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파워볼최상위✐(lv-2021,ⓒ⓪m 텔레ʀ⓪ʀ⓪ʀ⓪⑴⑴⑨ 코드ⓐⓐⓐⓐ﹜✫파워볼 에볼루션 파워볼놀이터 동행복권추천 파워볼사이트

Do Make Trouble: The Complex World of Radical Jewish ‘Revenge Theologian,’ Meir Kahane

…se he saw that the Jews could survive in America if they created for themselves, not an enclave like you see with the [Hasidic] Satmar [community], but a sense of pride where Jews would marry and hang around with other Jews and act exclusively for the sake of Jews and Jewishness. And, if necessary, make other people afraid of them, frankly. How did Kahane understand antisemitism and how has his understanding of antisemitism influenced, not just th…

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Is Zionism No Longer Able to Offer Solutions to the Present Reality?

…ins alive mostly to make liberal Zionists in America feel good about themselves. Few in Israel, Jew or Palestinian, really believe it anymore.” In other words, it enables liberal Zionists to remain “troubled and yet committed.” Not a new reality, a new story What Hartman is trying to do in his essay is make liberal Zionists relevant again; to make them part of a conversation that now largely excludes them. He argues that liberal Zionists should si…

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Atheist Richard Dawkins Swings to Anti-Trans Right in Grasp at Broader Intellectual Relevance

…t Sam Harris and the other New Atheists’ Islamophobia. Pot, meet kettle. In 2021, we find ourselves in a timeline in which Greenwald himself is spreading transphobic rhetoric and granting multiple interviews to Tucker Carlson (whom Greenwald calls a socialist), giving right-wing rhetoric access to his substantial online following. Truly the dangerous death throes of another angry, white male intellectual destroying his own reputation. And, while D…

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‘Landmark’ Speech From LDS Leader on LGBTQ Rights and Religious Freedom Was More Like a Sunnier Groundhog Day

…n line with the Church’s refusal to acknowledge that trans people exist, in 2021, the deadliest year on record for transgender people, the exclusion from the speech speaks volumes.) As in the UVA speech, in his 2015 speech Oaks criticized a “county clerk,” reported to have been Kim Davis, for refusing to grant gay marriage licenses based on her religious beliefs. And again, just like in the UVA speech, he stated that “both sides” should seek balan…

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Gen Z is Turning Away From Religion in Order to Live Out Their Values

…ustice, and more. This is according to The State of Religion & Young People 2021 from Springtide Research Institute, where I serve as Executive Director, which surveyed over 10,000 young people between the ages of 13-25 about their spirituality. This disconnect in values is likely a major reason why, although 71% of young people told us they’re at least slightly religious, only 16% said they turn to someone from their religious community during ch…

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Sharing Many of the Same Flaws as its Subject ‘The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill’ Podcast Puts Blame Anywhere But Where It Belongs

…w the desire to “do something with your life” attracted young men to Neo-Calvinism at the turn of the 21st century. However, Cosper could have just as easily included audio of Piper’s response to the question of whether or not wives should endure abuse in marriage, captured in a video available here, where this member of the Council of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood and supposed mentor to Mark Driscoll among other young church planters, describes…

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New Patriarch, Same Patriarchy: Despite Glowing Praise For New SBC President, There’s Just One Problem

…the midst of tense debates around race, gender, and partisan politics, the 2021 Southern Baptist Convention made waves by narrowly electing Ed Litton, a white Alabama pastor known for his commitment to racial reconciliation, to serve as its new president. Litton beat out his opponent, far-right Georgia pastor Mike Stone, by fewer than 600 of over 13,000 votes in a runoff election that many believed would be a turning point for a denomination look…

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Pittsburgh Paradox: A City Haunted by God and Steel

…The train, Cather writes with auspicious significance, was bound for Pennsylvania. With good reason “Paul’s Case” has been read as a queer encomium, his tragic death a “gay suicide.” Without discounting that, note how Cather’s description of Paul’s death also has mystical elements with his final merging into an infinity pregnant with meaning. As much martyrdom as suicide, and while the character rebels against Pittsburgh’s Calvinism, it was within…

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In Just 10 Years ‘The Book of Mormon’ Musical Has Gone From America’s Darling to America’s Latest Problem — The Inverse of the Mormon Story

…n puts identity at the center of its humor in ways that are much riskier in 2021 than they were even ten years ago, its jokes presuming too much idealization for whiteness and what it represents. Like actual Mormons, then, the satirical musical’s carefully constructed trajectory into America’s heart now seems miscalculated. In positioning Mormonism’s exaggerated whiteness and bright-eyed Disney demeanor against an invented Africa, equally buffooni…

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Please Stop Using Islam to Critique the Abortion Ban: It Only Excuses the Very Christian, Very White Roots of Anti-Choice Movements

…but also encourages citizens to bring private lawsuits against anyone involved in “knowingly engag[ing] in conduct that aids or abets the performance or inducement of an abortion,” awarding plaintiffs at least $10,000 (to be paid by the abortion provider or person assisting abortion patients) if successful in their suit. This financial incentivization of litigation—offering literal bounties to those plaintiffs who win in court—almost certainly gu…

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