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Fed. Court Rules Prop. 8 Unconstitutional

…gnition or lack thereof has no effect on the relationship under state law. Today’s ruling by the 9th Circuit also rejected the religious liberty claims, which were raised by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty in an amicus brief: …the religious-liberty interest that Proposition 8 supposedly promoted was to decrease the likelihood that religious organizations would be penalized, under California’s antidiscrimination laws and other government poli…

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In Speech to White Evangelical Broadcasters, Trump Lays Out his White Christian Nationalist Vision

…being indicted for you. And never forget our enemies want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom. And I’m never gonna let it happen. They wanna silence me because I will never let them silence you. And in the end, they’re not after me. They’re after you. I just happen to be standing in the way. “We have to bring back our religion.” Trump privileges the interests of White evangelical Christians over everyone e…

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Would Gandhi Disband Occupy?

…means that truth, insofar as any human can grasp it, is inherently fluid. Today’s fixed set of demands may easily seem like tomorrow’s folly. Gandhi’s program was especially vague in the earliest years of his work, in South Africa. To demand a detailed list of specifics from today’s Occupiers would be like making the same demand of Gandhi in the 1890s. Yet Gandhi must have known intuitively, even then, an essential truth he would later articulate…

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The “Obamosque” Smears and the Money Fueling Them

…terms like “Obamosque?” Or this photograph on the Special Guests website? Today Special Guests is also promoting the special guest of Scott Wheeler, a long-time operative of right-wing smear campaigns against Democratic candidates and office-holders. Wheeler is the executive director of the National Republican Trust PAC, which during the 2008 presidential campaign ran incendiary ads attempting to link Obama to terrorism. He’s a veteran of other e…

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Coming Out Twice: Sexuality and Gender in Islam

…. Wright and Everett Rowson’s edited collection Homoeroticism in Classical Arabic Literature (1997) showed how much literature in Arabic addressed questions of same-sex attraction, if only researchers would open their eyes to it. Yehuda Schofer and Arno Schmitt also contributed to this dialogue. What was missing was a more intimate engagement with the religious tradition of Islam. This came with feminist Muslim scholars. They provided the techniqu…

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Hobby Lobby Does Not Compel Anti-LGBT Religious Exemption, Legal Scholars Tell Obama

…100 religious leaders take the same position as the legal scholars signing today’s letter and oppose an exemption, as I reported here.) Today’s legal scholars’ letter takes issue with the legal analysis in the June 25 letter, specifically its interpretation of religious exemptions under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination in employment. The accommodation under Title VII permits religious employers to hire only candida…

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Beck’s “Dream”—Our Nightmare

…blical requirements, however, he did not view it as inherently immoral. By promoting McDowell, and by extension Rushdoony, Barton promotes a “biblical worldview” in which slavery is in some circumstances acceptable. This worldview (like his discussion of the three-fifths rule, which minimizes the rule’s dehumanization of slaves) diminishes the dehumanization of slavery in general by explicitly arguing that God condones it in certain circumstances….

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Mike Huckabee, meet Amy Schumer. And, for that matter, Tony Orlando.

…wells of political acumen: he’s a musician, but for warm-up entertainment today he chose a performer anyone under 40 will have to Google. More to the point, he’s a politician, but he chose a performer anyone under 40 will have to Google. In eight years, Huckabee had a chance to evolve from an ardent opponent of abortion to one who sees contraception as a way of mitigating it. Indeed Huckabee has no theological roots that would reject contraceptio…

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Statement on NAR & Christian Nationalism Answers Few Questions But Exposes Growing Rifts in the Movement

…“The New Apostolic Reformation is a move of God that is sweeping the earth today, and it is important that we understand it, for it is ushering a new era in church history.” One of the main features of this contemporary movement is the emphasis on the five-fold ministry outlined in Ephesians 4:11: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. But the statement departs from how these church offices are usually understood. The statement cla…

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The Tea Party are Sodomites

…what we know of the Ancient Near East where, like today, among Bedouin and Arabs, hospitality is a core value. The Ancient Near East had no Holiday Inns; hospitality is essential for survival and its presence or absence says much about the ethical character of people. Consider Exodus 22:21 and 23:9 and its injunction not to oppress strangers; Luke 7:44-46 (where Jesus rebukes Simon: “I entered your house, you gave me no water for my feet… You gave…

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