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Orthodox Jews Begin to Reckon with Sexual Abuse

…us Concerns The Orthodox community’s reliance upon beth dins is one of the central stumbling blocks to combating sexual abuse. Typically comprised of three rabbis, they rule on family and business disputes such as divorce, inheritance, and contractual disagreements. Small Jewish communities usually have a single beth din while larger communities, like those found in New York and New Jersey, may have many. These include beth dins that specialize in…

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War on Christmas, War on Schmistmas, Happy Holiday

…better or worse, in our culture, that time of reflection coincides with a central holiday in the Christian calendar (that was borrowed by Christians from the cultures that preceded it). But I digress. So I give gifts to those I love, to materially mark the fact that my real gift is my love for them (and I reflect on whether I tell/show them I love them enough during the rest of the year.) I send notes, emails and cards to people who have touched…

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Queer Religion and Community at HRC Summer Institute

…not serve anyone’s interests. … In my tradition, Christianity, one of the central theological claims is that God extends love and mercy graciously—i.e., from a space of vulnerability, from a space where being wounded and hurt and misunderstood is always a risk. As we worked—and worked hard—through the course of the week, as we made mistakes, as we learned from each other, as we forged relationships, genuine relationships, by naming and confrontin…

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Book Burning and the Scapegoating of Islam

…egations are symbolically enacting the very thing that the passion stories central to Christianity were intended to repudiate. Where they are called to see the crucified Christ in those who are being symbolically burned at the stake, they instead see a righteous sacrifice to God. Where they are called to identify with the victim of sacrificial scapegoating, they become the practitioners. For those like me who see in the crucifixion what Heim sees,…

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Marco Rubio’s “Constitutional Scholar”

…the event in support of Rubio’s candidacy, is the fundamentalist Christian promoter of “Christian American History” and a revisionist history of race in America that paints the Republican party as the party of racial equality. He also plays a big role in Glenn Beck’s “Founder’s Fridays,” his “university,” and the recent rally in Washington. While Beck promotes Barton as a “professor,” the advertisements for this “free and open to the public” event…

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Colbert v. Stewart: It’s On! 10.30.10

…’s primaries, pundits have pondered whether the far right character of the Republican nominees will make them unelectable; thus rescuing Democrats from what otherwise promises to be a very bad year.   But no one anticipated the Rally to Restore Sanity or the March to Keep Fear Alive. Could the Comedy Central Duo make a difference? While the tea party crowd is overwhelmingly middle-aged the Stewart-Colbert fans are those younger potential voters co…

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Tea Party Bullies on Homosexuality: “No Punishment Too Severe?”

…the views of influential players in contemporary politics. Barton has been central to the rise of Glenn Beck’s tea party organization, the 9-12 Project and is a colleague of Florida House Candidate Dan Webster at Bill Gothard’s Institute in Basic Life Principles. DeMint’s money has gone to (among others) Sharron Angle of Nevada, Ken Buck of Colorado, Marco Rubio of Florida, Mike Lee of Utah, Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Ra…

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Religion Profs Critique PBS’ God Documentary, Call it Simplistic

…mes I will cover that day. When we write articles, we usually focus on one central argument. Our best books, in turn, most often contain only a few more major themes. No doubt creating a television documentary about any historical topic requires a reduction in complexity and nuance. But so does delivering a good lecture and writing a good monograph. Yet scholars tend to hold filmmakers to different standards than they hold their academic peers, an…

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Dads Against Daughters Dating

…unctioning autonomously from male authority, even in the process of finding a mate. Girls are to rely on their fathers to do this for them and remain in submission to their fathers until they have been given over to submit to their husbands. These organizations all promote literature, lectures, conferences, and other materials intended to promote this perspective, as well as the starkly delineated gender norms and expectations upon which this view…

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Controversial Mary Statue Weeps Because ‘We’re Killing This World’

…ty can also serve as an outlet for end-time prophecies. While Jesus is the central figure of Protestant millennialism, when lay Catholics suspect the world might be ending they turn to Mary. Ibrahim has never preached of a coming catastrophe, but pilgrims agree that Mary’s arrival in Windsor signifies dark times. One visitor commented, “Seeing is believing, and definitely we do see her weeping—weeping for the world, weeping because there’s no love…

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