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Australia’s Harsh Refugee Policies Stirring Backlash; Malawi Court Sides With Pastors To Lift Moratorium on Sodomy Prosecutions; Uzbek President Says God Has Taken Gays’ Reason Away; Global LGBT Recap

…such prosecutions that officials had put in place. The law criminalizes sexual conduct between men and calls for jail terms of up to 14 years. Details from Malawi24: The Mzuzu high court has ordered Malawi Police and the Director of Public Prosecutions to arrest people engaged in same-sex acts. Judge Dingiswayo Madise made the order in Mzuzu on Monday and warned that any person who disobeys the order shall be guilty of contempt of court. Madise s…

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Ross Douthat on the Brink

…ope did not need large numbers of Muslim migrants to suffer catastrophic sexual crime, because sexual violence crosses all boundaries. Harassment, molestation, rape and other violence and abuse of women is tragically far more common than we care to admit, and not the province of any one country, culture, class or community. This is, of course, not to excuse the misogynistic and patriarchal language that emerges from many Muslim spaces and institut…

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Palin on Syria: Let “Allah” Sort it Out

…y civil war that until now has resulted in the deaths of 93,000 souls. Here Sarah Palin’s words boil down to an embrace of the maniacal view forwarded by neoconservative Islamophobes like Daniel Pipes who argue that the civil war should be prolonged for as long as possible, seemingly even at the expense of blocking any possible peace. A more cynical view of Palin’s words may infer that her statement was nothing more than a play on a famous phrase…

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No, Sunni and Shia Muslims Have Not Been Fighting Forever

…a common Muslim world, and a shared peoplehood, which is apparently best expressed by suffocating any expression of dissent, going to war with one’s co-religionists, and demonizing opponents. If not brutally murdering them. If ever there were a need for some kind of secularizing sentiment, it would be here. But let’s also not forget that secularism emerged in religious communities—to prevent them from tearing themselves apart—and as such was as m…

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ISIS, ISIL or Daesh? Either Way, Obama Gets it Right

…oals should be, and how they might achieve them, President Obama has been extremely reticent to commit substantial numbers of ground troops to wars that have no clear exit strategy. He can however get away with this because he’s worked hard to build alliances and partnerships with other countries who bear some of the burden, put their own troops into the fight, and help us in the common war against ISIS. Many of these partners are Muslim, if they…

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It’s Theology, Not Baseball: Misunderstanding Iraq’s Sectarian Conflicts

…utlook, ethnicity, religion and culture.” A version of pluralism that is fixated on secular political inclusion will have no purchase among theo-exclusionists of all stripes. This is not of course about a theologically-driven foreign policy, no matter how liberal in orientation. Rather, it is to acknowledge that a democratic ethos will not by itself manufacture effective inclusion in Iraq, Syria, Israel-Palestine, or anywhere else. Nor is effectiv…

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Is the Pope’s Concern for Immigration Just a “Numbers Game”?

…reasons behind the Catholic Church’s actions. Also implicit in the latter explanation is the misperception, common to many American observers, that the United States is at the center of the church’s concerns. In reality, the Catholic Church’s interest in immigration ranges far beyond the Latino and Asian immigrants bolstering the ranks of the U.S. church. “For us Christians [working for refugees] is an expression of the love of the Father in Chris…

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Conservative Mag: Glenn Greenwald Hates America

…terrorists like an over-caffeinated Glenn Beck. It’s notable that Spencer extends this to Greenwald as, generally speaking, non-Muslims are exempt from this sort of guilt-by-association malarkey. In fact, recently, the only non-Muslims regularly labeled “terrorists” or “terrorist sympathizers” are those working to expose NSA and other governmental abuses—Greenwald (and his partner David Miranda), Snowden, and Chelsea Manning—as opposed to non-Musl…

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The Irony of the American Studies Israel Boycott

…—in effect if not intent, as Larry Summers put it (and I can’t say I ever expected to line up alongside him!)—deserves explanation. Anti-semitism in practice is of course based upon a racial category, but it is also unavoidably religious, as manifest in what Stanford’s Rene Girard has identified as scapegoating. That is, in an imitative and often frenzied effort to create “solidarity,” some vulnerable individual or party is identified for exclusio…

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