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New Study Shows 1.7%, 4%, or 10% of Americans are Gay

…ut 4% of the population identifies as LGBT). On the whole, I see that as a net positive and absolutely worth the risk.” Gates’ overall goal, after all, is to get more and more demographic information on the LGBT community so real numbers can be extrapolated from the data. As it is right now, it is impossible to get a true count of gay and lesbian people because many surveys, including the U.S. Census, don’t explicitly ask if respondents indentify…

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Vatican’s New Media Evangelizing Strategy Can’t Save it from All The Bad News

…ion also had its dissenters, notably, representatives from SNAP (Survivors Network for those Abused by Priests) were there, as well as a group of women campaigning to be ordained as priests. It perhaps is no coincidence then, that while the Pope was concelebrating mass for the Year of the Priest that had turned into the Year the Pedophile Priests, Part II, the Pew Forum was releasing a little journalistic beatification of its own, a report on medi…

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Creationism and Global Warming Denial: Anti-Science’s Kissing Cousins?

…l.” Additionally, the report said, “There is very high confidence that the net effect of human activities since 1750 has been one of warming.” At its most simplistic, Shaman says that “dumping more selective absorbing gases (greenhouse gases) into the atmosphere produces a radiative imbalance that increase the energy and temperature of the earth’s atmosphere, land, and oceans. We can measure the CO₂ increase by infrared spectroscopy from satellite…

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‘Biblical’ Disaster in Haiti: Pat Robertson and the Curse of Unyielding Ignorance

…mous (and tax-exempt) conglomerate comprised of the Christian Broadcasting Network, Regent University (of which the governor-elect of Virginia, Bob McDonnell, is a graduate), the American Center for Law and Justice (whose president, Jay Sekulow, is considered “the leading Supreme Court advocate of the Christian right”), and Robertson’s “humanitarian” arm, Operation Blessing (which has been involved in highly questionable—but lucrative—relationship…

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Pat Robertson: No Longer a Relevant Player

…oney. Lots of money. According toBritish journalist Greg Palast, Pat has a net worth estimated at between $200 million and $1 billion, a fortunate he amassed through moneymaking ventures including African gold and diamond mines, the Kalo-Vita vitamin pyramid scheme, the Bank of Scotland, the Family Channel, and the Ice Capades, as well as Age-Defying shakes, antioxidants, and protein pancakes. So is Pat guilty of not practicing what he preaches? A…

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Hitchens Debates Conservative Evangelical: Nothing Happens

…uting “missed again!” every time a new atheist kicks one straight into the net. But I think this analogy tells us more about the current state of the so-called “God debates” than it does about anything else. It seems to me that far too many people treat these debates as a zero-sum competition. Hitchens and Wilson are eager to play that game—and, like sports rivals, they can enjoy authentic camaraderie off the playing field. Winning the Argument, L…

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Does War Make Sense? Science and Religion on the Battlefield

…ing machine went unfulfilled. Out with the centralized structure of a cybernetic force; networks could facilitate self-organizing “swarms,” units that would adapt to their environments while remaining in constant contact with their comrades. By the time Donald Rumsfeld took the helm at the Department of Defense, the words “network centric” were on every ambitious young officer’s lips. Bousquet names this fourth and final paradigm with the neologis…

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My Womb for His Purposes: The Perils of Unassisted Childbirth in the Quiverfull Movement

…ly, as Vyckie Garrison noted, her Quiverfull convictions led her to desire total reliance on, and trust in, God, neglecting her own instincts and health in favor of obedience and submission. “Our deeply beloved belief system denied us an important safety net,” she wrote to Carri Chmielewski, “that of our own feelings. When our bodies and minds screamed out, ‘Something is wrong!’ our faith calmed us down.” And in some cases, that calm, the “peace t…

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To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise

…rt stores. The program’s political aspects were woven into its religious tenets and economic policies, both of which supported Christian free enterprise, traditional values and a gendered workforce. Writes Moreton: “They [Walton Scholars] perceived their own careers and free-market policies generally as a form of public service, on the pattern of the Christian business departments they attended. For its part, Wal-Mart and its suppliers reaped tang…

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All You Had to Do Was Express Regret: Pope Benedict XVI’s Rocky Visit to Yad Vashem

…, is insufficient from a Catholic leader. Though some critics cast a wider net than others in the range of complaints, all these examples reflect unhappiness with Benedict’s failure to grapple self-critically with a troubling historical legacy. While their reactions are of course subjective, these assessments are entirely correct. In the speeches of John Paul II and Benedict XVI, as well as in many church documents, there is nothing resembling a d…

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