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3 Reasons Catholic Bishops Are Holding Their Tongues on GOP Health Care Debacle

…al to the poor and marginalized and “fundamentally alter the social safety net for millions of people,” they have limited their objections to written statements from Bishop Frank Dewane, chairman of Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, a little known backbencher with virtually no profile in the national media. As Michael Sean Winters noted in the National Catholic Reporter: …there was no “postcard campaign” like the bishops launche…

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Maybe Instead of Solidarity, The Religious Left Should Try Being Indivisible

…ently bite his lip, then pledge to burn another piece of the social safety net to the ground ought to understand that. Raising money for the opponents of miscreant politicians just might change their course, though. Symbolic demonstrations representing a moral worldview do nothing. The implied threat that those same people in the streets today are going to make politicians’ lives a living hell tomorrow by tying their offices in knots does. Writing…

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The Ineffective “Francis Effect”

…y than that of his grouchy predecessor Benedict, but not by much. Francis’ net favorability rating is only six points higher than Benedict’s, which attests not so much to Benedict’s popularity as to the fact that Catholics really don’t pay all that much attention to what the pope does or says. He’s more like a mascot than a leader.   Francis is a cuddlier mascot but hasn’t propelled as much change as the ecstatic media coverage of his papacy sugge…

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Should The Senate Listen To A Court-Martialed Chaplain on DADT?

…aking over the military); Joseph Farah, editor of the conspiratorial World Net Daily; the American Family Association, whose public policy director Bryan Fischer asserts there is a link between Nazism and homosexuality. I could name more (like Rusty Thomas of Elijah Ministries, who worked with Fischer in Idaho organizing a conference against “sodomites”), but let me just highlight the crowning touch: one of the signatories includes a former Navy c…

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Listening in on the Right-Wing Fringe: Gay Marriage Edition

…ng internal debates about big issues like marriage equality. Over at World Net Daily (which features such fact-challenged articles on how terrorists are setting wildfires and ads that promise to show you how to get an untraceable AR-15) there’s a fairly comprehensive article laying out the argument between those who wish to privatize marriage, and those who believe the government’s role is a necessary evil … for the children. Those speaking in fav…

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Glenn Beck’s ‘Social Justice’ Heresies

…given the church exclusively.”) Religious liberals who protest Beck’s theological heresies would do well to recognize the dangers of his other heresies as well. It’s not enough to defend the Bible from Glenn Beck; liberals will also need to defend the role of government in creating a social safety net and a regulatory structure that protects and enhances the economic lives of its citizens. While Beck has his conservative critics, they do agree on…

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Despite Religious Violence, Egyptian Mosques Calling for Muslim-Christian Unity

…ke are launching in the coming days a new initiative called ‘TahrirSquared.Net’, that aims to increase common civil society actions in Egypt and the region – wherever the Tahrir Square effect of joining hands against disunity and injustice has been multiplied. It was multiplied in the ‘Today, I am a Muslim too’ rally that took place in New York city, on March 6th. I saw reports of that rally from Cairo, and I saw the same imperative there on my sc…

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Turn Off, Slow Down, Drop In: The Digital Generation Reinvents the Sabbath

…pressions of compassion, it was clear that this connectedness mattered—the network was a kind of safety net. And, for my part, I was grateful, even in my very loose personal connection to them, to be aware of what was going on and to be able to hold them and their babies in my heart that day.  Banishing Technology Adam and Sarah have been on my mind a great deal this week as I reflect on a very different social media experience: next weekend’s Nat…

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Why Conservatives are Turning on Beck

…tion, and about how the film being promoted by a former colleague of World Net Daily’s Aaron Klein, who was one of the first conservative writers to jump on the conspiracy train: lest you forget, that line of thinking goes, Mohamed ElBaradei, while head of the IAEA, let Iran off the hook on its nuclear ambitions; ElBaradei’s OK with the Muslim Brotherhood; therefore he must be behind the plot to install a nuclear-armed-Islamic-caliphate-that-will-…

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GOP Hopeful Herman Cain: Jesus was “The Perfect Conservative”

…ntinued to step those up. Last month he wrote a Christmas column for World Net Daily titled “An Example for America: The Perfect Conservative” in which he turned the carpenter from Nazareth into Ronald Reagan: He helped the poor without one government program. He healed the sick without a government health-care system. He fed the hungry without food stamps. And everywhere He went, it turned into a rally, attracting large crowds and giving people h…

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