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Recovering From Rejection: The Second Coming of Ted Haggard

…rculated email, and on his blog. London reportedly told the Religious News Service of Haggard’s plans to hold prayer services, “When you think of the ethics of that, it, to me, just defies explanation.” Not to be left out of the media feeding frenzy, other high-profile pastors in the conservative evangelical Christian community quickly piled on. C. Peter Wagner, who co-founded the World Prayer Center with Haggard and is well known for the exorcism…

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Like Azusa Street Baptized into Bureaucracy: Mexico’s Flourishing LLDM Church Loses its Apostle

…replica Ark of the Covenant, sitting on a little lawn of AstroTurf. During services, people sing hymns to God, to Jesus, and to Samuel. They read from special Bibles, in the back of which are printed the key speeches and epistles of Samuel. Pilgrims gathered for the ceremony of Santa Cena, the Holy Supper. La Luz del Mundo has thrived among the poor, and in particular the transient poor, flowing into Mexico’s cities from the country’s hardscrabble…

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Good Without God: The Ethics of Atheism

…e in community service projects in many of the cities, as part of “Secular Service Day,” an idea designed “to unite secular groups across the country in the interest of public service, and to demonstrate our commitment to leading full and ethical lives.” I first connected with Epstein while conducting research for The New Atheist Crusaders and Their Unholy Grail. When I met him, I was pretty drained from sitting through one too many Dawkins vs. D’…

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Call it ‘Christian Globalism’: A Reporter’s Guide to the New Apostolic Reformation, Part III

…an-Williams gave the Opening Prayer at the private Inauguration Day Prayer Service for President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence at St. John’s Episcopal Church, across Lafayette Park from the White House. The notable evangelical leaders present included Robert Jeffress, Mark Burns, Jentezen Franklin, Jerry Falwell Jr, James Dobson, and James Robison. Duncan-Williams later prophesied that Trump would fulfill an endtime prophecy by moving…

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Hold Your Applause: Potential Changes to Roles of Catholic Women and LGBTQ+ People May Just Be Vatican Breadcrumbing

…of power derived from the models offered by the world, or is it rooted in service?” (par. 57). It’s as if the Church were without power struggles and as if no social models were rooted in service. Wrong on both counts. A path to women deacons is hinted at here but not women priests. I’m reminded that Hansel left a few breadcrumbs but that he and Gretel were foiled by hungry birds. So it goes. Breadcrumbing works like other forms of intermittent r…

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Gay, Christian, Pagan, Artist: How Matt Morris Defies the Borders of Spiritual Identity

…helping out at that church. It was an attempt to discern how I might be of service and whether or not marrying my experiences and talents as a musician with my life of faith was something that was connected to that calling. I feel like I was called to a deeper awareness of God and that calling also was directly connected to an experience of service to an immediate moment of reaching out in kindness and compassion to someone and then a deeper aware…

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Discrimination on the Taxpayer’s Dime? The Fight To Curtail the Overreach of RFRA

…y if the USCCB will not refer its clients for required reproductive health services, or if it arranged for access to these services through other means. About the ACLU’s FOIA suit, a spokesman for the Administration for Children and Families said the agency “is gathering documents to complete the requests in an expeditious manner that aligns with FOIA procedures.” The USCCB did not respond to requests for comment on the FOIA suit. For advocates of…

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RD News Round-Up—Oct.14, 2008

…-ten (57%) young adults say they prefer a larger government providing more services rather than a smaller government providing fewer services. Among Americans as a whole, less than half (45%) want bigger government. The generation gap is evident among every religious tradition. Two-thirds (67%) of younger Catholics say they prefer bigger government, and younger white evangelicals are 21 points more likely than older evangelicals to support larger…

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Spiritual McCarthyism and the Catholic Vote

…es. And, the Obama campaign has bigger plans. According to a Religion News Service report, Team Obama “is also launching a grassroots effort, tentatively called Joshua Generation, with plans to hold concerts and house meetings targeted at young evangelicals and Catholics.” David O’Brien, the Loyola professor of Catholic studies at the College of the Holy Cross and a member of the steering committee of Obama’s Catholic National Advisory Council, an…

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Raising Children the Right Way

…bage, whereupon the camera shows a tear rolling down his cheek. The public service announcements for the “Keep America Beautiful” campaign reframed how millions of American children came to understand that their personal actions affected the community as a whole. Thirty years later, we have gone through a similar learning experience with regard to separating our garbage out into various types. We learned that throwing all of our trash into one can…

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