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Turkish Police Move Against Activists Who Defied Pride Ban; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…hich included lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Catholics from around New York and the five dioceses in New Jersey. “I am your brother, as a disciple of Jesus. I am your brother, as a sinner who finds mercy with the Lord.” The welcoming of a group of openly gay people to Mass by a leader of Cardinal Tobin’s standing in the Roman Catholic Church in this country would have been unthinkable even five years ago. But Cardinal Tobin, whom Pope Fran…

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Are Evangelical Films Destined to Leave Secular Audiences Behind?

…ider audience, selling millions of copies and reaching the top slot of the New York Times bestseller list. The films should be able to appeal to anyone who liked a good thriller, which would require higher production values, actors known more for their acting than their religious commitments, and a real understanding of the business of movies. The lawsuit was eventually settled out of court. Paul Lalonde got the rights to make the movie again and…

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Black Churches are Burning: Is It the 1990s All Over Again?

…ate responses to this wave of attacks on Black churches. USA Today and the New York Times provided daily coverage, as did major television network news programs. They deployed many reporters on the story, who were in communication with the Justice Department and ATF officials, who were themselves scrambling to keep up with events. President Clinton, facing re-election, met directly with pastors of burned churches and with the National Council of C…

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Union Busting for God: Catholic Colleges Invoke “Religious Freedom” to Violate Catholic Teaching

…ight to “govern our institution in accordance with our values and beliefs, free from government entanglement.” Between 2004 and 2014, Loyola Chicago tripled its number of contingent faculty, while tuition rose by 73 percent. However, even though the union passed at Loyola Chicago, theology faculty were blocked from joining by the NLRB, which made an exception because theology was seen to be directly involved in religious education (this exception…

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After More Mass Shootings It’s Time to Call Out White Supremacy in the Pews

…what’s going on, but too few seem capable of saying it. We now have a fair number of political and civic leaders who are willing to say the word trauma and talk about the all-pervasive violence in this culture, not to mention the extent of mental disturbance and the fact that American civilians have more assault rifles in their possession than does the U.S. military. All well and good. But we have too few leaders who will talk about the deeper roo…

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Pope Francis Has Painted Himself into a Corner on Women Deacons

…ces on a bloated bureaucracy. Those could be redirected to feed, clothe, and shelter people with plenty left over for structural change work on a global scale. To do so would bring about a new Pentecost and open a new chapter in catholic (lowercase “c”) history. Go for it, Francis. There is nothing to lose and a world of good to be gained….

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A Secret History of Satan

…l. I think that they will find it useful to pair the book with some of the new cultural studies of Jesus in America by Stephen Prothero or Richard Wrightman Fox. I think that scholars of American religion will find that looking at beliefs about the Devil opens up a new way of seeing old topics, from the Great Awakening to the twentieth-century decline of mainline churches. Are you hoping to just inform readers? Give them pleasure? Piss them off? A…

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Does Religion Condemn Homosexuality?

…should be no legal recognition of a gay couple’s relationship.” A growing number of mainline Protestants and evangelicals also support some form of legal recognition of same-sex relationships. This is especially true for Christians between the ages of eighteen and thirty-four. There is often a wide gap between the pronouncements of religious leaders and the values held by individuals who have, in their own conscience, and in the context of shared…

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Anti-Gay Violence Rages in Gambia; Conservative ‘Complementarity’ Confab; Coming Out in Iraq Can Be Death Sentence; Global LGBT Recap

…bout Ireland’s upcoming referendum on marriage equality, according to Pink News, “he did say he would refuse to give communion to any legislators who voted in favor of equality.” Meanwhile, advocacy groups and news outlets noted that 2013 tax filings from the National Organization for Marriage showed a huge drop-off in donations after 2012, a year in which there were several high-profile ballot measures on marriage – all of which NOM lost. Still,…

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‘My Name is Legion’: Sources and Forces of White Supremacy in the U.S.

…hate group and white supremacist group content has skyrocketed—even as the numbers of those groups have themselves noticeably increased. For example, the number of known hate groups is reported to have increased from roughly 600 in the year 2000 to 930 in 2014. Moreover, major television networks such as Fox TV have ushered hate content and white supremacist content into the media mainstream, featuring racialized rhetoric that ranges from disparag…

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