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What a Forgotten 19th Century Suffragist Can Teach Us About Women’s Rights vs. The Religious Right

…ng the sexes and religions. Suffrage was part of the broader set of freedoms that Gage sought, but freedom goes well beyond that. What Gage saw was that you can’t just “get out the vote.” You have to change the mythologies. New stories need to be told, even if they are the old stories that have been forgotten.   [Research for this essay is greatly indebted to the ongoing work of Sally Roesch Wagner, and the Matilda Joslyn Gage Home in Fayetteville…

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Let’s Get Lost: Mapping Religion in the 21st Century

…e of things, a limited measure, while simultaneously serving as an invitation to further exploration. The laughter at the North Clintonville, Ohio “Krampus Parade” gathering, as pagans and friends unite to banish the spirit of evil from the yuletide season with drums and bells and masquerade—or the more solemn drumming, accompanied by the steady pat of feet in a procession of Spanish-speaking Catholics in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe— these brie…

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Before Black Twitter: How the Early Black Press Shaped American Discourse Around Race and Religion

…ack Gotham, Walter Johnson’s River of Dark Dreams, and Christopher Hager’s Word by Word. And I really love Fred Moten’s In the Break, which is written in a different style from those I’ve just listed but brilliant and a blast to read. What’s your next book? I have a few projects in the works, including a couple of edited collections of scholarly essays and a big, long-term project on histories of black revolution. But first I’m going to write a bo…

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V-Day: An Arrow in the Heart

…dern holiday, the Roman festival of the Lupercalia, held on the Ides of February (February 13-15). Recall Shakespeare once again: it was during the Lupercalia, he imagined, that Julius Caesar [TK] it three times. Just one month later, during the Ides of March, he lost his life in a bloody hail of daggers. Loving is linked to dying. While we know little about it, the Lupercalia seems to have been a curious Latin festival with mysterious Greek origi…

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Sometimes Salvation Looks Like Rage: An Open Letter to “Non-denominational” Churches

…Jesus. The word “disciple” is said to be a more accurate description of “true Jesus followers,” since the word “Christian” only appears a few times in the Bible and is described somewhat offhandedly (Acts 11:26 is a popular reference). The use of this terminology is intentional because part of the “disciple” versus “Christian” debate has to do with the church’s inability to accept complicity. The truth is that Christians and disciples have—histor…

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LDS Church Asserts Trademark of “Mormon”

…g website that tried to launch earlier this month, has no right to use the word in its name.* The Utah-based church insists it has a claim on the terms “Mormon,” “LDS” and “Latter-day Saint” that supplants anyone else’s right to the terms, but people just keep using them how they want: Warren Jeffs is known as an FLDS leader; people who quit going to church still call themselves Mormon because it’s an accurate cultural descriptor even if it convey…

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The Blasphemy of ISIS: A 7-Point Pro-Guide to Islam(ism)

….’ It is, at least, until you begin to pay attention, at which point these words, like all words, begin to come apart in our hands. The first might just mean Muslim-majority, which is plainly true, whereas the second might mean that Albania somehow conforms to an alleged Islamic political ideal. To make matters worse, calling things ‘Islamic’ is a peculiarity of the modern age. In fact, the Qur’an never once uses the word ‘Islamic’—and, so far as…

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Appeals Court Eviscerates Notre Dame’s Objections to Contraception Accommodation

…aceptive coverage with the burden on Notre Dame of simply notifying the government that the ball is now in the government’s court, we cannot conclude that Notre Dame has yet established its right to the injunctive relief. Posner may have had the best word to date in term of pure incredulity regarding religious liberty objections to the mandate/accommodation, but with most of the appeals courts rejecting these claims and the Supreme Court seemingly…

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Passover with Mohammed: A Jewish Journalist in Yemen

…Khalid and me, bearded desert men, trying to find the signs of God in the world around them. Word travels around the office that I’m Jewish. The next day, another co-worker named Mohammed and I talk about Judaism. “I have friends and family in Israel,” he says. “My family is Jewish.” “But your name is Mohammed,” I observe. “We converted generations ago,” he waves his hand back, as if pointing to someone behind him. It’s the distant past, but he s…

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Sing the Glory of the Smoke: The Spiritual History of Jazz

…erplexed. I was miffed. I didn’t know how to go forward. So one night it struck me that maybe the R-word was getting me into trouble, given the contemporary atmosphere with all the conversations about being “Spiritual But Not Religious.” So I thought, let’s do this, let’s go for a Hail Mary pass, and change only the subject line, just that one word—“Research Project: Jazz and Spirituality.” And the responses started pouring in. So I thought, okay,…

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