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Charleston Killings: This is What a Sin Against the Holy Spirit Looks Like

…o were begging him to stop, “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.” “You have to go.” How many white men, all bearing the mark of Cain, have murdered their brothers and sisters because the very existence of a dark-skinned sibling–a sibling possibly more be​loved of God than they–became intolerable? Elsewhere in his writings, James Baldwin celebrates the beauty and grace of American black people who have known t…

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Pakistan’s ‘Martyrs of Love’ Under Attack

…scern the undeniable fact that the agents of intolerance operating in that country are not arbitrary in the targets they select. The Ahmadi community—a frequent target of state-sponsored discrimination—has been in their sights for years, most recently by being denied access to flood relief aid as punishment for their allegedly heretical beliefs. Similarly, the Pakistani Shi’i community has increasingly fallen victim to indiscriminate acts of viole…

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Yes, It’s Worse To Be Gay in Russia

…ation supports the right to same-sex marriage is clearly not the same as a country in which a majority of the population either definitely supports or leans toward supporting a nationwide “don’t say gay” law.  According to the Levada Center poll, which asked Russians about a series of recently passed authoritarian laws infringing on rights officially guaranteed by the Russian constitution, only 59% of the respondents were aware of the law banning…

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Church and State in Mexico: A Political Party Wavers on Women’s Rights

…a’s leadership, the government unabashedly and successfully introduced the country to contraception in the 1970s. Echeverría believed that, without family planning, Mexico’s birth rate would cripple its economic growth and result in heavy unemployment in coming years. With slogans like “paternidad responsible” (responsible parenthood) and “la familia pequeña vive mejor” (small families live better), the government always framed its family planning…

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American Civil Religion is Dead, Long Live American Civil Religion

…ial destiny or is interested in mending our “every flaw.” Try this: 1. Our country’s history has been a mixed bag from the start, with white male supremacy and white racist violence lying at the very core of the Anglo colonial culture—and with that toxic inheritance carrying right through into the revolutionary period and into the young republic and down to the present day; 2. That real history also shows clearly that resistance and revolt from be…

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The Contested Religious Powers of Baseball on Display in Cuba

…old me, “then maybe I can go there.” He didn’t explain how he could love a country he’d never seen. We both knew why: the freedoms I enjoy, which he does not have. This is an astounding recollection, both for its frank admission and potentially worrisome projections. Morosi admits he didn’t need to receive (or ask for?) any deeper explanation for the driver’s declaration of cross-country love because he already knew the answer. In this respect Mor…

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Pricking the Conscience of Churches: From AIDS Activism to Ending World Hunger

…rate of death. This good news was offset by immense apathy that swept this country, along with a mindset that it was impossible to share this medicine with the impoverished of the world in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. My book was an attempt to express what I heard as God’s cry for the marginalized around the world. I saw it academically as an essay in practical theology, but I remember wondering, when I was writing it, if the rhetoric was too…

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Wesolowski Sexual Abuse Case a New Approach or Same Old Same Old?

…church. How odd that a Polish priest would be assigned to a Latin American country, though he had the same job in Bolivia before repairing to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and environs for another posting. All this leads me to wonder what could be done so readily in such disparate places. Conclusion: probably not much, and/or maybe more of the same. But let’s not go there. It’s reported that in Santo Domingo Wesolowski was “a ceremonial dean of the inte…

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From Original Sin to Flattering Mirror: The Uses and Misuses of Civil Rights History

…society was turned into one that demonstrated how great and expansive the country was—a story of individual bravery, natural evolution, and the long march to “a more perfect union.” A story that should have reflected the immense injustices at the nation’s core and the enormous lengths people had gone to attack them had become a flattering mirror. The popular history of the civil rights movement now served as testament to the power of American dem…

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Obama Gets Religion in Indonesia

…m it. He does create a wonderful tension that shows that a Muslim-majority country, the largest Muslim population country in the world, is successfully navigating a multi-faith environment, whereas religion is becoming so politicized in the US that we are having a hard time navigating that space well. Obama’s Jakarta speech shows a real maturation in his use of the language of religion, and his understanding of the dynamics of the Muslim-majority…

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