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Republican Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith Spouts Christian Nationalism Defending Racist Voter Suppression

…Georgia, but I can speak for Mississippi on why we would never do that on Sunday or hold an election on a Sunday,” she began, tamely enough, only the invocation of “Southern state” isn’t so much a dog whistle as a police siren. Holding up a dollar bill, Hyde-Smith continued: This is our currency, this is a dollar bill. This says, “The United States of America, In God We Trust.” Etched in stone in the U.S. Senate chamber is “In God We Trust.” When…

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The Failure to Focus on — And Yes, to ‘Cancel’ — Right Wing Antisemitism is a Problem

…hich justifies any response—including violence. If Soros is destroying the country by bringing in a flood of migrants, then hurting migrants and putting them in concentration camps is a patriotic act of self-preservation. For some, antisemitism, in the form of the “Great Replacement” conspiracy, justifies mass violence, whether it’s the murder of 11 Jews in a Pittsburgh synagogue or the murder of 10 African Americans in Buffalo, New York. If the J…

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Herd Heroism in an Age of Rebels: The Cultural Roots of the Anti-Vaxxer Movement

…re a brand of medical libertarianism? Or that state governments across the country rarely move to ensure medical care for the children of objectors, even though courts regularly permit those kinds of policy interventions? Toward the end of the book Offit does pause to reflect on the link between libertarian ideals and our culture of medical objectors. But, in a two hundred-page investigation of the American religious fringe, libertarianism merits…

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Does the President Need Churching?

…that’s sort of a hazard of the job. It’s not like I can simply decide one Sunday to just ignore the alarm, roll over, and not show up. More than a few people would take note – and I don’t think I’d be in the pulpit for very long after being AWOL a few times. Conservative Christians are beginning to take note that President Barack Obama is AWOL from church on Sunday mornings – since he has not yet chosen any church to be “officially” affiliated wi…

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The Next Islamists: The Wide Green Smudge That’s Changing Our World

…build an independent, modernizing republic when almost every other Muslim country was either colonized or petrified). If American policy recognizes the role of the Next Islamists in building a wealthier Muslim world, we may find ourselves unsuspected partners. For we are far away, as Simpfendorfer notes, missing out changes storming across Eurasia. But our very distance could be welcome in an era of rising China, aggressive Russia, and their obvi…

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National Day of Prayer Is Illegal, But Courts Won’t Hear Challenges

…ix this injustice. Last month, the shifting religious demographics in this country hit a new milestone: Religious “nones” are now the largest group in the country. Americans that check “none of the above” on surveys of religious belief now outnumber Catholics and evangelicals. As the “nones” grow, we are working to organize politically and also in our communities. This year, secular Americans are offering a poignant alternative to the day of praye…

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Reverend Billy For Mayor: Is He For Real?

…tics as usual” and choose the practical managerial savvy that made him the country’s eighth-richest person.  “The fact of Bloomberg’s money is actually the biggest advertisement of all,” says Michael O’Neil, media coordinator of the rev’s mayoral campaign. “It is a larger advertisement than what his money can actually buy in terms of advertising.” Talen points a finger at the city’s development policies under Bloomberg, arguing that its support fo…

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The Radical Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Left’s Challenge Today

…detailing the utter corruption of the U.S. “cause” in Southeast Asia: this country’s nine years of covert support for French recolonization efforts, its failure to recognize the Vietnamese determination to be independent from China, its abhorrent marching of Vietnamese women and children into concentration camps (the U.S. military called these “strategic hamlets”), and its indiscriminate use of napalm and Agent Orange to lay waste to the land and…

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Vatican Considers ‘Disordered’ Language; HBO Doc on LGBT Persecution in Russia; Nigerian Bishop Shifts on Anti-Gay Law; Arson at ‘Open Mosque’ in South Africa; Global LGBT Recap

…cept to be “cured.” Israel: Health Ministry Condemns Conversion Therapy On Sunday the Health Ministry issued a warning against therapy designed to change a person’s sexual orientation, and charged practitioners of conversion therapy with misleading their patients by saying reparative therapy has a scientific foundation, according to Times of Israel. Rabbi Ron Yosef, the head of the LGBT Orthodox Hod organization praised the Health Ministry for “ex…

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Women and Children First: Syria’s Day of Dignity

…ical parties, and cuts across economic class, with a strong showing in the countryside. While the regime claims a progressive agenda on gender, neither women nor men are free in an authoritarian state. Women and children are at the forefront of the movement for freedom in Syria, a movement as inclusive as Syria is diverse.   In the Lead-up to Day of Dignity: Children Imprisoned Two dozen schoolchildren tagged the walls of Syria’s southern city of…

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