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God Grows Up: Robert Wright’s Evolution of God

…Armstrong’s, do a good job of showing how our ideas about god change over time but don’t spend much time on the question of why. What’s the most important take-home message for readers? That there’s no such thing as a “religion of peace” or a “religion of war.” Any religion can be good or bad, depending on the circumstances that believers find themselves in. If you arrange things so that two religious groups can benefit through peaceful interacti…

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Russian Attack on LGBTs at UN Rejected; Gay Cake Controversy Rages in N. Ireland; Bishop Calls for Marriage Referendum in Puerto Rico; Global LGBT Recap

…e rights of sexual minorities.” Despite the limitations, this is the first time the Islamic Republic has acknowledged ill-treatment and torture of the LGBT community. It is also Iran’s initial move on the international level towards recognition of the rights of sexual minorities. The document states sterilization, sex change operations and reparative therapies that are either forced or coerced due to absence of a free and informed decision-making…

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On the Ethics of the Tibetan Self-Immolations

…d from the Tibetan exile community to Tibet itself. An interactive map and timeline of the self-immolations can be found on Al Jazeera. As one moves the arrow forward on this timeline, it is heartbreaking to think that each dot on the map represents the loss of a human life. Almost all of the Tibetans who self-immolated through mid-2012 were members or former members of the Buddhist clergy—monks, ex-monks, and nuns. Since the middle of 2012 Tibeta…

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Greek Orthodox Bishop Says Spit on Inhuman Gay Scum: This Week’s LGBT Global Recap

…ed an essay calling a proposed plebiscite on marriage equality a “waste of time” that “risks turning very nasty.” “When the plebiscite vote is carried in favour of same sex marriage, as I am confident it will be, there will still be a need for our Parliament to legislate complex provisions protecting religious freedom and expanding the freedom to marry.” …“Given the increasing number of children being brought up by same sex couples, it is desirabl…

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A Catholic’s Eulogy for the Harvard “Black Mass” Controversy

…compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail.” Had they taken the time to listen to a lecture from the Temple’s spokesperson, they would have found that these Satanists, for example, collect funds for women who find themselves in crisis pregnancies and cannot afford abortions—something that many liberal Catholics might actually find to be compassionate. And finally, had they taken the time, they would have discovered that the reason they…

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Why Didn’t Trump Lie About His Bible?

…ld, was shoring up lagging support among white evangelical Christians at a time when his image as a strong leader was in jeopardy. This president lies about virtually everything else. Why not this? The answer I keep coming back to is that telling the truth this one time was, by his estimation, putting himself in a better light according to the people constituting the president’s real audience, which, in this case anyway, was not white evangelical…

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Occupy in Exile: Sacred Space is Everywhere

…what sacred space is and what it isn’t. Sacred space can be anywhere, any time. Lots of people want to turn this yearning for holy uses of money into a fight between cops and people or pepper spray and meeting rooms. When sacred space is distorted into private property, sacred space rigidifies in ways that make the fights between people small. Here it could make the police into our enemy when actually they are part of the 99%. Occupy need not be…

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Easter: The Underdog Holiday

…e really appreciated since all the other cards she got were way too cheerful. Carla is, of course, now dead, and my daughter is beginning to learn multiplication, but the tulips still bloom, regardless. What could be more important than this? Easter is a time to acknowledge that our time here is limited and that life will continue in some form or another after we are gone.  Lastly, on Easter, there are large quantities of chocolate and it’s quite…

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A New Mormon Religion Has Taken QAnon Conspiracies and Canonized Them as Doctrine

…o Marina Abramović’s controversial Spirit Cooking art installation. By the time the January 6 insurrection flashed across my television screen, I’d seen countless Q drops with catchy one-liners to explain their importance. However, as time passed, the content of the conspiracies became increasingly religious (with strong antisemitic undertones) and moved beyond the standard theories espoused by Q supporters. “Q said it would happen. Special invest…

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Ian Buruma on the Political Excesses of Religion

…hough I think that’s relatively recent. It had been quite quiet for a long time. But yes, for sure, it’s quite a contrast. I wanted to ask about your use of the word liberalism. It’s such a slippery term—it’s changed meaning in time. In Europe when you talk about liberalism you can still on the whole take it to mean 19th-century laissez faire policies which are associated with conservatism, with the right. And in America probably since the New Dea…

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