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Scientology: All-American or Aging Hoax?

…thing—10 percent of the org’s gross income flowed upwards, and Hubbard took 10 percent of that.   By the mid-1950s, Hubbard was most likely a multi-millionaire; by the 1970s, he had Swiss bank accounts. His cash on hand was a shoebox or four, each filled with $25,000. (You have to wonder where he put his shoes.) But Hubbard seems to have enjoyed earning money more than the money itself. He lived modestly, given his fortune, and Reitman quotes a 19…

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Keeping the “Southern” in Southern Baptist Convention

…do that.” But it is precisely in “theology, morality, and ethics” that the official name—Southern Baptist Convention—matches the key role of the SBC in guiding the white South on its long transformation from the era of segregation, through the turmoil of the civil rights struggle, and into the era of Baptist Republicanism. Not a Good Brand? The SBC has considered name changes in years past, apparently dating back (at least) to 2004, when the name…

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Why the Next Archbishop of Canterbury Should Be African

…pete for attention. And they do so as part of a world Church. The church’s official name is Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), indicating the way in which they see themselves as part of the worldwide family of churches who look to the Archbishop of Canterbury as their “focus of unity.” Nigeria is hardly the only African country where Anglicanism is growing quickly. In the world’s newest nation, South Sudan, the Episcopal Church of Sudan is a…

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Personhood Ohio Claims Bible Dictates Criminal Penalties for Abortion

…, of Missionaries to the Preborn—an organization which features, on its website, a video comparing an abortion provider to a sniper who is running around killing children at an elementary school; which describes abortion clinics as “death camps” and a clinic employee as “one of the crazy women;” and which adopts militaristic language like “regiment” and “brigade” for its local groups. On the Personhood Ohio website, meanwhile, there are implicatio…

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The Bible Is Not a Diet Plan

…ion of one of the least-read books of the Bible. The first nine chapters of 1 Chronicles are taken up with the official family tree of the Hebrew tribes… Talk about boring! The long lists of unfamiliar and difficult names—more than five hundred of them—are likely to make even the bravest Bible student turn back.” Genealogies are “boring” and “difficult”—because we can’t use them. But they were recorded and preserved with such care because the stra…

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The Revival of the Pastors’ Policy Briefings

…ut the evangelical vote for Huckabee, with a former Texas Republican Party official writing on his blog in 2007: Lane brought together some 250 Iowa pastors at a Rediscovering God in America event in Des Moines. Huckabee, a former pastor, spoke at that event; and many of the Iowa pastors are expected to turn out their members for Governor Huckabee at the August straw polls. Lane, who is emerging as a major political force within the evangelical co…

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The Technological Apocalypse is Coming (Straight to DVD)

…tfully low-budget sci-fi film that will be released next month. Here’s the official website of the movie, where release details should be announced shortly. Trailer below (spoiler alert: look out for cameos by Alan Dershowitz AND Tony Robbins). Details about the film and its release are still hazy, but the trailer alone nicely illustrates how quickly Singularity-brand futurism can turn into science fiction. Intertwined with Kurzweil’s interviews o…

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‘Religious Freedom’: Constitutional Principle or Electoral Politics?

…for their courage than Burmese dissident Aung San Suu Kyi, who spent nearly 15 years under house arrest.  Months before the election is the perfect time for the CHA to press its case for an exemption from the policy, which would not only allow it freedom from following the law on contraceptive insurance, but also to assert without scrutiny that any number of health services violate its religious beliefs. In her interview with Kaiser Health News, S…

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Red White and Blue No Longer

…a Californian, where non-Hispanic whites ceased to be the majority group in 1999 but where whites still very much rule the political roost in ways that have terrible consequences for younger Californians of color. Seeing the end in sight, conservative white Californians began more than three decades ago to implement a series of voter-enacted restrictions on the raising of any new taxes or fees. Taken together, these restrictions created the ironcl…

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