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Cornel West, Using His Powers for Good

…en joblessness became the norm. Barbara Ehrenreich trekked from Florida to Maine to the Midwest and worked as a waitress, hotel maid, cleaning woman, and, most famously, at Wal-Mart for her Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America (2001). Life was so hard in this world, she concluded that it was little wonder that so many turned to otherworldly Pentecostalism. Smiley and West seem to want to draw from all these genres (fiction, sociology,…

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Every Republican Candidate Should Have to Address Gay Rights Face-to-Face

…nti-marriage equality efforts across the nation, from Alaska and Hawaii to Maine. But after watching the video of Vietnam veteran Bob Garon (who is gay and married) having a direct conversation with Romney about gay rights in a New Hampshire diner, I want to see every single Republican candidate sit down with Garon and answer his question face-to-face: “You do not feel that everyone is entitled to their Constitutional rights?” Because then every c…

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Anti-LGBT Equality NOM Seeks Legal Protection from Glaring

…ur federal judges and three state boards in seven states—California, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, New York, Rhode Island and Washington—have all found NOM’s evidence to be lacking. Not a single state has backed up NOM.” In the latest ruling in California, the judge noted that the complaints of “harassment” were often protected forms of free speech including “picketing, protesting, boycotting, distributing flyers, destroying yard signs, and voicing diss…

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Christian Pollsters Find “Homosexual Behavior” Gaining Moral Ground

…ll four state ballot initiatives addressing the issue. Voters in Maryland, Maine, and Washington approved referenda expressly authorizing the recognition of gay marriage, and Minnesota voters rejected an amendment banning gay marriage. Organizations like the National Organization for Marriage are not giving up yet, continuing to raise money to fight marriage equality. But, even NOM’s leader Maggie Gallagher has conceded that marriage equality will…

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Excuses, Excuses: The Polite Regrets of Governors Bailing on Perry’s Prayer Rally

…or  Christian nation mythologists to be polite (Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal, Maine’s Paul LePage, Idaho’s Butch Otter, to name a few, cite “scheduling conflicts,” a politician’s version of “regrets extremely that a previous engagement prevents his accepting”). And others have just said no with no further comment, or didn’t respond to Texas on the Potomac’s inquiries. But here’s Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, according to Texas on the Potomac: “Houst…

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What’s Huntsman’s Game Plan?

…of thank you notes and that of Bush 41; today, he’s off to Kennebunkport, Maine, to kiss the ring of Bush the elder. 6. He’d also like you to think of him as earnest (in a clean-cut Mormon way) like Mitt Romney but also way cooler. Hunstman will cope with low national name recognition (about 25%, according to a Gallup poll) by drafting off Mitt Romney (who has about 83% national name recognition), then drawing sharp contrasts at opportune moments…

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Failing at Politics, Bishops Turn to Prayer

…quality efforts by Catholic leaders like Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley and Maine Gov. John Baldacci. The pastoral part of the new campaign calls for a lot of individual and congregational prayer, including the kinds of prayers at masses that angered many Catholics this year. It also includes calls for Catholics to fast and abstain from meat on Fridays “for the intention of the protection of Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty.” The explicitly po…

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Summer Brings Competing Marriage Tours

…will shadow NOM’s planned summer tour route, starting July 14 in Augusta, Maine, and ending on August 15 in Washington DC. Crawford said they’re not looking to get into shouting matches with NOM; instead, FTM sees this as a chance to set the record… well… straight. “What we’re really seeing this as is a fantastic opportunity to tell stories about the lives of gay and lesbian couples and put a positive spotlight on why marriage is so important to…

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Seeking Jobs, Beach Clean Up Workers Come From All Walks of Life

…ey live in a different place. Last summer, Kumrits worked on a sailboat in Maine, even though he had never sailed in his life.) Now, they’re shoveling tar balls off the beach for $12 an hour, time-and-a-half overtime. They say it’s becoming an amazing experience, not at all what they expected. They describe the people in the crew as a kind of forced family. For 12 hours a day, they’re together in 100-degree heat. Everyone is still getting to know…

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Gay and Lesbian Candidates Win Primary Victories

…legislative seat and may very likely win his very democratic district. In Maine, we find one race with some religious overtones. Jill Barkley defeated her challenger Mohammed Dini, a Somalian refugee and Muslim, with 63% of the vote. Both candidates are also relatively young. Barkley is 29, Dini 25, but age didn’t seem to matter in this progressive and ethnically diverse district. The difference between the two mainly boiled down to the issue of…

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