Media: What’s Old Is New Again

…ed in the modern era. But most traditions have at least some who take a my-way-or-the-highway approach and have particular shibboleths upon which no compromise is possible. (What would mainstream religion coverage look like without them?) Nevertheless, despite the best efforts of those who would make their traditions an all-or-nothing proposition, human beings have gone on picking and choosing, if perhaps never quite as unabashedly as young Americ…

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End-of-Life Lessons from The Walking Dead

…atharsis?” “Maybe just a little gratitude.” “Gratitude? I wanted to die my way. Not torn apart by drooling freaks. That was my choice. You took that away from me, Dale. All I wanted was to get out of this endless horrific nightmare we live every day. I wasn’t hurting anyone else. You took my choice away, Dale.” Monsters Appear when Boundaries are Blurred Zombies are a rich metaphor for a host of modern fears. An early 20th century product of Haiti…

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A Long History of Blaming the Jews

…is unexplainable without that deep history of thought.” But is that not a way of explaining inevitability? On the question of determinism, Nirenberg is right: it is better for the historian to be “reflective” rather than “dogmatic.” But is it dogmatic to point out the frequent connections between murderous rhetoric and genocide? Describing the world in anti-Jewish (or anti-Tutsi or anti-Armenian) terms does not always lead to violence, but such r…

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Rejecting the Binary: Why Left v. Right Doesn’t Work

…hem and generate more campaign funds. Yet “winning” is not possible in the way they imagine, as differences of opinion will always exist. Some writers do seek some middle ground, such as Steven Waldman’s Founding Faith, David Hollenbachs’ The Common Good and Christian Ethics, and even to some degree, Richard Land’s The Divided States of America? Surprisingly, Barack Obama’s treatment of the issues in Audacity of Hope are very well informed. Yet, h…

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Transgender, Scientologist, “Cult Hero”

…injustice, sexual inhibitions, whatever—are “God’s will” or in some other way beyond human intervention? Not always, of course, but bad religion often reinforces the very neuroses and limitations that hold human beings back… just like Scientology did for Al Bornstein. Now, there are important differences. Bornstein was thrown out of Scientology not for his sexual deviance or some doctrinal dispute, but because he unintentionally exposed a financi…

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Modern Mindfulness, Continued: Chade-Meng Tan Follows Up

…in Asia. In my carelessness, I expressed my frustration with the past in a way that sounded like a sweeping statement about Asian Buddhism today. I apologize for that. One way I could have expressed it: in my part of Asia, when I was growing up, Dharma could often be found in high concentrations, but only in small areas. Perhaps the opposite is true in America today. 3. I think the most important point in this discussion is that we have to hold te…

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Kirk Cameron’s Monumental Reveals Subtle Influence of Christian Reconstructionism

…y to ancient Israel and biblical law: The true roots of America go all the way back to the ancient Hebrew republic. You can trace those roots at Jamestown back to Europe as well. This is the trail of freedom that leads us all the way back to the ancient Hebrews under Moses where he first delivered those laws of liberty—when he told them to elect leaders, men of character that you willingly submit yourself to, to self-govern rather than have a king…

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With James Cone’s Death Comes the Death of Black Theology

…a bit, and thumping the table at Community Food & Juice. People looked our way, trying not to be noticed looking, but what did we care? He was speaking a truth, and I was learning from one of the greatest theological minds of the twentieth century. His critique couldn’t be dismissed, and I couldn’t explain it away; instead, I’ve tried to understand and reflect on it. While the socio-political, economic, and cultural climate motivating the work has…

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Double Helix: Science & Religion as Cultural Kindling; A Response to The New Republic

…th Giberson and Miller ultimately call on, is eventually science explains away the gaps, and space for God becomes smaller and smaller. There’s that whole thing about how you can never (or at least so far no one has been able to) scientifically prove whether prayer works or that God exists. It’s hard to jam religious experience—although many of us scientists have tried—into the controlled experiments of a scientific way of knowing. Again, Coyne’s…

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