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Religious Conspiracy Theories About Giffords Shooting Emerge

…touted by Jerome Corsi, the conspiratory theorist and contributor to World Net Daily who co-authored the book of Swift Boat attacks on John Kerry in 2004, and whose 2008 book Obama Nation was filled with falsehoods about the then-presidential candidate. Corsi is also a notorious birther. Gallups, as documented by Richard Bartholomew last summer, previously produced a video, “Jesus Saw Satan as Baraq Ubamah,” and opined that the gulf oil spill was…

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Condoms and Common Sense

…it as a real or moral solution, but, in this or that case, there can be nonetheless, in the intention of reducing the risk of infection, a first step in a movement toward a different way, a more human way, of living sexuality. This exchange summarized several hundred words on the subject. The Pope repeated frequent Vatican claims that condoms are not the answer to AIDS before adding, for the first time that: [T]here may be a basis in the case of…

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McCarthy, Born Again and Retooled for Our Time

…ripped from the headlines of the sensationalistic conservative site World Net Daily, but the setting was far more staid. The speaker, David Noebel, part of The King’s College Distinguished Visitors series, was introduced by outgoing King’s Provost and World magazine editor Marvin Olasky as “one of the long-lasting stalwarts of fighting for a lot of things we’re for here at King’s: religious, political, and economic liberty.” King’s, a Christian s…

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Tony Perkins: Soldiers Will Quit if Gays Can Serve Openly

…side the debatable assumption that the draft is a bad thing (it could be a net positive, especially with a German-style alternative service proviso), does Perkins really think that the same men and women who will walk exposed into enemy fire to save their buddies would be scared to serve next to a gay man or lesbian? Really? Well, not exactly. As butch as Perkins’ understanding of how the military works is, it has less to do with the physical prot…

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The Economy is Sacred, Stupid

…ir right mind would read a blog on the sociology of money at “”?!!! Christians in particular understand the dangers and temptations of mammon. They have a long history of warning against worshipping this false god, a point of great emphasis in the New Testament and tied to concerns about wealth, debt, and greed. For many good Christian Americans, the boundaries between religious life and work life are clear, separate, distinct. For…

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“Far Too Extreme For America To Accept,” Hamas “Endorsed Obama,” “Forced Abortions,” and More

…ical attack ad, starting last Friday. Using clips from, World Net Daily, Fox Business,, and Glenn Beck, narrator E. W. Jackson invokes the boogeymen of ACORN, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the New Black Panther Party, Hamas, and Mao Tse-Tung to paint President Obama and the Democratic Party as “extreme,” “treacherous,” “socialist,” and “with hostility” towards America. As I wrote two years ago during the presidential campaign, the…

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The Real Context Of The “Taliban Dan” Ad

…Reconstructionist Gary DeMar’s work in “Optional Resources.”  Over at AlterNet, Bruce Wilson writes that Gothard wanted to use Christian Reconstructionist R.J. Rushdoony’s seminal Institutes of Biblical Law for his programs if it weren’t for their disagreement over divorce. In his post, Wilson focuses too much on the issue of the capital offenses for which some Reconstructionists advocate stoning. That emphasis favors sensationalism over more pres…

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New Report: Prop. 8 Was Parent-Approved

…n marry princes and “I can marry a princess.” Almost three-quarters of the net movement toward the ban was among parents with kids under 18 living at home. Approximately 500,000 of them moved away from us. The lesson of the Yes on 8 campaign: when parents hear that their kids are in danger, even if it’s a lie some of them believe it—particularly when the lie largely goes unanswered. Fleischer was critical of the No on 8 campaign for not rebutting…

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Does Hitchens Have a Prayer?

…ect the impulse to be almost as spontaneous, say, as logging onto the Internet. That’s what I intend to do as soon as I’ve formed some of my own thoughts on this. It’s possible I will discover that there is also a heated discussion on whether a person ought to form his or her own thoughts before logging onto the Internet, but I need to digest one controversy at a time. My first thought here and the easiest to dispense with is that some might balk…

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Why Do Evangelicals And Dems Want Immigration Reform?

…ho knew? In any event, I don’t have much to say about the “evangelical cabinet” itself, other than that a number of them have advocated for the “broader social agenda” among evangelicals, about which more in a moment. As for why the Obama administration and more-or-less conservative evangelical leaders might find common ground on the immigration issue, it’s simple math. Demographics explain why Democrats want immigration reform: Hispanics will dri…

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