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What Will Orthodox ‘Republicanity’ Look Like?

…for the capitalist system he was attempting to theorize). Indeed, a truly free market would actually increase federal revenues by putting more people to work and making taxpayers of them of all. This last article of faith has demonstrated just how far the argument from absurdity can take us, and how little facts can be made to matter. The trickle-down theory, first enunciated at the presidential level by Ronald Reagan (himself a true believer in…

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Norway Massacre Suspect Anders Behring Breivik, Hitler, & the Jerusalem Post Editorial

…“Jewish problem:” In any case; educate yourself and learn the difference. Today’s conservatives and want to-be Nazis are ignorant when they obsess so much over the Jews. There is no Jewish problem in Western Europe (with the exception of the UK and France) as we only have 1 million in Western Europe, whereas 800,000 out of these 1 million live in France and the UK. The US on the other hand, with more than 6 million Jews (600% more than Europe) ac…

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Obama’s Religion Problem, Marriage Equality, and a Bush Executive Order

…he religious beliefs of some dictate the deprivation of rights for others. Today the Coalition Against Religious Discrimination (CARD) is calling on Obama to honor this week’s anniversary of President Franklin Roosevelt’s signing of an executive order prohibiting racial discrimination by military contractors, by finally putting an end to a Bush-era executive order that permits religious organizations receiving federal grants to discriminate in hir…

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Why is the Pope Popular Among Nones?

…d), and the KKK unleashed verbal attacks on Catholics in the 20th century. Today, public suspicion of Catholics is less overt, but still present, and sometimes that takes the form of attacks on the pope. In addition, the current pope’s reluctance to identify too closely with culture warriors on the right has brought even more criticism making it more difficult to identify the roots of the pope’s critics. Brietbart bemoaned Francis’ failure to “fig…

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Houston’s Pastor Subpoenas: A Meme Made for Fox News

…process. Represented by the religious right legal firm Alliance Defending Freedom, the pastors are seeking to quash the subpoenas. Christian right activists in Houston who opposed the HERO and led the petition drive have long disparaged the city’s mayor, Annise Parker, because she is a lesbian. As the Texas Freedom Network reported in 2011, when Parker was running for reelection, Dave Welch, one of the subpoenaed pastors, released a video in whic…

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Gay Marriage Opponents Running on Empty

…r marriage.” There was no mention, however, of crowd size in Indianapolis. Freedom to Marry is shadowing the NOM bus tour with a tour of its own, but instead of organizing the protest rallies, the group is using its time to organize activists. During a stop in Maryland last week FtM’s managing director, Scott Davenport, met with Equality Maryland to help it raise money to introduce a marriage equality bill in the next legislative session. I attend…

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I Created the Hashtag #EmptythePews Because It’s Time for Evangelicals To Walk Out of Toxic Churches

…all elicited a powerful response, with the hashtag trending last night and today and getting the attention of clergy. The church we’d been attending didn’t bother mentioning #Charlottesville on Sunday. As if I needed more reason to not return. #EmptyThePews — Gov. Pappy 🕷 (@GovPappy) August 17, 2017 The trauma of the church accepting his sexual immorality was worse than my sexual assault. I’m in mourning. #emptythepews — Ms Cat. (@catherinemom23)…

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Prop. 8 Stay Lifted

…itted same-sex couples to prepare to complete marriage license paperwork. “Today justice won out,” said Samuel M. Chu, Executive Director of California Faith for Equality. “Today’s decision by US District Court Judge Vaughn Walker to overturn Prop 8 and lift the stay on same gender marriages in the state of California on August 18th is a giant step toward equality. “The Supreme Court has affirmed that marriage is a fundamental right. Justice Walke…

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Humanitarian Victims or Christian Martyrs: What’s in a Word?

…he meaning of the Greek word martyr) of blood. Surely there are some still today? Identifying them, however, is a politically fraught task, even for Christians. The last pope was not at all enthusiastic about joining the throngs who recognized Bishop Oscar Romero as a Latin American Christian martyr. It smelled too much of liberation theology to John Paul II. And it took the German people several decades after World War II before they could get us…

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Fight the Power: How to Read, and Re-Read, the Book of Revelation

…il power embodied in the great beast. But other Christians have said to me today, “Well, this book is a prophesy against empire and it shouldn’t be appropriated by the powers that be.” This book is a book of rebellion. It’s a book of challenge to the people in power, and that is the way it has been understood in very powerful movements in this country. If we were going to reinterpret this text today, if Christianity is in the American sense, in th…

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