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Some Mormons See a Message in the Angel Moroni’s Fallen Trumpet

…es will likely need to be returned to their home nations to continue their service.” Rod Meldrum, author of Prophecies and Promises: The Book of Mormon and the United States of America, is particularly sure of this connection. On March 20, he is quoted as saying: “And so it begins. First Moroni’s trumpet is removed from the SLC temple, heralding the end of the preaching of the gospel to the world and the beginning of woes. Two days later this….” N…

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The Theology of Westboro: The “World’s Meanest Church” Is More Than Picket Signs

…nging from I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry to The Kingsman: The Secret Service (where they are victims of hyperviolence), in plenty of political cartoons, and in some pretty smart parodies. Very often, these images depict church members as uneducated, fat, slovenly, rural “backwoods” types with Southern accents. Yet, most members of the church have at least a college degree, and many have advanced degrees. Many people in the church are athlete…

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Bishops’ Attempt to Deny Communion to Biden Will Backfire Even More Spectacularly Than Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage

…with Geraldine Ferraro, John Kerry, and other liberal Catholics in public service. In the fall of 2020, the current president of the USCCB, Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez, the first Latino head and a member of Opus Dei, set up a committee to consider how to respond to a Catholic president who doesn’t interfere with the law of the land when it comes to abortion. How do you solve a problem like Joe Biden? was their hit tune. They reprised it on…

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Religion and Resistance at the New National Museum of African American History and Culture

…did before. If we only think of the religious as those who attend a weekly service of their choice, then we’re missing part of the picture. We’re missing people who find their faith in activism (movements like Black Lives Matter), or in educational institutions. In the center, I hope we can tell not only how deeply embedded religion is within the black context, but how diverse it has always been. It’s not just about where you go on Sunday morning,…

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Pope Francis Praised for ‘Civil Unions’ Comment, But Justice Begins at Home—In the Vatican

…. Of course that strategy failed miserably when Argentina became the first country in Latin America to approve same-sex marriage in 2010. It’s important to underscore this datum of theological history in order to ground the current conversation in reality. Whether the Pope still holds the view that the reason to support civil unions is to keep hetero-marriage ‘safe’ is not known. As we’ve already seen he’s a person who can change his mind. But sin…

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The ‘Freedom Convoy’ is Inspired by a Biblical Account of Divine Massacre: Welcome to the Jericho March

…Jericho March, among others, and is was set to “Amazing Grace,” which was sung loudly by the mob on January 6. The Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, a noted QAnon-adjacent radical traditionalist Catholic, gave a talk that linked the convoy expressly to “a worldwide chorus that wants to oppose the establishment of the New World Order on the rubble of nation-states through the Great Reset desired by the World Economic Forum and by the United Nations u…

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Biblical Inerrancy’s Long History as an Evangelical Activist for White Patriarchy

…tour to the politics of inerrancy. It shows, in other words, how inerrancy services white masculine authority. Let’s un-erase this facet of inerrancy’s politics. At one point, Lindsell lauds the (white) Christians “south of the Mason-Dixon line” since “probably no other geographical region in the United States has had a better record for belief in the infallibility of the Word of God.” He wrote these words in the early 1970s about the very Christi…

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Turn On The News: This Isn’t a Split, It’s a Tiny Sliver of Conservatives Walking Out the Door — Introducing A New Media Criticism Column

…ce in society. Why this is, I don’t know. What I do know is that it’s a disservice to readers, to truth, and to the democracy which relies on it. While that point is valid regardless of who makes it, remember: I’m an ordained minister. If I can get comfortable with the idea that religion shouldn’t be given a free pass, reporters can surely get there. Which brings us, unfortunately, back to Kathryn Post’s piece. I’m afraid it doesn’t pass many of t…

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A Love Letter to #Exvangelicals and Those Deconstructing Their Toxic Faith

…the Atheist Community of Polk County (Fla.), are filling the community and service space that has been, until recently, monopolized by churches. The Polk atheists clean up roads they’ve adopted, fight for LGBTQ inclusion, feed and clothe the homeless, and raise money for charity. You can be “good without god,” have “fellowship without faith” and “community without church,” as Polk Atheists puts it. (Often, filling these spaces is quite literal. I…

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Why Nobody Should Be Surprised That Pope Francis Made Problematic Comments About Judaism — And That He Remains Unapologetic

…the rising forces of reactionary nationalism in the late 2010s, Francis’s service as the Bishop of Rome has seen a marked shift away from the fiercely anti-communist rhetoric of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II. Perhaps, then, this is why it came as a surprise to many, including the Israeli Rabbinate, that in an August 11th homily Pope Francis would express full-throated endorsement of a belief which, in contemporary parlance, could be glo…

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