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Capricology: Television, Tech, and the Sacred

…rch for meaning. Caprica, a society of privilege and wealth, obviously has problems. Rich white kids from Caprica like Zoe hate their accomplished selfish parents, while nice ethnic middle-class families from Tauron have obedient children trying to assimilate into the broader culture. Stereotypes blow into oblivion however, when a terrorist bombing by Zoe’s handsome young friend Ben—anxious, but looking very Middle Eastern in appearance—blows the…

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Extra-Terrestrial Kitsch: Capricology #4

…espond to the persistent threat of terrorism, the tendency to blame social problems on teens’ relations to new technology and popular culture, or the media strategies by which public figures seek to extract themselves from scandals (hard to watch those scenes without comparing them with Tiger Woods’ press conference this week). The first invites us to read science fiction as speculative fiction—asking what if questions, considering alternative soc…

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Creationism and Global Warming Denial: Anti-Science’s Kissing Cousins?

…lobbying arm Evangelical Climate Initiative seek to address environmental problems from a Christian perspective of charity, social justice, and biblical stewardship. “With climate change, it’s not as directly tied into a literal interpretation of the Bible, it’s more piggybacked,” said Prothero, whose book, Greenhouse of the Dinosaurs, presents a narrative account of the science of climate change. “Denialism goes very deep; evolution or climate c…

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Right Wing Disputes Lesbian Motherhood Research

…ian households were psychologically well-adjusted and had fewer behavioral problems than their peers.” This is truly fantastic news—not just for the gay community, but for the children—and isn’t that who these anti-gay family groups are most concerned with? Aren’t they always telling us “think about the children!” when issues of gays and lesbians daring to do anything other normal citizens get to do come up? So, here is a study that shows that, he…

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Ann Coulter Puts the “Con” in “Homocon 2010”

…ulter.” Well, speaking as a party pooper from the gay left, I have so many problems with this whole thing it’s so hard to know where to start. First, Judy Garland should be spinning in her grave for the grievous insult that has been hurled her way by Barron. Secondly, inviting Ann Coulter to a gay-affirming event is like inviting Pat Robertson to speak at the next gay Christian convention—and there are plenty of them held each year. I can imagine…

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Using the “A” Word: Israel and Apartheid

…ecade, as some figures in  the Israeli government sought a solution to the problems caused by the prolonged occupation, they too began to refer to South African apartheid, for the most part in a predictive manner. That it is to say: Israel may not yet be practicing apartheid—but it is approaching it. In 2007, then-Prime Minister Ehud Olmert called for negotiations that would lead to a two-state solution. He warned his countrymen that in the future…

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Young Imam Reality Show, Debating Secularism, and More

…it. And last week’s secular billboards have been vandalized. It’s causing problems in Europe too. Italy objected to a European courts ruling that bans crucifixes from school classrooms. Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re said the crucifix teaches students to love and respect others and asked “How could someone not share such a symbol?” Like crucifixes in Italy, Muslim veils are facing bans in many European states. The Council of Europe urged countries…

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Of Love and Lodging: Doctor Who Part VIII

…olographic program, programmed to follow instructions and resolve specific problems, but incapable of creative, original thought. And so the challenge of this episode is both to “lodge” and to break free, to dare to think and act with courageous independence, but also to dare to commit and to belong. Gabriel Mckee__________ The Lodger Last year, I gave a three-part seminar on superheroes and religion at the Cornerstone Musical Festival. (I also di…

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Why Are Conservative Women Turning The Other Cheek On Vitter Aide’s Domestic Violence?

…the religious right’s political rhetoric is the contention that all of our problems are caused by society’s abandonment of a “biblical worldview.” Titus emphasized this in the context of guns and crime, stating that crime is just a consequence of “the fallen world.” When Jesus came, said Titus: He took upon himself the sins of the world but he didn’t rid the world of sin. Right? So there must be a message there, and that’s that you can take people…

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Catholic Prof Teaches that Same-Sex Marriage is Violation of ‘Natural Law’

…a state institution. Ms. Gibson is a lawyer who undoubtedly considered the problems of such entanglements when crafting the deal, but it is something to be investigated. Does this mean that if Dr. Howell had not been reported by a student for teaching the party line without any reference to other Catholic positions that the State of Illinois would have been happy to grant credits to students of a professor whose wages were underwritten by the reli…

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