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Glenn Beck Takes on Liberation Theology

…ir and that there were no “works” we could do to receive the grace of God. Central to his concern was that liberation theology promoted “collective salvation” and resulted in communism and redistribution of wealth. On his infamous chalkboard he drew lines from James Cone to the Black Panthers, then to Reverend Jeremiah Wright, then Marx, then, you guessed it, President Obama and immigrants. Chalk lines, however, are easily erased. But as the news…

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Glenn Beck’s Cheap Grace

…and Jesus made the call to repentance from both personal and social sin, a central part of their preaching. Without this repentance, there is no grace and no salvation. Beck then goes on to equate Cone’s black theology with Marxism. Here he is wildly off base and his unfortunate tendency to take everything he doesn’t like, slap it on to his chalkboard, draw lines, and call it a connection, gets the better of him. Unfortunately, he doesn’t always d…

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God and Prop. 8: New Poll Holds Surprises on Gay Marriage

…’s our tradition,” she told the Washington Post after the vote. “In Latino Central American culture, the gays aren’t accepted.” A new poll released by the Public Religion Research Institute reveals two years after Prop. 8 that attitude among some Hispanics in California may be changing; but the poll also reveals deep differences between Latino Protestants and Catholics. “The divide between Latino Protestants and Latino Catholics in California is a…

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Immigration and Anti-Immigration in the Book of Mormon-Belt

…he United States. There are now about as many Mormons living in Mexico and Central America as there are in Utah, and worldwide, about 4.5 million Church members are Spanish-speaking. The LDS Church’s strongest growth in the United States is in Latino communities. The old American saying that “Sunday is the most segregated time of the week” holds largely true for Mormonism too. Even though Mormon congregations are organized geographically, Spanish-…

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A Mennonite on American Obesity

…you explode. As I contemplated the commonplace nature of obesity in South Central PA, and its prevalence among Christians and non-Christians alike, I remembered something about gluttony being one of the seven deadly sins. And then it hit me like a T-bone steak through my TV screen—that’s right up there with lust on the list of deadly sins. Here we were, slothfully chowing away in the richest nation in the world, in a mall a few doors down from Ex…

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A Primer on Activism from Unitarian Universalists

…hich Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray of the UU Congregation of Phoenix, played a central role and UU singers participated in the joint choir. The more than 200 UUs, some in clergy garb but most in their bright yellow shirts emblazoned with the Standing on the Side of Love logo, were visible in the service and then in the march down the street. Once groups convened downtown, around at 9 a.m., civil disobedience actions began in multiple locations. Althou…

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Israel’s Immigration Debate: “Where is the Jewish Spirit?”

…itizenship under family reunion arrangements. Finally, an estimated 25,000 Africans from Sudan, Eritrea, and other countries have infiltrated the country via Egypt. Together with Arab Israelis, approximately 30% of the population (inside the Green Line) is not Jewish, similar to Belgium with a 30% Walloon and a 60% Flemish population or pre-1993 Czechoslovakia (54% Czech and 31% Slovak). Israel’s very raison d’etre is to maintain its Jewish exclus…

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Misusing Cesar Chavez in Immigration Debate

…t thirty-six days, a duration trumping even those undergone by Gandhi, his Indian guru. Like Gandhi, Chavez staged three public fasts, including the “Love Fast,” begun on February 14, 1968, which ended twenty-five days later with an ecumenical mass in which he broke bread with Robert Kennedy. Each of Chavez’s three public rituals was dubbed a “spiritual fast,” during which he took communion from priests and communed prayerfully with Protestant min…

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Cooler than Thou: Will Hipsters Wreck Christianity?

…ly what, by McCracken’s estimation, make Aiuto and his church “hip.” For a central part of being hip is not trying to be, or at least not caring whether you are or not. And you certainly can’t be hip if you label yourself as such. “Pastors who think they’ll win over the cool kids by forming the church in the cool kids’ pop-culture image,” he writes, “are liable to find themselves even less relevant than when they started.” Criticizing “Cool” For M…

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Rick Santorum’s Crusade To Save “Christendom”

…antorum never let go of his old culture war issues — in fact they became a central facet of his ideology against Islam. I had the chance to interview Santorum in late 2007, as the Republican presidential primary was in full swing, and the candidates were trying not only to out-values-voters each other, but demonstrate their tough-on-terrorism cred. When I interviewed him, he was fresh off speaking at David Horowitz’s Islamofascism Awareness Week a…

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