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Céad Mile Fáilte: Open Hearts, Shifting Power Paradigms, and the Irish Same-Sex Referendum

…ance much in the way of beloved community. But if, as Rohr also says, “the best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better,” then Ireland’s ethically sensitive activists—of all faiths and none—have a beautiful opportunity. It’s simple—the best that we know of Irishness centers on one noble and vital gift: hospitality. Céad mile fáilte, we say— “a hundred thousand welcomes.” The invitation being offered to Ireland’s spiritually committed in…

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In Just 10 Years ‘The Book of Mormon’ Musical Has Gone From America’s Darling to America’s Latest Problem — The Inverse of the Mormon Story

…ntirely. So be it, many say. The world has changed its tune about this one-time monster hit. We’ve developed new languages to name indecencies and grown spines to say them out loud. A tithe seems appropriate. Ten years is a long time to be on top without giving something back. The trajectory of The Book of Mormon from America’s Broadway darling to America’s latest problem traces an inverted path Mormonism itself took in this country. Born in 1830…

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The Promise of Immortality in a Tech-Enhanced Heaven

…And, Elton, dear, there’s no need to get our panties all in a bunch every time someone says something regressive. “There’s a whiff of the mob in these Twitter storms…” Jay: D&G’s position does seem rather old-fashioned, and even though I don’t agree, I’m a believer in diversity of opinion. I’m glad they have the guts to say what they believe, especially because it doesn’t fit with what they are “supposed to” believe. They are counteracting a cert…

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Gary North (1942-2022) Sought to Deny Religious Liberty to ‘the Enemies of God’ — But He Was Willing to Wait Patiently For The Revolution to Develop

…. He was an “Associated Scholar” of the libertarian Mises Institute at the time of his death. Theocracy not now, but later The Times obit mentions how North favored a “harsh theocracy” with his notions of “biblical economics” at its core. But Christianity Today describes him as a proponent of “theonomy.” North himself explained the difference as he saw it. He wrote that theocracy as it’s generally understood, is a “top down” imposition of a theocr…

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Inspirational Quote

The Democrats’ Real Religion Problem, And All Of Ours

…. Spoiler: that’s pretty much exactly what it is. Well, Williams does make time for this howler: What can Democrats do to bridge the divide between young, secular party activists and the rest of voters? Oddly, last year’s presidential run by Senator Bernie Sanders, a secular Jew, may suggest a way forward. Mr. Sanders’s non-Christian background may have hurt him in the South; he did poorly among African-American voters, despite his consistent civi…

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The Uses and Abuses of the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

…o political enfranchisement. As such King is often cited as supporting any number of causes such as reparations and guaranteed basic income, as part and parcel of his Dream. King’s legacy seems so malleable in the hands of American politicians and others, as his speeches and writing are cherry-picked for snippets to advance one’s cause. Perhaps, King is second only to Jesus in being so often cited by people with such varying social and political a…

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Turn on the News: Why Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Faith Doesn’t Matter (But Amy Coney Barrett’s Did)

…ut I saw something much more passive-aggressive. Anyone who has spent real time in the South knows what it’s like to be asked “What’s your faith?” or “Where do you go to church?” Mostly, these are innocuous questions, more or less the equivalent of asking where someone grew up, albeit with the embedded assumption that one does have a faith. But those questions can also be used to place someone socially, to determine if they go to the right church,…

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Gordon Gekko Gets God: The Heritage Foundation of Theology

…003. Riley got smacked down hard by the Christian Coalition, which by that time had adopted “thou shalt not tax the rich” as its 11th Commandment. Even as corporate villains taste a tiny bit of populist pushback today, it still remains the case that the free markets/deregulation/low taxation creed enjoys a sanctified status among millions of America’s twice-born. Jews and Roman Catholics still show some degree of theological/ethical resistance to…

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White Nationalist Mottos, the Fate of Jews in the New Christian State, and ‘Appeal to Heaven’ Humor — Day 2 of NatCon 2024

…, the group, the quota regime must destroy the American way of life.” In a time of war, Klingenstein boomed, the time for talk is over: War is not a battle of arguments! Incidentally, “a battle of arguments” is a decent description of a democratic society. The “coup against Trump”—no evidence needed. Klingenstein, who believes “[the] current regime is similar but not identical to totalitarian regimes of the 21st century,” claims that while there w…

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Will Religion Solve the Obesity Crisis?

…self-control, our ACC keeps firing, but our DLPFC fires less and less over time. In other words, we keep evaluating and assessing what we should and shouldn’t do, but our ability to delay gratification and withstand discomfort depletes over time. This may help explain the experience of knowing quite well that you shouldn’t eat that chocolate cake, and then doing it anyway after the third or fourth offer. This study contributes to an existing theor…

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