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California Inmates Protest the Abuse of Long-Term Solitary Confinement

…ful of control units across the country, according to the American Friends Service Committee. Today an estimated 44 states have supermax facilities, and “[as with the overall prison population, people of color are disproportionately represented in isolation units.” “In California, roughly 90 percent of the individuals in the Security Housing Units are people of color,” said Markle Downton. “For people of faith, for people of conscience, the dispro…

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My God, David Brooks

…ople to conceive of meaningful lives in God-free ways — as painters in the service of art, as scientists in the service of knowledge. For David Brooks, in other words, it feels amazingly great to live amidst the spoils of our secular age! But really, how does it feel to live in an age like ours, having moved from “the all encompassing sacred cosmos, to our current world in which faith is a choice, in which some people believe, others don’t and a l…

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What American Flag-Worship Looks Like to a New Citizen

…th the right hand over the heart. After an item has been blessed in divine service – palm leaves, linens used to dress or to wipe up at the altar, a metal chalice – and has reached the end of its useful service, the preferred method of its disposal is consumption by fire. Palm leaves are often turned to ashes for use the following year on Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Christian holy season of Lent. Chalices may be melted down and recast. We…

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Bishop Minerva Carcaño Has a Nearly Impossible Job

…involved in discussion about whether a local church could be used for the service and whether local clergy ought to participate. There are differing perceptions about whether she instructed local pastors not to allow the ordination service to be held in local churches. It is hard to know all that went on behind the scenes. In any case, she encouraged her colleagues to “be extravagant in hospitality” to those who would be involved even if the deno…

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FRC Rehashes Religious Opposition to DADT… in Real Time

…been addressed here, however, is the religious freedom of gay and lesbian service members. I wonder how many gays and lesbians of faith are serving in the military who may feel that they can’t speak freely to a military chaplain about their faith for fear of getting a lecture on their “immorality.” What about their right to speak freely about religion and what it means to them? The military is a microcosm of the larger society in many ways, and h…

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Prominent Russian Orthodox Church Rejects Pro-Putin Patriarch Kirill, Raising Tensions Within Orthodox World

…Kirill would continue to be commemorated at St. Nicholas. Then, after the service, he told the clergy that their dispute with Kirill was of great concern to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The clergy of St. Nicholas refused to relent. It was at this point the threats began. A service was interrupted by a man who broke a window; an online smear campaign was launched against the parish; and the church was vandalized with the pro-Putin, pro…

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Conservative Republican Muslim Condemns Fox Report on Congressional Staffers as “Anti-Muslim Bigotry”

…rayer events, he said, are “very pro-American, and tend to be about public service, and the honor of public service.” He also said that the claim in the Fox piece that Council on American Islamic Relations plays a big role in choosing speakers “is not true. . . . they have absolutely no hand in choosing anybody.”* The CMSA’s events, said Khan, are “something all Americans could be proud of. They are a shining example of freedom of religious expres…

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The “Religious Freedom” Issue That May Cost the Accused Boston Bomber His Life

…ty. This tends to exclude members of particular faith traditions from jury service, as the Death Penalty Information center noted in 2005: “Catholics who have heeded their Church’s call to end the death penalty” are among those “believers of all stripes who… will not be able to serve even in the guilt-innocence phase of the trial.” (DPIC, “Blind Justice,” 6,) On January 8, the Catholic Mobilizing Network to End the Use of the Death Penalty echoed…

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Leper Messiah: A Jesus Freak’s Search for the Meaning of Bowie—A Critical Novella

…ht in 1973, to answer the altar call—the exhortation, in every evangelical service, to heed Jesus’s knock at the door of your heart and come forward, with the other converts-to-be, to Accept Jesus as Your Lord and Personal Savior. I’d met this Jesus before, in Jesus Christ Superstar (1970): a righteous messiah, opening a can of whupass on the moneylenders, giving the one-finger salute to the hypocritical religious establishment, and suffering poli…

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Healed of the Sin of Religion: At Church with Sara Miles

…hey adore. And it’s funny, the desire of churches to make it into a social service program is so profound—like we have this idea that to be really professional you have to imitate the DMV or the post office, something like that. And in fact we’re not professional. Instead we get to participate in the gratuitous nature of creation, which is an amazing thing. And you try to organize it in a way that works well, which is what liturgy is. How do you e…

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