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Despising the Holidays: When Christians Led the ‘War on Christmas’

…sage on the apostate drink-ware. (This rather than a boycott, apparently.) The so-called “War on Christmas” has been a staple of right-wing culture warriors for generations now, seemingly so incensed over people saying “Happy Holidays” that they can’t help but resort to hyperbole so bizarre that you can’t tell if it’s parody or not. It’s this perennially aggrieved attitude that allows a writer at Breitba…

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The Clenched Fist of Truthiness: Why Religion Won’t Fix This

…iots that are included in the ad, and that’s exactly what I’m addressing.” Most Americans root their moral precepts in faith, or at least they say they do. And Americans are practical universalists in some important senses. They like to think that “God is bigger than those things which seek to divide us,” as Rev. Traci Blackmon preac…

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Broadcast Officials in China Censor Gay TV Characters

…minatory laws – especially those that criminalize homosexuality. The first comment on the news story comes from a pastor arguing that homosexuality should be criminalized as a “crime against God and against the Holy Bible.” Columbia: First Same-Sex Couple Registers Overseas Marriage Two men made history this week as the first same-sex couple to officially register their marriage, which was celebrated in Spain in 2013. They men had been turned down…

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On Pi Day, Puzzling Over the Most Famous Transcendental Number

…ey’re finite beings with finite imaginations. But there’s some wonder that comes with trying. Some satisfaction that comes with meditating on pi, reciting its digits like a mantra. Cliff Pickover, a math and science author and the editor-in-chief of the IBM Journal of Research and Development, says that pi’s endless stream of numbers must contain all possible numerical representations. If you calculated pi long enough, you’d eventually find the wo…

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Was it the Russians or God? Evangelical Leaders Working Out the Kinks with Trump’s Transition Picks

…Graham very long to declare that God himself was involved in the outcome: Since election day, however, many commentators, activists, and politicians have become increasingly concerned with a more tangible, demonstrable type of interference in the US election—that of Russian hacking. The CIA has now concluded that Russian intervention was designed not just to undermine faith in American…

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Anti-Gay, Anti Catholic Evangelical Sworn In As Mayor of Rio; More in Global LGBT Recap

…, prejudice and bullying will end.” He continues, “In this sense, the LGBT community has led the way ahead of faith communities – which should be inclusive, but sadly aren’t.” Human rights lawyer Aamer Anwar and actress Emma Thompson also support the campaign along with faith leaders Reverend Kelvin Holdsworth of the Scottish Episcopal Church and Islamic scholar Amanullah De Sondy. Philippines: Bill to Boost Police Protection for LGBT People Advan…

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London’s ‘Big Gay Iftar’ And More in Global LGBT Recap

…nt Islamists. Government institutions, including the National Broadcasting Commission and the National Child Protection Commission, issued censorship directives banning information and broadcasts that portrayed the lives of LGBT people as “normal,” as well as so-called “propaganda” about LGBT lives. England: ‘Big Gay Iftar’ planned during London Pride The Evening Standard reported on plans by Muslim and LGBT community groups to celebrate Ramadan w…

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“Tell Me What You Believe About Ferguson, and I’ll Tell You What You Believe About God”: A Missouri Pilgrimage

…overlooks hasn’t seen much change in how it treats its residents of color. According to the Mapping Police Violence project, the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department has the highest rate of police killings per population in the nation based on data from 2013 to 2017. Of the 28 people killed in police encounters in that four year period, 23 were black. And shortly before our trip, the NAACP i…

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Rev. Rob Lee Lost Congregation For His Anti-Racism Speech: Here’s Why He Should Have Packed His Bags First

…ion, but it is the reality of working respectfully in community. Go to top Go to top So I’m not in favor of demanding Christians take particular social stances as a mode of pastoral ministry. To be very clear, it’s the “demanding” part that’s problematic here, not the idea that the Christian faith entails certain views on social equality. It does. And America very much needs leaders who can articulate th…

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“Exvangelical” Podcast: Safe Space for Those “Living In, Leaving, or Coming to Terms With” Evangelicalism

…of last year, Chastain minces no words about the flaws of evangelicalism. Episode 16 of Exvangelical is a passionate post-election rebuke of white evangelicals for their Trump support; as Chastain says, “evangelicals bear much of the blame.” When I asked Chastain if he considers American evangelicals to be fundamentalists as a general rule, this is how he responded: I don’t know…

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