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A King for Jesus: What the Religious Right Sees in Trump

…respect for me,” he said. “And I will tell you that I’m going to make our country safe. We’re going to have borders in our country which we don’t have now.” His intrusion into Hillary’s speaking space, hovering there as she took her turn, was not rude; it was an assertion of masculine primacy. Only men like him can stand strong, ready to move, at the border. Two thirds of Trump’s followers believe that America has become “too soft and feminine,”…

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Rick Perry’s Jesus Imperative: A Report from Saturday’s Mega-Rally

…l Hospital) prostrated herself on the floor. “Like all of you, I love this country this deeply,” intoned the governor who once publicly mused about his state seceding. “Indeed the only thing you love more,” he added, as the audience held its collective breath, praying he wouldn’t say something that fell short of expectations, “is the living Christ.” A collective exhale for him getting it right; the governor was exalted. The people who gathered at…

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8: The Mormon Proposition Gets It Right

…urch has now branded itself as the leading anti-gay-rights religion in the country. That’s an expensive bit of turf to hold in an unsustainable legal and political fight. Every day, I read news stories from across the country about Mormons. And let me tell you, this movie alone has gotten ten times more coverage than the Church’s incredible humanitarian efforts in Haiti and the greening of its chapels combined.   Perhaps it is because the leveragi…

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Loving Uganda to Death: The Global Reach of Far-Right Christian Hatred

…arriors have in Uganda comes from the money their ministries pour into the country along with their missionaries. At the massive Miracle Center Cathedral, the biggest megachurch in Uganda, the high-living pastor is quite frank that “American money helped us build this church,” adding, “whatever you see here is the fruit of American labor.” In another clip, a pastor marvels that aid from U.S. evangelicals increased threefold when they started attac…

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The Bible is a Good Book, But God Didn’t Write It

…ng—and you should. This country is basically a center-right to center-left country and if we could rotate a competent center-right with a competent-center left person then I think we’d have a healthy country. I think your book could help people make a critical assessment of how religion is being used in politics because if they understood the Bible then they would recognize when it’s being misused and abused.  It seems to me that what the Christia…

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The Problem We All Live With: Bearing Witness, But Never Finding Justice

…is a shame that Black folk and our allies have been saying this since this country became a republic and united itself around the notion of freedom. “The murders of Sterling and Castile reveal the awful fact that this brand of tragedy has become routine. The videos of their deaths allow us to bear witness, but it will not necessarily bring justice.” But we began this on the bad foot of Article I, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution of 1787 that de…

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Why Can’t the Vatican Hear Women?

…ce spent years blocking access to contraception after it colluded with the country’s leadership to mandate a national family planning program that only offered natural family planning. Just this spring the Supreme Court finally upheld an historic measure to restore contraceptive funding after the bishops challenged it as a violation of the constitution’s protection of life. But for more than a decade, poor women in the country were denied access t…

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Today We Pray for Women for Whom Pregnancy is Not Good News …

…loud video is played upon request for women in abortion clinics across the country, including the RRWC. “Whatever you decide to do, I want you to know that God is with you. God is with you right now in the abortion clinic,” Rev. Turner, wearing her collar, tells viewers in a gentle voice. “The Bible says that nothing can ever separate us from the love of God.” For women who struggle to integrate their reproductive choices with their spirituality,…

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How Protesting Black Bodies are Imagined as a Threat to National Pride

…for all right now…I have family, I have friends that have fought for this country. They fight for liberty and justice, for everyone… Here Kaepernick invokes a long legacy of criticism—often referred to as the American jeremiad—that directs attention to the gap between ideals and reality. While critique is directed toward the failure to live up to certain lofty, democratic notions, the sacred quality of these notions (liberty, justice for all) is…

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Can a Greek Monastery Be Ground Zero of Global Financial Meltdown?

…old War, and a three-year civil war, from 1946-1949, further decimated the country. The country opted for tourism in the 1960s, arguably the least “trickle-down” of all economic forms, and thus made itself further dependent upon and vulnerable to European whims. The U.S.-supported military junta was not expelled until 1974. And so on.)  How to Sue a Monastery Into that atmosphere—one part boom town, and one part Wild West—we now inject the unlikel…

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