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All Candy, No Jesus: Halloween in America

…hing Christians would generally encourage. So where does one draw the line between “fun” and “evil?” Angie Schuller Wyatt, a third-generation pastor and granddaughter of Robert Schuller, said: I was raised by a pastor, and my parents focused on dressing up, goodies, and family time. We weren’t allowed to be witches, warlocks, or the devil as these are not fictional characters. They are real characters who represent a religion contrary to Christian…

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Memo To Kathleen Parker on ‘Father Sky’ Reference in Tucson Memorial

…ally? Really? No no, I can top that: “Brother Fire.” Best of all: “Sister Bodily Death.” Who comes up with this crap? Oh, wait. A major Christian saint came up with that crap (Hint: He died in Assisi). As a bonus, he talked about “Mother Earth.” You may find that it’s helpful to know something about a subject before you start talking about it. Just a suggestion. Hugs and kisses, Pastor Dan  …

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Meet Wyoming’s Anti-Shari’ah Crusader

…s.” He supports an amendment to the U.S. Constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman. He supports requiring teachers “to present the evidences both supportive of and contradictory to the theory of evolution.” And in response to the question on abortion, he said it should never be allowed, adding, “Life comes from God. Life begins at conception. Abortion is always tantamount to murder.” This from a lawmaker who is worried that a…

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The Islamophobia Industrial Complex

…t aggressive evangelizing in the military: Scandals have included the ties between Pentagon brass and the evangelical organization Christian Embassy and the aggressive and even hostile evangelism at the U.S. Air Force Academy. Another story that received attention was the post-9/11 comments of Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin, who, in speaking to evangelical audiences, compared Islam to Satanic evil and framed the “war on terror” as one of spiritua…

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Sex Is More Fun than Lying

…rriage and using contraception, in spite of Vatican teaching that both are sin, noted that people lie even though that’s a sin, too. I had a little retort to that.) There’s a bonus at the end, too: Michael, a traditionalist Catholic, makes the case against beatification of Pope John Paul II. Watch:…

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Palin Bus Tour Like Gideon’s Fleece

…own: a photo opportunity with Palin chatting it up with hoi polloi, with a bonus side of Piper sniping at her mom. The Palin bus rolled into Philadelphia yesterday so that Palin and family could visit Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. Predictably, there was a crazy press scrum, complete with helicopters, police escorts, random Tea Partiers, a donkey, and an elephant. Traveling with Piper, Todd, her parents, and a media throng racing behind,…

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More Sex Icon than Feminist

…vation that Palin is “running as kind of like the other partner, somewhere between a VP and a First Lady.” Here was McCain, the angry old warrior, deploying sex as a central political weapon to recharge his potency, his party’s fortunes and the cultural oomph of the right. Not gender. The Republicans didn’t need just any woman to compete with Obama for the Wow factor, the Mmm factor, the stable, loving family factor. It is a calculated bonus that…

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Catholic Groups Leading Mifepristone Ban Are Part of Century-Long Tradition Who See it as Patriotic Duty to Protect the Family

…med in Catholic settings. Although Catholic officials expanded an existing code of medical ethics in 1948 to include directives on contraception and abortion, Catholic hospitals didn’t share a unified ethical code until 1971. Reports of hospitals in some dioceses performing abortions and providing contraception to patients led the USCCB to publish a new version of the ERDs and require every diocese to adopt them. This would prevent what Father O’R…

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Are We Living in a Simulation? Bad Religion, Bad Media Combine in New Doc, ‘A Glitch in the Matrix’

…lation theory Mystwood is playing with—he is the universe, the universe is code, his code is part of the important bit, it’s all a simulation, and he’s ready to play. And, importantly, the rest of us might not matter. The language of programming in A Glitch in the Matrix is compelling and difficult. On the one hand, it is literal computer programming. On the other, intentional or not, the movie invokes the language of “deprogramming” that was comm…

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