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LGBT Human Rights in UN Sustainable Development Negotiation; Swiss Bishop Says Speaking of ‘Family Diversity’ is ‘Attack on the Creator’; Canadian Food Bank’s Anti-Gay Dogma; Global LGBT Recap

…s of life in several Arab countries, including Libya, Oman, Palestine, and Saudi Arabia. One of them, Nuwas, has studied the Qur’an and describes his take on religion as “neo-Islam”: “In Oman, we have bars and clubs where alcohol is sold. Alcohol is explicitly mentioned in the Qur’an. We’re fine with people getting drunk, but being gay is frowned upon. “My atheist and agnostic friends are like ‘Come on, you’re not really Muslim’ and the Muslims ar…

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Report from Paris During COP21: Let Us Not Commit Global Suicide

…d more technical talks are over and the political ones are about to begin. Saudi Arabia seems to be everybody’s favorite bad guy at the moment. France, China, the United States seem to be in favor. And people are looking for a place beyond the lines, outside the reach of the police, to express themselves. The weekend has been called “A TIME OF GLOBAL REFLECTION ON CLIMATE DISRUPTION.” Time to pray, while waiting. Time to meditate, while waiting. T…

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Reporting from Paris During COP21: A Haunted Sabbath

…s. GreenFaith did its daily broadcast, once again targeting the bad guy of Saudi Arabia and wondering how they had spent their Sunday. They did not appear to have a brunch invitation. I walked by a totally dark Chinese embassy, which, nonetheless, had enormous security, and a totally lit French Assembly. They were working there. I also made the visit I didn’t want to make to Place Republique, knowing that it would be like things were after 9/11. M…

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Beyond Tolerance: Helping Religions “Come Out”

…these support groups—one at UCLA and another at Stanford University—were housed under the Hillel Jewish campus umbrella, they attracted students from across the religious spectrum. Catholics, Muslims, Protestants, and even a Zoroastrian student, sought out these groups because they were the only spaces on campus where one could discern how an LGBTQI identity could possibly coexist within a distinct religious, spiritual, or cultural framework. An u…

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Neither Radical Nor Secular: The West Struggles with the New Islamism

…ation is unique, and that Arabs are inherently incapable of democracy. Because of their inability to create democracy, goes the conventional wisdom, an idea has been promoted that the Arabs need a strong ruler to lead. In the interest of “stability,” international aid was given in the form of guns, money, and diplomatic legitimacy to support authoritarian post-colonial regimes across the Middle East. A second misconception derives from the view th…

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Grab ‘n Go – Investigative Thriller Follows Covert Efforts to Control the Source of Life But Comes Up Short on Analysis

…massive Wikileaks trove of diplomatic cables to track down a massive Saudi Arabian investment in Arizona land, where Saudi-employed “farmers” now grow prodigious amounts of hay, sucking up precious water from a rapidly dwindling aquifer. Wall Street is next up for treatment. The team comes across an obscure investor-backed trust company that purchases vast tracts of US farmland, which is then leased to foreign interests. When confronted, the smoot…

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Forget the Pope—We Need a New Caliph!

…ich is a problem even though the rest of his hair is really cool. (IX) The Saudi Royal Family The Good: The House of Saud, currently led by King Abdullah, are the authoritarian Wahhabi rulers of the modern Hejaz area which includes Islam’s two holiest cities, Mecca, the site of the Kaaba and annual Hajj, and Medina, the city of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). As such, the Saudi Royal Family believe they are the rightful custodians and ca…

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Hajj Journal: M & M

…they are the masters. Around 2 a.m. I went downstairs with my backpack because I was so anxious about the hajj that I could not sleep. As it was, bus number one had not yet departed and I was ordered to get on it. Good thing too, because bus number two did not leave for another eight hours! Anyway, eventually we are all there in the camp and there is only one night before we proceed to Arafat. Wuquf Arafat, standing on the plains of Mt. Arafat is…

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Sex and the Ummah

…r,) about the Gulf. Because then there was this story from the Gulf. Some “Saudi Prince” is accused of the gruesome murder of his male servant, with whom he had been traveling for several months. He is also accused of being gay. He denies both claims. However, as for sleeping in the same bed, as reported from one of the hotels, he says, there was no other room in the inn. And although there was sofa in that same room, he did not want his servant s…

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New Book Reveals How Faith is Like a Covert Operation for the Bush Family

…y, which Woodward denies he held, he was a frequent visitor to the White House. The Saudi Royal Family: Baker details the Bush family’s personal, political, and business connections to the Saudi royal family; and to apparent international slush funds and money-laundering schemes. Much of this is told in such a matter-of-fact fashion that it is easy to lose sight of the significance of many of the individual facts. Read more here. The layers of sec…

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