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Don’t Ignore the Role of “Christian Values” in Conservative Conspiracy

…n voters to stand up to the Illuminati with their votes in support of God, American values and their understanding of the American traditional family. Writing about the culture wars of the late 1960s and of today religion scholar Stephen Prothero observed that: In the contemporary culture wars, the maw of cultural politics opened wide and nearly swallowed civil society whole. Culture warriors continued to fight over religion, family, sexuality, ra…

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Transforming America’s Israel Lobby

…lled for. It is up to us to give politicians, policymakers, and non-Jewish Americans the confidence that American Jews expect new approaches to the Arab-Israeli conflict and new ways of talking about it. Ending the Silence about Israel and Human Rights “It blows my mind that my Jewish brothers and sisters, who are with me on Darfur, who were with me on South Africa, can’t bend themselves to deal with injustice to the Palestinians,” said Reverend D…

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Pariah or Charmed Hero: America’s Obsession with Jews and Israel

…se he is black. This is the dirty little secret of a certain generation of American Jews. American Jewry has spent so much energy fighting anti-Semitism that it has refused to see racism (including Islamophobia) in its own ranks. Regarding the evangelical Christian Zionists, they won’t vote for Obama as they are the Republican base. So why pander? We should recall that the McCain/Palin ticket has said they would not sit down with the prime ministe…

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American Civil Religion is Dead, Long Live American Civil Religion

…cultures while they are also expected to understand and respect the common American culture; 4. We acknowledge the nobility of the American experiment even as we acknowledge certain “flaws” that God needs to “mend” (in the prayer-hymn wording of Katherine Lee Bates). Now suppose we update this problematic creed for the sake of telling the truth, junking the impossible notion that God has somehow chosen the United States for a special destiny or is…

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The Brutality of the American Eden

…rily a story of how religion has interacted with some of the big events of American history. American religious expression—its music and art, its stories of internal spiritual quests, its embodiment, its wild profusion of utopian groups, its history of ritual practices—will have to be found elsewhere. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. God knows, while Glenn Beck rants in Twitter-like aphorisms condensing David Barton’s execrable version o…

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A Boundary-Busting Memoir of Love, Mental Illness, and Being Muslim in America

…And a riveting read. RD: What inspired you to write How to Be a Muslim: An American Story? Haroon Moghul: Officially, this book began, in very, very different form, when a contact at a major university press asked me to write a textbook about Islam in America. I could not believe my good fortune. I’d taken summer classes at Yale, and still got turned down when it came to college. Fail. But here I was, a Yale reject, about to have Yale publish my b…

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Searching for Moral High Ground While Houston Drowns: A Perspective on the Lakewood Church Controversy

…e in the Great Recession. This correlation highlights how certain veins of American Christianity function so closely with some of the core American ideals around free-market capitalism, wealth and consumerism. Prosperity gospel, for instance, only makes logical sense in a system of free-market capitalism. Those core American ideals have come under assault in very public ways when measured against the yardstick of liberation theology and faith-base…

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QAnon Didn’t Just Spring Forth From the Void — It’s the Latest From a Familiar Movement

…utsiders. So we tell ourselves these stories about what happens when white American women and children are either forced into—or choose to come into—sexual contact with religious outsiders who are also raced. The violation of a Betty Mahmoody [the author of Not Without My Daughter] also becomes the violation of the American body politic, because the white woman gets to stand in for us as a country. Her violation becomes our violation, and her esca…

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The ‘Fake Christian’ Deflection and Contrarian Concern Trolling: How Not to Write about Evangelical Authoritarianism

…t, “Since the megachurch movement took off in the 1990s, the percentage of Americans identifying as evangelical has declined from nearly a third to just over a fifth,” suggesting direct causality. But of course, correlation isn’t causation. And sociologists have long since established that it’s actually the evangelical culture wars and the association of American Christianity with the political Right that caused the rapid decline in religious affi…

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Pat Robertson’s Women Warriors Leading Spiritual Warfare In Zimbabwe

…cutive director of the African Centre for Law and Justice, a branch of the American Center for Law and Justice, founded by Pat Robertson in 1990 as a “Christian” answer to the American Civil Liberties Union. Although Robertson remains the organization’s president, its day-to-day operations are run by litigator, activist, and radio and television host Jay Sekulow. The ALCJ portrays itself as the voice of God-fearing, America-loving Christians battl…

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