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Uzbekistan Airways New Flight Booking 800-299-7264 Toll Free Contact Number

Is Twitter Doing Enough to Remove Extremist Content? An Ex-Employee Weighs In

…towards the precedent we are setting for the future? We are living in the new world of proactive counter-terrorism programs. In the U.S., for example, there is create and capture, an NYPD program that sent undercover informants to report on the behavior of Muslims attending mosques, study groups, and community events hoping to identify potentially radical organizations and individuals. The Green Number, or Numéro Vert, is a private telephone hotl…

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The Anti-Trans Hate Machine’s Conspiracies Don’t Stop at the US Border

…st last week, the well-known conservative, yet still “respectable,” German newspaper, Die Welt, escalated the mainstreaming of right-wing talking points. A number of researchers wrote an op-ed, in which they accused the ARD and ZDF, the independent, state-funded TV news stations (the German version of the BBC) of “indoctrinating” kids with “gender ideology” in order to sexualize and “re-educate” them. The article hits all the right-wing bullet poi…

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Obama’s Gay Marriage Support Shocks Black Church

…s, stunted sexuality, homophobia, and sexual abuse are competing for issue number one in their churches; at many, they are tied at the number one slot. It is high time to for the leaders of the black church to ‘put away childish things’ and to engage in a real conversation about sexuality, same-sex marriage, and the homophobia embedded in the black church community. Pontificating and posturing props up preachers, and does little to edify congregat…

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By The Numbers: Jeb Opposes Francis on Climate Change at His Peril

…happening, or if it is, it’s natural causes, or they’re just not sure. The numbers attributing warming to human activity rise among moderates and liberals, of course, but they’re not going to vote for Jeb anyway. There is one number Bush might want to worry about, though: 85. That’s the percent of Hispanic Catholics who think climate change is a real problem: For a guy who’s been touting his potential to draw Spanish-speaking voters into the Repub…

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‘Heretics’ or ‘Atheists’? A Response

…owever, when he asked them how many of them were feminists, a much smaller number raised their hands. The professor and my friend could only conclude that the reason for this disparity was linked to negative connotations that students have with the word “feminist.” I wonder whether we questioners, unbelievers, and heretics have allowed ourselves to be cowed by the likes of Richard Dawkins from embracing an identity that belongs to all of us? After…

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What do the January 6 Commission, Covid Deaths and Gun Massacres All Have in Common? God’s Chosen

…Calif., and every other one like it; and, let’s see, what else? Well, feel free at the end of this piece to add your own examples. There are plenty more. All have in common the political concept that God divided the world between the elected and the unelected, that is, between His chosen and everyone else deserving of eternal damnation. (They deserve what’s coming to them, in other words.) For the chosen, anything is possible. For God’s enemies, G…

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Elisabeth Elliot (1926-2015) and the Rise of Extreme Evangelicalism

…d several years, made themselves something of a home, and even converted a number of the Waorani. The evangelical conversation about Elliot and the five who died before her evoked their commitment to God—though the language of “adventure” was woven through this rhetoric. In the Victorian culture of the nineteenth century, a movement arose called “muscular Christianity,” which involved evangelism through sport programs, but also celebrated a certai…

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Fox News Controversy on Yoga and White Supremacy Reveals Problem of Yoga Discussion

…aw yoga as essentially Hindu. Mohler’s strategy was not unlike that of Fox News’s Caleb Parke who, through careful pruning and expurgation, painted a simplistic picture of Gandhi and Wolff’s arguments. While those like Al Mohler or Fox News and its contributors aren’t likely to become exponents of multiculturalism anytime soon, how might thoughtful scholars or advocates of yoga avoid such distortions? Though never entirely avoidable, I would sugge…

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Exclusive: Religious Leaders for Immigration Equality for Gay and Lesbian Couples

…ted partners of U.S. citizens who are gay or lesbian, is compiling a large number of  religious leaders, organizations, and denominations, to sign on to a letter supporting the legislation. As I reported last year, UAFA would correct a glaring inequality in our current immigration law: there are 36,000 bi-national couples in the United States—same-sex couples in which one is a US citizen and the other faces possible deportation if a partner or spo…

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‘It’s a Gay Problem,’ and Other Myths From the Catholic Church’s Sexual Abuse Crisis

…ual identity onto male victims against their will. We don’t know the sheer number of female victims of child sexual assault in the Catholic Church. But women are not victims of gay priests. So what does this make the women? Are they not victims at all? Such explanations leave little room for female victims who are then more likely to stay silent and minimize their experiences. Now let’s talk about the male victims. Want the easiest way to silence…

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