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Why David Sometimes Wins: What We Must Learn From Cesar Chavez

…sions with 10-15 persons, participants verbally attacked each other to air problems” for periods of one to three hours. Ganz concludes, “Chavez transformed UFW deliberations into a controlled, exclusive and judgmental process in which one’s loyalty was constantly on the line.” Chavez sought to make “the game” as central to the practice of the union as it was to Synanon. In the Spring of 1978, Chavez required 200 staffers to travel as much as five…

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Holy Spit: Why Do Ultra-Orthodox Jews Spit at Christians?

…h-Christian relations in the city surely are in need of some repair, these problems seem small in the face of deteriorating Jewish-Muslim relations. But while Jewish-Muslim tensions dominate the headlines, most Israeli liberals feel that there is little that they can do to improve that situation; a situation (hamatzav, or the situation in Hebrew) enmeshed in political and military consideration. The excacerbation of Jewish-Christian tensions, on t…

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The Most Religious Race: Islam in Europe

…n with Muslims, among other peoples). Caldwell is also right to point to a number of challenges within the European Muslim population; for one thing, too many Muslims are happy to exclude and be excluded, comfortable in self-selected isolation, and indifferent to the worth of the wider, non-Muslim society around them. Such attitudes contribute to alienation and extremism. There are also deep currents of misogyny, illiberalism, intolerance, and ant…

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Rarefied Islamophobia: When Americans Duplicate the European Cultural Talk

…deniable that many of these changes were triggered by the arrival of large numbers of immigrants from Africa, North Africa, and Asia; as a result, cultural and religious institutions in Europe are facing many serious challenges. And yet even if this central assumption is true and Caldwell’s overall analysis of cultural and demographic evolution of Europe is correct, the author examines the questions within the primitive trappings of “The Green Per…

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Rebuilding the Wall of Separation: A Progressive Discussion on Church & State

…ent that it never existed in the first place. Let’s resist trying to solve problems said to be associated with a broad phenomenon that no one can document or even describe. But allow me to briefly expand on a deeper problem Bruce referenced in his report on our panel: This is an internalization of that old-time framing of the religious right itself; and a peculiar adaptation of their claim that liberals are godless communists, or witting or unwitt…

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Sex Comes For the Archbishop: Rembert Weakland’s Unflinching Memoir

…ons. But as I see it, Rembert Weakland was a product of the very ecclesial problems he sought to overcome. He was a gay man in a homosocial hierarchy who claims he knew little about his own sexuality until he was 40. He was part of an institution that kept the voices of women and same-sex lovers from ever being heard in places where they could make a difference to doctrine, ethics, and/or pastoral practice. He lived as a vowed celibate man at some…

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Republican Gomorrah Documents the Christian Right Takeover of the GOP

…book Escape from Freedom. Republican Gomorrah, however, rises above these problems and still stands strong as a memorable example of investigative journalism and social narrative. Dismiss the Christian Right at Your Own Risk What Blumenthal has captured in chilling reportage is the reality that the Republican Party has been “shattered” by a sociopolitical movement that has raised political partisanship to the level of a cosmological struggle. Emi…

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Religion is Not about Belief: Karen Armstrong’s The Case for God

…the Reformation proceeded, Protestantism began to morph into a bewildering number of sects, each with its own doctrinal bias, its own interpretation of the Bible, and each convinced that it alone had a monopoly on truth. There was now a clamor of religious opinion in Europe. Systems of thought were privileged over rituals, because it was felt necessary to initiate a litmus test for inclusion (and exclusion). Doctrinal alignment, therefore, differe…

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Right Makes Might: The President as Political Realist

…understood how the political causes of war were linked to underlying moral problems. Lincoln, recall, was convinced that slavery somehow was the cause of war. It’s fair to say the same of Nazism. For Niebuhr, the moral dimensions of war are every bit as “real” and vital as the security interests to which they are tied. Niebuhr never much liked just war’s “elaborate formulas,” instead embracing a “Christian principle” that justified force “to defen…

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Mauled by an Angel: Why Do Americans Need “God’s Secret Agents”?

…eat deal of interest in helping middle-class Americans with their personal problems and conflicts, though He and His messengers seemed to spend little time dealing with war, famine, and social injustice. Feel-good angelmania suddenly appeared everywhere. The hugely popular Ask Your Angels (1992) told its readers that they were surrounded with heavenly helpers interested in providing “empowerment.” “Angel Tarot Cards” became popular, as did images,…

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