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From Murderous to ‘MORG’: Mormonism Meets the Press

…mney.” That’s doubtful. Whether by dint of his pragmatic personality or by official campaign strategy, Romney continues to studiously avoid open discussion of his religion, preferring instead to stress only the elements of his faith that align with campaign priorities. (Clayton Christensen, another Harvard-affiliated, business world-molded Mormon leader has emerged lately as a Romney media surrogate.) Romney’s reticence can be understood as a feat…

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The Biola Queer Underground

…nced the presence of the previously underground group, which does not have official recognition at the Christian school. School officials had the flyers removed almost immediately. But the next day, they issued a statement clarifying the school’s stance on human sexuality and assuring students struggling with same-sex attraction that they are welcome in the Biola community. This is Biola’s version of “welcome:” Biola students are required to sign…

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Court Rules Religiously-Based Restrictions in HHS Contracts with Bishops Violate Establishment Clause

…it promotes a respect for religion by refusing to single out any creed for official favor at the expense of all others.” Last year, Republicans and conservative activists contended that HHS’s decision not to renew the Bishops’ contract under the TVPA amounted to anti-Catholic bias by the Obama administration. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, who also did the Bishops’ bidding by holding hearing…

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American Bishops Pushed Rome on Nun Crackdown

…jor Superiors of Women Religious (CMSWR), which broke away from the LCWR in 1992. Incidentally, Cardinal Law was a member of the Vatican’s Congregation for Religious when it launched its own visitation – separate from the CDF investigation – of women’s communities in the US. According to news reports, that project was at least partially funded by the Knights of Columbus, a wealthy fraternal order of Catholic men for whom Archbishop Lori has been s…

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How NOT to Investigate Mitt Romney’s Mormon Ties

…ty firm. Just last week, the Salt Lake Tribune reported that an LDS Church official with the same last name mistakenly used a church email account to fundraise for Romney 2012. Pay attention to the names. Mormons do. I cite these two recent stories not to suggest any kind of wrongdoing. What I am saying is that to understand the Mormon world that Mitt Romney moves in, the world that has shaped his perspective and priorities, journalists need to st…

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Netanyahu Patriarch Dies at 102, Leaves Hawkish Legacy

…ideology of Revisionist Zionism articulated by Vladimir Jabotinsky. In the 1930s Zionist Revisionists, in deep disagreement with the policies of the socialist-leaning and politically pragmatic Labor Zionists, broke with the official Zionist movement and formed their own organization. Eventually, the Revisionists would form their own military organization, the Irgun—led in the mid-1940s by Menachem Begin. As one of the intellectuals of the movemen…

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Cardinal Dolan Not So “Charitable,” says Young Gay Catholic

…inal Dolan or the archdiocese? Not in an official capacity. I have heard unofficially from friends who are priests that we needed to keep having this conversation, that if we keep talking the Church may respond in a good way. There is an opportunity for Cardinal Dolan to exercise a teachable moment, meet and talk with these young people, hear their stories, to show that they have dignity that should be respected.   We have focused too long on cate…

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Days of Reckoning for the Philadelphia Archdiocese

…is found guilty, it will set a legal precedent to go after Catholic Church officials who moved pedophiles and abusers without notifying legal authorities. The case is the first time that a diocesan official has been prosecuted for doing what the majority of bishops told them to do: bury the sexual abuse stories to protect the Church, or to move perpetrators to an undesirable parish. I am fervently hoping for a conviction in this trial. While the U…

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October “Baby” is a Grown Woman

…ferred to as “the university,” by students, parents, and even a university official giving a speech. The unnamed hospital has a sign that says “Hospital.” But it isn’t really universal, is it? It depicts what abortion would be like if women were all beautiful, tragic figures, living in a world run by men who treated them with, not respect, but a kind of indulgent kindness. Well, okay. In the real world of policy, poverty, pregnancy complications,…

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The Fire Next Time: Tibetan Protests Spread

…ng Day protest in Delhi was bigger than ever this year. Tempa Tsering, the official representative of the Dalai Lama, says more than 1,000 gathered in front of the United Nations’ office to mark the anniversary of the 1959 rebellion in Tibet against China’s People’s Liberation Army. “The emotions are much stronger—the sense of concern, the sense of anxiety, the urgency,” Tsering says. “You have your fellow beings torturing themselves… So when this…

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