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Are Evangelicals Suffering From Buyer’s Remorse with Obama?

…tion’: ‘As many of you know, because we focus on continually improving our business that Xe is in the process of a comprehensive restructuring,’ he wrote. ‘It is with pride in our many accomplishments and confidence in Xe’s future that I announce my resignation as the company’s chief executive officer.’” The company’s re-branding efforts extended to its subsidiaries as well. According to SourceWatch, a project of the Center for Media and Democracy…

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Muslim Women “Warriors”

…d to translate into action my utter belief in a just God. This is the last frontier in the feminist movement to break the theological stranglehold of the patriarchs that prevents Muslim women from enjoying equal rights. For Sisters in Islam finding liberation in their faith has involved a two-prong strategy: theological education and political advocacy. SIS takes religion seriously. In its early years, SIS reached out to Islamic scholars, studied…

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Heretic: With Friends Like These, Who Needs Jihadis?

…for an ummah, a ‘super-tribe,’ a union of peoples based not on bloodline, class, or gender, but fidelity to a common and universal worldview. Islam might not be an ethnicity in the way Judaism is articulated today, but Islam creates all the same a powerful sense of peoplehood, rooted in this historical achievement. People resort to lazy memes, like ‘religion divides people.’ Sure, but it also unites people. Whereas the Arabs were once torn apart…

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TN Conservatives: Government Butt Out… Government Butt In

…inst doing business with Metro government. “If I am a sole proprietor of a business, who I hire is not the government’s business,” he said. “How would I know if someone is gay unless they made an issue of it?” Rev. Davis is basically asking for a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy on gays and lesbians in the workplace, and we’ve seen how this kind of government policy has worked with the military. There are plenty of problems with this. First, as some…

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Contrary to Popular Narrative the Supreme Court’s ‘303’ Decision Gutting Civil Rights Laws is not About an Individual Standing Up For Her Beliefs

…last millennium. It exists to legally separate individual people from the businesses they operate. The corporation shields people and their assets (home and personal bank accounts and kids’ college funds) from business liabilities, creditors, and obligations. Forming a corporate entity, such as an LLC, comes with immense benefits. But also some strings, especially once it opens itself up as a place of public accommodation. Businesses must follow…

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When Churches Do Business

…reasons like you can’t make a synagogue hire an Episcopalian minister. But businesses are not exempt. Here, the question is whether churches, when they’re doing not-churchy things like selling real estate, are acting like a church or a business. Moreover, merely selling property to a buyer who might use it for same-sex weddings seems far too attentuated to appear to be an endorsement or participation in said weddings. You could say it’s more atten…

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RDBook: Power Belongs to God

…sts like Jonathan Edwards and Charles Finney. They preached a Jesus of the frontier: muscular, self-reliant, and terse with words. Then comes a sequence of prosperity preachers and cowboy evangelists who have never ceased to capture American hearts. The master narrative arrives all the way at the door of New Life Church in Colorado Springs, the megachurch that Sharlet infiltrated for a gripping 2005 feature in Harper’s . Throughout, he suggests, t…

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Gandhi, his Grandson, Israel, and the Jews

…rching whether I had not in any one point overstepped the measure of self-preservation allotted and even prescribed by God to a human community, and whether I had not fallen into the grievous error of collective egotism. Friends and my own conscience have helped to keep me straight whenever danger threatened. After these qualifying remarks Buber gets to his main point quickly: Jews are being persecuted, robbed, maltreated, tortured, murdered. And…

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Why are Nuns and Monks in the Streets? (Parts I & II)

…, “children under 18” and individuals who are (or whose parents have been) classified as having politically problematic views are prohibited from entering the monastic life. —Party officials ultimately decide who will or will not be granted “official status” as monk or nun. Large monasteries in the TAR often have an “unofficial” monastic population that can be up to half of the official number of resident monks—a kind of waiting list. Although res…

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White People Dying Younger Because of…Moral Turpitude? Give Us a Break

…f the AIDS pandemic. Fortunately, at least for those within the chattering classes, life expectancy–and good health expectancy–continue to rise among well-educated white people. Most c-class commentators, including the New York Times editorial board, are taking a sharp breath over this despairing news but are not rushing to conclusions about what must be done. Not so the fearless fusilladiers at First Things: boss editor R.R. Reno plunged right in…

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