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Bachmann Staffer Likens
Rick Perry to King Saul and Bachmann to anointed
King David

…in full: The three-part video interview of Waldron on the Herman and Sharron Bailey Show talking about his time in prison in Uganda is up at YouTube. As of this morning, Waldron’s websites, (Google cache here) and (Google cache) have been taken down. Waldron’s current project, “Christians Restoring America’s Greatness,” can be viewed here….

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LDS Church Launches New Website Calling for Greater Openness and Understanding on LGBT Issues

…with its explicit call for improved treatment of LGBT people within Mormon communities, the site opens new horizons of possibility. Kendall Wilcox, a gay Mormon and maker of the documentary Far Between, “I am encouraged by the fact that the Church is promoting the value of listening to and empathizing with the lived experiences of gay people as they reconcile faith and sexuality.”  “Up to now so many families have been torn apar…

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The Papal Prayer Machine

…le @pontifex, along with its variants in eight languages, might be retired completely now that Bednedict XVI has become Pope Emeritus. More likely, the handle will be taken up again by whomever fills the empty chair. Indeed, shortly after he left the Vatican by helicopter last week, the former pontiff’s social media footprints (all thirty-nine tweets) were unceremoniously deleted (and archived here), as if to leave a clean slate for his successor….

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Scope Bacon, Twttr Hoaxes & Joel Osteen’s Big Reveal

…“April Fools.” Were They Kidding with Scope Bacon? Yes. Consumer products companies also launched fake products for April Fool’s Day. Procter & Gamble rolled out Scope Bacon, a bacon-flavored mouthwash “for breath that sizzles.” So convincing was this product launch, complete with Facebook ad campaign and promotional website including a promo video that went viral, that a number of customers were disappointed and angry to find out that it was a f…

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Dialogue or Demonization? Where Gays are Concerned, Focus on the Family Wants it Both Ways

…do well to ask a few fundamental questions upon which our very ability to communicate with one another is predicated: Question #1: With whom are we engaging in dialogue? This is perhaps the most important question of all. When entering dialogue, how we construct the “other” (our dialogue partner) will determine just how much dialogue is even possible.  Ultimately, it is the way we conceive of the “other” that is at the root of physical violence a…

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United Methodists Elect 1st Gay Bishop; Canadian Anglicans OK Same-Sex Marriage

…. Yet when they accepted that day, there were told the park was busy. From via Google translation: The scheme worked like this: LGBT action organizers reported that on July 9 at the entire territory of the Champs de Mars (including the area of Hyde Park) is planned carrying out of mass event “St. Petersburg reserve” a military equipment exhibition. The Committee suggested that an alternative date – 10 July. LGBT activists agreed o…

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Soy Story: Atrocious ‘Reporting’ on Insular Religious Groups

…trating that various cast members weren’t even active members of the Amish community. And the soy story is just one example from coverage of the Hasidic world. published a video that deceptively edited a Hasidic Rabbi to give the appearance that he was seeking to cover-up and handle sexual abuse allegations within his community, without involving outside authorities. In reality, the unedited transcript revealed that the rabbi had advoc…

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Mormon Leaders Slam ‘Counterfeit’ Gay Families; Vatican Resists Gay Ambassador; ISIS Executes Man for Homosexuality; Global LGBT Recap

…less of what we look like or how we pray or who we love,” he said. Obama’s comments come against the backdrop of rampant anti-LGBT discrimination and violence in country that includes reports of a gay teenager who was recently stoned to death. Jamaica is among the Caribbean nations in which consensual same-sex sexual acts remain criminalized. As we have noted previously, American evangelicals have traveled to Jamaica repeatedly to shore up support…

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The Theology Behind Alabama Official’s Demand to Flout SCOTUS

…underlying his call for state and local government officials to refuse to comply with Obergefell. In Johnson’s letter, which he tells was not directed exclusively at the governor, but “to all public officials,” he writes: Public officials are ministers of God assigned the duty of punishing the wicked and protecting the righteous. If the public officials decide to officially approve of the acts of the wicked, they must logically not protect…

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Brazilian Evangelicals Launch ‘Sin-Free’ (Read: Gay-Free) Version of Facebook

…ady in place in some European nations and the U.S.” According to, “His comments followed sermons read out in Greek Orthodox churches throughout the island during Sunday mass, calling on believers to ‘disapprove of civil unions’.” The law was scheduled to go to a vote on Thursday but parliamentary leaders decided at the last minute to postpone the vote until September. LGBT rights advocates praised the delay, suggesting that last-minu…

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