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Decolonizing Jewish Studies Part II: A Response to the Backlash

…o non-cismen. Classics and early Christianity are also confronting racism, classism, and transphobia. As ever, webs of injustice are woven of overlapping threads (“intersectionality”). By not naming these phenomena, we deny their reality: the limits of language are the limits of our world. Critics denouncing terminology as “jargon” aren’t just lazily dismissing positions they find threatening or conceding their inability to proffer critique: they’…

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Ihram: Dressing for the King

…e on the thighs to prevent chafing. The intention of removing all signs of class and cultural distinction while performing the hajj reiterates that each man is equal to the next man. Nice. But I hope you noticed I said man to men, and I don’t ever use the word unless explicitly male. I never use that word for human being, person, or humanity as whole. That gives people too much license whether to include women as persons or human beings, so I just…

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Rep. Smith Suggests a New Protected Class: “Immaturity”

…n of dependency” added along with “age, race, religion, sex, disability” — classes that are protected under our civil rights laws. Smith is robbing the legacy of the civil rights movement, the women’s rights movement, the disability rights movement (but of course not the LGBT rights movement, whose rights Smith’s conservative cohorts have blocked) to claim that fetuses are merely “immature” or “dependent” people who deserve the protections of the…

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Overnight Sensation ‘The Rich Men North of Richmond’ isn’t Just a Window into a Forgotten America — It’s an Invitation into a Worldview

…rton and Bruce Springsteen have sung about the plight of the White working class and given voice to their struggles. Of course, the category of “working class” has been used throughout American history to describe White people. In reality, the American working class is racially diverse, and includes many BIPOC people. The 2021 American Community Survey shows: “Black, Hispanic, and other workers of color make up 45 percent of the working class, whi…

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Salvation, Purity, and Right Wing Activism: A Sampling of What Taxpayers Will Be Forced to Support as a Result of Carson v. Makin SCOTUS Ruling

…watch “documentaries” about young earth creationism and “flood geology” in class. For a class to qualify as part of the AP program requires use of a standard introductory college textbook, but he refused to teach us the evolution chapters, telling us to read them on our own and regurgitate them for the exam. Apparently lying for Jesus is okay when you’re on the elite culture warrior track. Lesson learned. Teachers beginning class with prayer and d…

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South Park Meets the Sacraments at Class for New Catholics

…of shopping, computers and TV. But even Father Shea uses tech in his RCIA class. Damien thinks the use of the videos might be the older Jesuit trying to cater to the younger college audience—a good guess, given Father Shea’s assessment of millennial culture. One of the clips Father Shea plays during class is an animated video on baptism. The poorly drawn cartoon characters wobble around the screen, acting out how the sacrament would have looked c…

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The Surprisingly Short History of Popular Yoga

…n, Chicago, which Feltus describes as a “yoga desert.” He also offers yoga classes to men at the Cook County Jail. His classes consist of postures, breathing exercises, meditation, and talk therapy, which he suggests offer students the much-needed opportunity to purge otherwise painful memories, feelings, and thoughts. A teacher with Yoga for Recovery, a Chicago nonprofit offering yoga classes to women in the Cook County Jail, and co-founder of Ch…

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Back to School at The First Public School In the Country To Require a World Religions Course

…take a “course” designed by the district to prepare them for teaching the class. There is no credential for this class so we are all “social studies teachers.” I’d like to see religious studies become a separate credential for teachers but that’s unlikely. Most religion scholars are teaching in the university. Do you think this curriculum could be implemented in other school districts? I know it could and it should. I had hoped it would happen wi…

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Why Bill Maher Gets a “C” in My Introduction to Religion Class…

…world. The reality of the matter is that what we see in religious studies classes across the United States is the great variety of manners in which religions happen in and through their rituals and practices, through their symbolic and communal exchanges, and, yes, in light of and sometimes in spite of their in-the-head beliefs. Two of the more usefully analytic definitions of religion that I offer my students, which is not to say they are the “r…

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Russian Orthodox Patriarch Blames Gays For ISIS; ‘Christian Nationalist’ Sworn In As Guatemala’s President; Vatican Resists Civil Unions in Italy; Global LGBT Recap

…vil union fight, calling the church a “far more resilient group” than the “business lobbyists and hardline unionists” Renzi has taken on in previous battles. Kington reports that the president of the Italian bishops’ conference Archbishop Angelio Bagnasco, “has given his blessing to a demonstration in Roe on January 30 promoting the supremacy of heterosexual family life and backing Catholic MPs within Renzi’s own party who plan to sabotage a gay u…

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