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As a Minister I’m Fed Up With Anti-Trans Legislation Written by Adults to Pick on Children, All in the Name of Religious Freedom

…had forced Stella to carry this burden at all. What kind of country makes a 16-year-old appear before Congress to plead for her rights as a human being? As a person of faith and religious leader, I embrace the historic meaning of what is called “the gospel of Christianity” as” good news,” which moves me to share my faith lovingly and devote myself to service for others. Never am I comfortable religiously, conscientiously, or constitutionally when…

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Fundraising for Kyle Rittenhouse Reveals American Christianity’s White Supremacy Problem

…bombed the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala. on September 15, 1963, killing four little girls, Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson, and Carol Denise McNair. In one of the stained-glass windows that was not entirely destroyed an image of a faceless Jesus remained. When James Baldwin was asked what this faceless Jesus said about the tragedy he responded: “The absence of the face is something of an achievement, since…

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Bishops’ Attempt to Deny Communion to Biden Will Backfire Even More Spectacularly Than Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage

…with Geraldine Ferraro, John Kerry, and other liberal Catholics in public service. In the fall of 2020, the current president of the USCCB, Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez, the first Latino head and a member of Opus Dei, set up a committee to consider how to respond to a Catholic president who doesn’t interfere with the law of the land when it comes to abortion. How do you solve a problem like Joe Biden? was their hit tune. They reprised it on…

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Brexit Boosters: Why the Religious Right Hates the European Union

…ng the equality of men and women, which the Russian Orthodox Church’s news service called “a serious attempt to exert political pressure on European countries with the aim to destroy the traditional notions of marriage and family and to legalize surrogate motherhood and abortion.” Hildingsson decried those who she said seek to “use the European Union as a lever for exerting pressure on Central and Eastern Europe whose people seek to preserve the a…

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Sympathy for the Devils: I Was a Pastor to Trump Supporters

…or, who resigned suddenly from burnout after years of dedication to social service ministry throughout the city. It left a hole in their faith that nothing could ever quite fill, and cemented their resolve to stamp out change wherever they found it. They were literally not interested in learning to sing a new song. It provoked too much anxiety. None of this is to excuse their behavior, which was often sour, mean-spirited, or entitled. But I knew w…

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Largely Overshadowed by the Election, ‘Red Pill, Blue Pill’ Transcends Standard Explanations of Conspiracy Culture Which is ‘Killing Us All’

…ted texts and willful misrepresentations dating at least as far back as the 1990s. As Neiwert explains, Paleoconservative William S. Lind, an associate of the New Right leader Paul Weyrich, built a cottage industry around his ‘cultural Marxism’ theory. “Cultural Marxism is a branch of western Marxism, different from the Marxism-Leninism of the old Soviet Union,” wrote Lind. “‘It is commonly known as ‘multiculturalism’ or, less formally, ‘Political…

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Pope Francis’ Love Letter is an Opportunity Lost

…. But they made connections between immigration, human trafficking, and unfair wages that tear at the fabric of families. This suggests that there might be more factors in an ethical analysis of love than what Daniel C. Maguire has so aptly called “the pelvic zone issues” to which too much Catholic institutional attention is paid. The problem is that this document is based on the notion of a patriarchal ideal family: Mom, Dad and as many children…

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Bernie’s Roman Holiday

…Jesus, did they really put his logo on a picture of the Pope?! All this in service of a message that won’t impress or inspire anybody who wasn’t going to vote for Sanders to begin with. I suppose that was the goal all along, though: to maintain Sanders’ inspirational image. Either that, or they’re making some kind of bizarre, desperate play for the New York Catholic vote. Or again, maybe they were hoping a bird would land on his podium again, whic…

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Will Rand Paul Break the Religious Outreach Mold?

…hat small business owners should be permitted, on religious grounds, to refuse service to LGBT people.“They’re quite distinct in their attitudes,” Cox said. But here’s the kicker: while white evangelicals make up 18-19% of the general population, they represent only 10% of millennials. Unaffiliated millennials, Cox said, “are three times as large.” Maybe the F from Gallagher won’t matter for Paul after all….

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Trump’s DOJ Wants Constitutional Protection for Wedding Cakes, Not LGBT People

…clusive of gender identity), prohibits differential treatment or denial of service based on any one of these protected classes. And that’s where the DOJ’s brief gets particularly twisted—and intellectually dishonest. It contends that Colorado’s non-discrimination law compels speech (which in this case means the design and baking of a cake in exchange for a fee) that contradicts the baker’s sincerely held religious belief. Such an imposition violat…

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