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Archbishops Try to Hold it Together, Order Re-Vote on Women Bishops

…rdained in 1994.  Perhaps women priests can be forgiven for not turning the 1400-year-old ship around after just 18 years on the top deck—not even at the helm, mind you, for that would require ordination to the episcopacy—just no longer under the deck. And for their next act, perhaps they can turn water into wine. Part the sea. And solve the Palestinian crisis. History is on the side of gender equality. And, to be frank, history is also on the sid…

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From Confusion to Kardashian: Misreading the Middle East

…live tweeted from Gaza. Hacker collective Anonymous tied its disruption of official Israeli Twitter accounts to its intervention against Mubarak’s authoritarianism.  Among celebrities, too, there were consequences. Stevie Wonder, a “messenger of peace” and fundraiser for the IDF, canceled a concert for the latter’s benefit. Kim Kardashian, whose prayers of sympathy for Israelis under threat of Hamas’ indiscriminate rocket fire, drew anger, uglines…

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Five Women President Obama Should Invite to Give the Inaugural Benediction

…Los Angeles and a respected Jewish voice on matters of social justice and spiritual revitalization. Sanaa Nadim: Nadim (pictured above in official White House photo) is one of the first Muslim chaplains at an American university and among the first women to serve as a Muslim university chaplain. Anapesi Kaili: A Mormon Tongan-American community organizer and founder of the HYPE (Helping Youth Pursue Emancipation) Movement for and by Pacific Islan…

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Mourning Jenni Rivera: “When a Lady Dies”

…at is a religion of the streets. Seen in religious processions, shrines to official and folk saints, and public altars, this Roman Catholic spirituality brings communities together to celebrate and mourn. Mexico has had its share of daughters whose struggles have led them to be remembered more by tragedy than triumph. We remember La Malinche, Cortés translator and lover, who was forced into servitude like so many other indigenous women during the…

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The Year in Mormons: Top 7 Stories of 2012

…hunch, not a scientific observation: we’re still waiting for the Pew Forum numbers on this one. But can you really talk Mormons in 2012 without saying the names Jimmer Fredette, Manti Te’o, and Jabari Parker? Te’o, a linebacker from Laie, Hawaii, finished his senior season at Notre Dame as the most decorated defensive player in collegiate football history. Shooting guard Fredette finished his senior season at Brigham Young University as the leadin…

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God Will Not Make You Straight: An Interview with GCN’s Justin Lee

…nged and I’m no longer attracted to the same sex, I’m attracted to the opposite sex.” When I would ask those questions point blank I would find out these people weren’t changing. Not only that but they push these theories. I heard over and over again that I must have had a distant father or an overbearing mother and this was why I was gay. When I told them that was not true and that I have a great relationship with both of my parents, I was basica…

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The Not-So-Lofty Origins of the Evangelical Pro-Life Movement

…states that life begins at conception,” Falwell declared, referencing Luke 1:39–44 and Psalm 139:13–16. “Abortion is not birth control nor family planning. It is murder according to the Word of God… It is time that medical students as well as every other person in our United States put those words ‘from the time of conception’ back into their thinking.” Falwell and his array of allies disseminated this interpretation of the Bible, in a top-down p…

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Faith and Football: What the Gospel Church Can Learn from the NFL

Did you catch the 14th Annual Official NFL Super Bowl Gospel Celebration on the Friday before Super Bowl XLVII? Yeah, me neither. In fact, I’m a little embarrassed to admit that despite having spent the better part of my adult life studying and writing about gospel (albeit the Southern white variety rather than the more familiar black gospel tradition featured at the Super Bowl event), I had never heard of this “faith and football” celebration be…

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May We All Be More Like Dick Molpus

…ion Church in Longdale, MS. Twenty-five years prior, on the evening of June 16, 1964, Mt. Zion Church was burned to the ground, and several of its members brutally beaten, by members of the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of Mississippi. The klansmen had expected to find Michael Schwerner, a field worker for the Congress of Racial Equality.  Schwerner and two of his CORE colleagues—James Earle Chaney and Andrew Goodman—were actually in Ohio at t…

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Mormon Church Finally Notes Black Elders, Still Offers No Apology

…d maintenance of racist discourse. Church leaders appear convinced that the 1978 official declaration, which ended 125 years of racial discrimination against black people (beginning with Brigham Young’s statement to the Utah Territorial Legislation in 1852) was enough to silence their critics. With a revelation and the stroke of a pen, white racist traditions ostensibly ceased to exist. Mitt Romney claimed he was overcome with emotion at the annou…

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