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What Coverage of a Fatal Orthodox Baptism Reveals About Western Media

…m of infants, eventually returned to full-immersion baptism. It’s the medieval, pre-Reformation context that’s important here, however. Because like many ancient liturgical practices retained in the East, full-immersion baptism became an important marker of Eastern Christian identity—particularly as increasingly numbers of Eastern Christians became the simultaneous targets of Western crusaders and Islamic conquerors. In this context, rigid adheren…

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Why #FreeBritney is an #Exvangelical Cause

…evangelicalism. Born and raised in the Bible Belt and surrounded by conservative evangelical Protestants, Spears grew up Southern Baptist and spent her childhood performing in Baptist choirs. For her very first stage performance, when she was five years old, she sang “What Child Is This” at her kindergarten graduation. Spears was actually a standard-bearer for evangelicalism, especially evangelical purity culture, about which numerous articles ha…

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New Poll: Repeal DOMA

…hite, but the majority of those polled were women at 53 percent. While the numbers may seem surprising, in light of conservatives’ historically strong support for states’ rights on this issue perhaps they shouldn’t be. Potential 2012 Republican presidential candidates like Texas Congressman Ron Paul and former Louisiana governor Buddy Roemer are already talking about leaving marriage to the states. Paul said the bottom line is that government shou…

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Conservative Christians Oppose New ‘Inter-Religious’ University

…ally at stake in the furor of criticism? What trends do they signal? Conservative schools that fight interreligious education isolate themselves behind higher and higher walls, rather like the walls U.S. embassies have to build to protect themselves from increasingly hostile populations. At stake, they say, is the unity of truth and the preservation of the historic Christian faith (the two notions often being identified). To choose dialogue is to…

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As Florida Attempts to Make it Illegal, an Argument for the Sacred Work of White Discomfort

…articularly in white evangelical circles, discomfort is central to both salvation and discipleship. In traditional revival meetings, the experience of discomfort was even institutionalized, represented by the “mourner’s bench”—also tellingly called the “anxious bench”—where those wrestling with a newfound conviction of their sins would visibly struggle in prayer, often crying out or wailing as the reality came crashing into their consciousness. Th…

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Orthodox Rabbi Imitates Pat Robertson

…of homosexuals and homosexuality on an unwilling military. This is the equivalent of the spiritual rape of our military to satisfy the most extreme and selfish cadre of President Obama’s kooky coalition. When it comes to “kooky” Levin knows his stuff. His release goes on to mimic Robertson’s past statements about gays and lesbians – and the alleged acceptance they are currently enjoying in the United States – as the cause of natural disasters such…

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Violent, Genocidal Anti-Palestinian Rhetoric Moving to US?

…se, his funeral last October was the largest in the country’s history, with 800,000 Israelis attending. In the past month, Rabbi Noam Perel, head of Bnei Akiva, the largest Jewish religious youth group in the world, called for the mass-murder of Palestinians and for their foreskins to be scalped and brought back as trophies, alluding to an episode in the Book of Samuel; and a Jerusalem city councillor, in charge of security, encouraged a crowd to…

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Reading Beinart and Lerner as Gaza Burns

…irely from the American scene. In short, his motive is a fear for the survival his people—precisely the kind of fear that has motivated so many Zionists. And he has another, less obvious, motive. Liberal American Jews, he writes, “must see their own honor as bound up with the honor of the Jewish state.” And the only honorable course is to resist a military occupation built on an illiberal cult of power legitimated by Orthodox religiosity. It’s a m…

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The Right Questions Kamala Harris’ Blackness — Yet as Long as She Holds Any Power She’ll Always Be Too Black for Them

…rhaps we can nudge the Republican VP-nominee and Mountain Dew defender, JD Vance (whose various birth certificate alterations don’t appear to be of concern to the Right), to weigh in on her make-up skills since he’s so precise with his eyeliner. Look, I’m not telling you to vote for a Black woman or an orange person (whose running mate may want to pick up some better internet-search skills using the incognito option). Since I’m probably not mature…

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The Intellectual Source Code For National Conservatism Can Be Found at This Niche Catholic Publication

…produced some of the most fruitful arguments in support of National Conservatism, the insurgent political movement of religious and cultural conservatives aiming to reconstitute politics on “illiberal” or “post-liberal” nationalist (and Christian) foundations. The primary aim of the National Conservative movement is to reshape national identity around traditional ethnic, family, and religious values and institutions that better reflect humanity a…

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