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On the Erasure of Whiteness in Responses to Convicted Pedophile Jan Joosten, a White Man

…see his appeal to interiority for what it is: obfuscating rhetoric in the service of public rehabilitation. Or, we can take another step back and ask, who is allowed to have self-contradictions? Who gives and possesses the privilege to have a redeemable private-self and an unimpeachable public-self? Who gets to be “individual” and who must always represent something beyond themselves? Most importantly, who accepts the stupendous myth that brillia…

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Turn on the News: Some Abortion Opponents May Opt For a New Vaccine, But Behind Their Skepticism it’s Often a Different Story — of Disinformation, Conspiratorial Thinking, and White Nationalism

…would have made short work of this piece by Jack Jenkins for Religion News Service: Q: Could Novavax win over some religious vaccine skeptics? A: No. This has been another edition of ‘Simple Answers to Simple Questions.’ These days, I’m willing to give Jenkins’ question a “probably not,” with some explanation. Let’s stipulate that the Novavax COVID shot, which is currently pending FDA approval, could potentially be attractive to some religious hol…

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Ben Carson’s Flat Tax Gets the Bible Wrong

…rom the Bible, is workable in 21st century America. When asked by Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace yesterday about his 10 percent flat tax proposal, Carson said: Well, I like the idea of a proportional tax. That way you pay according to your ability. And I got that idea, quite frankly, from the Bible, tithing. You make $10 billion a year, you pay $1 billion. You make $10 a year, you pay $1. You get the same rights. That’s pretty darn fair, if yo…

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Women’s Equality in the Church is No Longer Negotiable

…hority of the hierarchy (he said). The role of LCWR is to “undertake…those services which develop the life and mission of women religious in responding to the Gospel in the contemporary world” (she said). One begins to see the pattern. We see the same seesaw dynamic in the conference programs and speakers. We hear the women say that their choices “will be carried out in a prayerful, thoughtful and discerning manner.” The men’s rejoinder, that such…

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On the “Shunning” of Marriage Equality Opponent Ryan T. Anderson: A Reply to Damon Linker

…I wrote a piece for RD on the deployment of certain liberal values in the service of illiberal policies. At the top of this list was civility. I argued that some speakers have used the charge of incivility to silence or otherwise inhibit their critics. For my case study I used Ryan T. Anderson, who had written: The principal strategy of the forces that have worked for 20 years to redefine marriage to include same-sex unions has been cultural inti…

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2 Steps Forward, 3 Steps Back, 1 Step Sideways: The Chaotic Progression of LGBTQ Inclusion at Christian Colleges

…ellow Christians’ discriminatory treatment of LGBTQ people during a chapel service, inflaming anti-gay rhetoric on the campus in various student forums, even garnered coverage in TIME Magazine. Meanwhile Wheaton’s appointment of lesbian-but-celibate chaplain Julie Rodgers also has been controversial, eliciting strong reactions both from critics who believe homosexuality is “sinful” and “unnatural” and needs divine healing, as well as from critics…

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Aasif Mandvi on Islamophobia, Acting, and the Long Shadow of Jon Stewart

…, which is reacting and trying to mitigate this crisis. We see the Foreign Service, the State Department, and the U.S. military. It debuts on June 21st. We are short on time, so I want to make time for one last question: What’s your advice to people who want to be creators, who want to be writers, directors? You talked about your journey in No Land’s Man, from where you started to being nationally known. What would you tell someone who wants to ge…

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Jews Violate Their Own Beliefs, Conservative Christians Say

…) had this to say, via email: Not surprisingly, this group of Christians misunderstand Jewish theology and American Jewish experience. First, “bigotry” is not holding a belief, but denying someone else’s dignity as a result of that belief. For example, Christians for centuries believed that the Jews rejected Christ and should be punished. That belief, in itself, is not bigotry. But centuries of pogroms certainly is. In the contemporary context, no…

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Will Rand Paul Break the Religious Outreach Mold?

…s wrongly decided. Daniel Cox, PRRI’s director of research, told me that in all age cohorts, white evangelicals are the “outliers” in opposing the coverage. White evangelicals are more likely to say that small business owners should be permitted, on religious grounds, to refuse service to LGBT people.“They’re quite distinct in their attitudes,” Cox said. But here’s the kicker: while white evangelicals make up 18-19% of the general population, they…

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How the COVID-19 Pandemic May Permanently Change Our ‘Good Death’ Narrative

Thousands are now dying in hospital ICUs around the country without the supportive presence of their loved ones at the bedside. Funerals are being held with fewer than 10 people, or not at all. Funeral directors are unable to provide the comforting space for families to mourn and remember their loved ones. Religious leaders around the world are finding the bodies of the faithful inaccessible for the administration of the rites and rituals that ar…

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