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The Folly of Arab-West (Elite-Elite) Dialogue

…eague actually borders Tahrir Square. Yet meetings like these face two big problems: The first is that we have to properly re-orientate how we define this ‘Arab-West’ relationship—both within the West and within the Arab world. The cultural construct is this: ‘the West’ historically owes a great deal to the Arab world, which influenced it tremendously, both through Western Arab countries like Arab Spain (al-Andalus) and through continued ties thro…

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Mao, Meet Confucius: China’s Religious Revolution

…istianity. In 1949 there were about 700,000 Chinese Protestants; today the number is estimated to be 50-80 million, if one includes members of house churches. Adding 8-12 million Catholics, China will soon become home to the largest Christian population on the globe.  How did this Religious Renaissance Come About? Many new Buddhist temples have been built in recent years. Devout Chinese Buddhists go to temples to burn incense and make offerings. F…

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Dumbest Interview About Islam of All Time

Offered without comment: Brody: With some evangelicals there are some problems with the teachings of the Koran. Do you have concerns about the Koran?” Trump: Well, I’ll tell you what. The Koran is very interesting. A lot of people say it teaches love and there is a very big group of people who really understand the Koran far better than I do. I’m certainly not an expert, to put it mildly. But there’s something there that teaches some very negativ…

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Ugandan Anti-Gay
Preacher Pays Fake “Ex-Gay” Witnesses to Testify for Anti-Homosexuality Bill

…y years back, when I was 12.” “When I joined Mr. Ssempa, I told him all my problems,” he said. “I had to come out and join the struggle. “Please help us; let the bill pass,” he said. But an hour later, in a quiet hotel, Mr. Oundo recanted much of what had been said at the meeting. “David Kato was murdered; it was a plot,” Mr. Oundo said. “I don’t support the bill.” As for being a “former homosexual,” that, too, was not true. “I’ve always been gay,…

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CBN Exalts Trump for Showing “Power” Over Obama

…ting over Trump’s exercise of “power” over the White House. Remember, it was Brody who brought us another kind of baiting game with Trump — throwing him stupid questions about evangelicals’ “problems” with Islam, giving Trump space to talk about the Qur’an’s “negative vibe.” Perhaps next Trump will show America his power over an entire religion….

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Hannity Incites Threats to DC Church where Obamas Attended Easter Services

…with a target across is face,” Smith said. “My secretary has received telephone calls that have been so vulgar until she has had to hang up.” On Monday, Hannity played a clip of Smith speaking at Palmer Theological Seminary, where he had served as president, about the prevalence of racism. According to the Post: “It may not be Jim Crow anymore,” Smith says in the videotape. “Now, Jim Crow wears blue pinstripes, goes to law school and carries fanc…

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Things the GOP Won’t Like about Ron Paul

…t our country… the connection between our foreign policy and our financial problems is significant.” These days many Americans are war weary—and that includes Obama supporters who think he has not done enough to get us out. It might look like the time is ripe for deficit-hawkish Republicans to object to the financial costs of our multiples wars, but the polling so far doesn’t show Paul breaking out of the GOP field with that or any of his other po…

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New Theory for Tucson Tragedy: Blame the Atheists

…another verbal telling that he’s ideologically of the left. He already has problems with a public perception of him and his faith. That things like this keep coming up suggests the general public is right in their skepticism of the sincerity of his faith. After Media Matters called out Erickson for his remarks, the pundit tweeted: I sure am glad the Atheists have MMFA, though they’re a poor substitute for Jesus Christ. But they’…

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Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” Bill On Track for Passage

…penalty for gays and lesbians—will only worsen the country’s HIV and AIDS problems. “If we criminalize the LGBT community further, it will drive Ugandans further underground and compromise the relationship of medical, counselors and clergy that is sacrosanct and needs to remain confidential,” the bishop said. “How can we expect doctors to treat everyone when this bill will require them to report on their patients who are LGBT?” Senyonjo remains b…

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O(Pinn)ion: God’s Little Soldiers: Procreation as a Weapon

…erals and gain control of national structures of public life through sheer numbers. In the process, children and women have something of their full humanity (the manner in which they reflect the image of God, if you will) damaged if not destroyed. An effort to understand children (having and raising them) through literal appeal to Scripture, without any attention to the historical and cultural context of the Bible, promises problems. It isn’t clea…

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