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Wal-Mart Faces a New Round of Historic Strikes… But Why Now?

…ompany even closed a Canadian store that voted for one—but even without an official union, workers taking collective action on the job are protected by labor law. On the picket line and in Bentonville, in conference calls and statements to the media, the workers have charged that the company retaliates against workers who speak up about their conditions by cutting their hours or changing their schedules. They’ve demanded a halt to such actions by…

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Does Romney’s Religion Condone Torture? [UPDATED]

…banned by President Barack Obama on his second day in office. In a December 17, 2011 Town Hall meeting, Romney said, “I will not authorize torture.” But at the press conference after the Town Hall meeting, when a reporter asked him if he considered waterboarding to be torture, Romney responded “I don’t.” Romney’s stance led one UN official to warn last week that his election would amount to “a democratic mandate for torture.” While some LDS media…

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How are Mormons Responding to the Election Results?

The LDS Church issued a gracious, politically neutral official response to Tuesday night’s election results, congratulating President Obama on his win and encouraging “Americans everywhere, whatever their political persuasion, to pray for the President, for his administration and the new Congress as they lead us through difficult and turbulent times.” Meanwhile, Mormon feminist bloggers reached across the partisan aisle to foster reconciliation i…

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Can We Ask Mitt About Mormonism’s Racist Past?

…ion of Bott’s comments, it missed an opportunity to make an undisputed and official apology for its past.  These are serious issues about which Romney has remained remarkably silent, neither breaking free from his religious convictions nor offering any consolation with regards to the teachings of his faith that could provide a glimpse into his own racial beliefs about black people. Little has been said about his record on civil and social justice,…

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Electionpocalypse, Part II: The Mythical Jewish Vote

…otes any contemporary Republican lean reached its apex with Ronald Reagan’s 1980 victory (40%). Since 1988, when George H.W. Bush won 35% of the Jewish vote, no Republican has done better than John McCain, who won 26%, according to data compiled by the pollster Jim Gerstein and presented at the Democratic National Convention. Obama won 78% of the Jewish vote in 2008. Sarna maintains, though, that 30% of Jews might be considered swing voters—and th…

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Mitt Romney’s Best-Known Mormon Critic Tells it All. One Last Time.

…what?” and he said, “Considering they don’t have a father.” This was in the 1980s.  Mitt Romney came up through this highly conventional, by-the-book LDS environment where young men are groomed for leadership from the time they are 12 years old, if not younger. Yes, he was very invested in the grooming of young men, and the families most valued in the ward were cohesive and had successful strong husbands. I do know Mitt took his home teaching [an…

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Clint Eastwood Upstages Mitt Romney with a Chair

Mitt Romney’s acceptance speech for the official nomination was a historic moment for the LDS Church, much as the nomination of President Barack Obama was for so many of us; I’m sure that for many Mormons it was a long-awaited moment of acceptance after years of persecution. Grumpy old Uncle Clint, talking to President Obama’s empty chair, however, upstaged that poignant moment. In a monologue that was clearly a WTF moment, Clint Eastwood perform…

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Profiling of Muslims Produced No Terror Leads, NYPD Concedes

…udents, civil rights groups and suspected Communist sympathizers during the 1950s and 1960s. The lawsuit, known as the Handschu case, resulted in federal guidelines that prohibit the NYPD from collecting information about political speech unless it is related to potential terrorism. Civil rights lawyers believe the Demographics Unit violated those rules. Documents obtained by the AP show the unit conducted operations outside its jurisdiction, incl…

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The Theological Roots of Akin’s ‘Legitimate Rape’ Comment

…ives birth to, and nurses her children.” Yes, that was written in 2001, not 1001. In its lengthy position papers on abortion, the PCA has made clear that what it claims are biblical prohibitions on abortion should take precedence over any other law, because of its views on the separation of church and state: The civil magistrate [a government official] is responsible to God. He is to discharge his duty according to God’s will. The Bible is the sup…

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Marriage Equality: A Civil Religious Moment

…ur country is a place in which ethical values are adjudicated, even if our official institutions officially deny it. Fortunately, one of those values has to do with the separation of church and state, so the zone of adjudication is somewhat limited. But there’s no sense in denying that civil religion is at play in these contemporary debates, and has been in similar debates for two hundred and thirty years. My intention is neither to be fatalistic…

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