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Maybe It’s Time to Admit That The “Grotesque Caricature” of White Evangelicals is the Reality

…led faithful. Indeed, that narrative line, repeated over again in numerous ways, makes up a significant portion of what most Christians refer to as the Old Testament. Another way to put the matter is to say that the Bible isn’t all about love and how you relate to your neighbor, as Christians of a more liberal bent seem to assume privately and when they enter the public sphere. Love’s certainly part of the story too, but it’s not the whole story:…

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Jesus, Gentrification, and the Hypocrisy of “Diversity”: An Interview with D.L. Mayfield

…part of me, and I am comfortable using the insider language and in certain ways find it comforting to be around people who understand me in that way. It seems like evangelical Christians are where I can most be of use in my writing and activism, so I take that pragmatic approach. However, in my day-to-day life I often feel very estranged from the normal trappings of Christianity—the emphasis on raising children in the best (safest) way possible, f…

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Even Amid Controversy, ‘My Soul Still Sings,’ Says UMC’s First Lesbian Bishop

…hopes the countless LGBTQ people who write to her each month feel the same way. She points to the church’s Wesleyan spirituality and the particular way United Methodists “do theology” as among the key reasons she is called to ministry in this particular denomination. She posed a question for other LGBTQ people who may be questioning their place in UMC congregations or any faith community: I think each of us has to say, where is God calling us to b…

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Bipolar Faith, an Autobiography of Race and Mental Illness

…ling Mercies by Anne Lamott. I like how she portrays her faith in ordinary ways that bring grace, depth and humor to the spiritual journey. I don’t think I’m as funny as she is, sometimes I wish I had that kind of humor. But it’s a powerful and accessible way of talking about meeting the holy. I teach it in my course entitled “Theology for Social Justice” at Claremont School of Theology. What’s your next book? I have been thinking of following up…

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Sure, Evangelical Numbers are Steady… But at What Cost?

…s” versus “them” disposition clearly benefits evangelicals in a variety of ways. Individual believers may take comfort in the ability to easily identify one of “us” in an increasingly diverse society, political leaders can use it to mobilize the powerful white evangelical voting bloc, and of course it does seem to, for the time being at least, keep church attendance from going the way of the Mainline. But at what cost? What negative consequences e…

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5 Key Moments From the Year of the ‘Exvangelicals’

…he concerns of the conference’s mostly exvangelical critics seriously. The way the Wheaton summit was covered likely blindsided the conference organizers, who have been accustomed to controlling their media representation. Since then, exvangelical Twitter has continued to explore what was wrong with it, with Michelle Panchuk producing an important thread on why the “best practices” document released by the summit organizers doesn’t represent a ser…

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American Civil Religion is Dead, Long Live American Civil Religion

…stically repellent beyond belief), I want to propose that there is still a way forward for this country: an alternative to the descent into raw tribalism. I believe we can reinvent American civil religion in a way that fully acknowledges the abomination that Dan euphemistically refers to as the Founders’ “rejection of a role in the political body” for African Americans—not to mention a wide range of other foul crimes against people of color, inclu…

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Anti-Gay Republican Senator Comes Out as LGBT Ally

…ith his votes to deny equality to gay and lesbian couples. But, as we’ve always preached in the LGBT community, the best way to bring about change is to get to know an actual living, breathing, LGBT person. Congratulations, then, to Portman for coming around to the right side of history. He’s going to have a rocky time in his own party, as Sen. Marco Rubio affirmed his opposition to marriage equality at CPAC, saying, “Just because I believe that s…

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The Bible Is Not a Diet Plan

…on their own uncomfortable terms, Warren pulls exiled, bewildered Daniel away from the king’s table and demands, “Tell me the secret to controlling your carb intake!” Warren reads the story of Daniel turning away from the king’s sumptuous table and sees a diet. I see a young man turning his back on poisoned luxury in order to save his soul; holding himself aloof from a feasting court and eating a poor man’s food alone in order to let it be known…

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Sarah Palin: Bus Tour of Destruction

…the picture. Whatever you think about Sarah Palin, you have to admit, any way it goes, the dice have rolled right by her, even when it seems she has crapped out. Palin may have taken a hit for quitting the governorship, but hey, when you’ve got your own tour bus like Brent Michaels in “Rock of Love” with your picture painted on it, who wouldn’t quit Alaska and smelling like salmon? Besides, she’s not even riding the bus, she’s flying to each loca…

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