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Lincoln, Clinton, and Trump: From Strategy to Spin to Straight-Up Bullshit

…manipulator willing, under certain circumstances, to trim the truth in the service of a higher cause. The difference between these two conceptions of Lincoln is revealing. By pausing to examine each of them, we may better understand the way mendacity normally functions in the political realm, and the ways in which, on some occasions, mendacity may violate the tacit rules that keep that system stable. Lincoln’s reputation as a person of absolute in…

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America, the Mythical: “Mother of Exiles” or Denier of Safe Haven?

…that vessel is framed above the establishment’s urinal for any intoxicated customer to peruse. It would, perhaps, be just as well to say that the Mayflower Pub in London is the place where “America was born” as Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts. Of course there is no real moment when “America was born.” That a pub in South London is as suitable a christening place as a beach in New England speaks to the arbitrary power of myths. As concerns the relig…

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Dear Amazon Prime, I’m Not a Racist, But Why Are You Destroying My Precious Middle-Earth With Black Hobbits?

Dear Amazon Prime,* As a loyal customer I’m appalled at your latest WOKE stunt and have some questions for you before I cut to the chase. I’ve been watching the new Rings of Power series based on the works of Professor JRR Tolkien who was a medievalist, philologist, and fantasy author of The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, and other works. Let me explain why your casting choices in this latest series are WRONG. I’m an amateur histori…

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Porn, Abuse, or Just Plain Incompatibility… Is Divorce Ever a Sin?

…, to be bought, abandoned, or traded in for a new model at the will of the customer. I dunno. Like Gushee, I’ve married dozens of couples. Maybe one of those couples wasn’t living together when they got married, probably the majority of them were on their first or second kid together, and right around half of them have gotten divorced. But none of them, as far as I can tell, has simply thrown their partner away in favor of something shinier and ne…

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America, the Mythical: “Mother of Exiles” or Denier of Safe Haven?

…that vessel is framed above the establishment’s urinal for any intoxicated customer to peruse. It would, perhaps, be just as well to say that the Mayflower Pub in London is the place where “America was born” as Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts. Of course there is no real moment when “America was born.” That a pub in South London is as suitable a christening place as a beach in New England speaks to the arbitrary power of myths. As concerns the relig…

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Hitchens Debates Conservative Evangelical: Nothing Happens

…of “rebuttals” they’re supposed to use in response to the various reasons customers might offer for not buying a product. For the salesperson armed with this flexible script, the human vulnerability of the single mother (one who expresses concern both for her children’s safety and for her precarious financial situation, for example) becomes a trigger for a set of prepared arguments that will ultimately result in a payment plan for a state-of-the-…

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The Surprising Catholic Roots of the War on Xmas

…o take action.” Then in 2005, Donohue struck gold when a Wal-Mart customer service employee emailed a woman who complained about the store changing “Merry Christmas” to “Happy Holidays” and told her: “The majority of the world still has different practices other than “Christmas” which is an ancient tradition that has its roots in Siberian shamanism. … Santa is also borrowed from the Caucuses [sic], mistletoe from the Celts, yule log from the Goths…

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You Gotta Have Heart: A Response to Critics of “Why I’m Not an Organ Donor”

…rch and on the OPTN website run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. From my own clinical experience, I have anecdotal data about how significant resources are in getting on the list for an organ transplant (non-kidney). None of this is new to those who work in transplant, and there are many hands taking up the work of ameliorating this situation. These main points were wrapped in a short personal narrative about not being a donor…

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Russian Attack on LGBTs at UN Rejected; Gay Cake Controversy Rages in N. Ireland; Bishop Calls for Marriage Referendum in Puerto Rico; Global LGBT Recap

…of public importance regarding the extent to which suppliers of goods and services can refuse service on grounds of sexual orientation, religious belief and/or political opinion,” the commission said before the court hearing. The BBC reports that more than 2,000 people showed up for an event organized by the Christian Institute to support the family that owns Ashers Baking Company. The hundreds who couldn’t make it into the full-to-capacity hall…

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United Methodists Elect 1st Gay Bishop; Canadian Anglicans OK Same-Sex Marriage

…translation by Google] Juan Alberto Vazquez writes in that the number of cities in Mexico holding pride celebrations is booming, but that visibility and progress go hand-in-hand with continuing resistance, bullying, homophobia, and violence. Bosnia and Herzogovina: Anti-discrimination law protects LGBT and intersex people The House of People of the Parliamentary Assembly adopted amendments to the country’s anti-discrimination, includin…

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