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“Excruciatingly Different” Mississippi Religious Lib Law Specifies Beliefs

…e other by the Campaign for Southern Equality. Both suits argue the law, HB 1523, violates the constitutional protections laid down by the Supreme Court in last year’s Obergefell v. Hodges decision, which it clearly does. But it also brazenly violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which prohibits the government from unduly favoring one religion over another. Mississippi’s law, which protects only three specific religiously-based…

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Why I Miss Scalia: SCOTUS Punts on Religious Freedom

…offer any hint as to what magical means the Department of Health and Human Services will deploy to learn which plans aren’t offering contraceptive coverage and whom to contact to let them know their insurer will cover contraception anyway. It seems to envision some form of the “compromise” it suggested in its equally bizarre request for additional briefs after the initial hearing. Under this compromise, the plaintiffs would contract for a plan tha…

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Women Are Leaving Church, And the Reason Seems Clear

…st increase in women’s full-time employment” actually “occurred in the late 1970s and early 1980s, during which time the gender gap on religious service attendance actually widened somewhat.” If women aren’t too busy with work to go to church, maybe it’s because they’re becoming too well educated. Higher rates of educational attainment are correlated to less church going, except McClendon notes that both more educated and less educated women are g…

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Same-Sex Marriage May Lead to Polygamy, But So What?

…ery-slope argument against same-sex marriage and polygamy in Religion News Service. Having legalized the one, the other will surely follow. And that is bad—very, very bad according to Sprigg. His position rests on two separate lines of argumentation: the curtailment of freedom of religion and harm to children. Both are rather spurious. Sprigg is still trying to make the case that same-sex marriage is a social ill. It is a social ill that will lead…

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Indonesia Allows Abusive Sharia Laws to Stand; Kenyan Priest Joins Challenge to Anti-LGBT Laws; Dominican Republic Bishop Slams ‘Gender Ideology’ at OAS; Global LGBT Recap

…force, special Sharia police arrested two “suspected lesbians” – women aged 18 and 19 – who were spotted hugging in public. Police detained the women for four days, and released them into a government-run, week-long religious “rehabilitation” center. Kumolo needs to recognize that cancelling laws that discriminate against women and LGBT people should be a greater priority than regulations “about investments.” Until the Indonesian government revoke…

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Who Will Catholic Bishops Turn to in Trump Era?

…omed but should be eligible for the full range of government-funded social service and support programs. While they haven’t been nearly as vocal about immigration as abortion, the USCCB has long lobbied for immigrant and refugee-friendly programs. To date the conference hasn’t taken on Trump directly, but they have countered his claims about “birthright citizenship” and influential bishops like Timothy Dolan have criticized his nativist views. Lik…

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The Higher the Dome, The Closer to God: “Megachurches” Explores the Arid Architecture of America’s New Sanctuaries

…to do that. We’ll see. I just came back from San Jose where I photographed 15 megachurches there. Do you have any cities of interest that you’d feel most compelled to go to? Well, Texas has a huge amount of megachurches. That’s like the biggest state for megachurches and would be an interesting addition to the project. But I’m not really sure of where I would go. One of your megachurch “megazines” is on view at a gallery in Paris, and it made me…

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The ‘Freedom Convoy’ is Inspired by a Biblical Account of Divine Massacre: Welcome to the Jericho March

…society, from history and from the traditions of peoples.” The elements of spiritual warfare—repeatedly deployed by Christian nationalist groups before in service of Trump and elsewhere—on the borderline of where it crosses over into physical violence, the Jericho Marches, the violent commentary supporting it, the prayer, the shofars, the echoes of J6 expressed from abroad and divorced from the actual Canadian context—these are a symptom of a broa…

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Trump In Colorado: When the “Facts” Are No Longer Checkable

…pulling its commercials from the state. Polls suggest that Colorado is a fairly safe state for a fall Clinton victory, while money is desperately needed in key swing states of Pennsylvania and Ohio. This is part of a long-term trend towards turning Colorado purple, and increasingly blue. So it’s not entirely clear why he’s coming at all. But if he is, rousing the base in El Paso County certainly makes political sense, even if a rising Latino vote…

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How Far Will White Christians Go to Maintain Power? An Interview with Robert Jones

…up. In 2016 white evangelicals made up 20% of the electorate with just over 16% of the population, and in 2020 they still had a 19% share of the vote even though they were down to around 14% of the population. That’s pretty impressive. But there’s only so long you can keep this up, right? And knowing you have maxed out, you may start looking for ways to stop others from participating. Having poured your bucket of voters into the pool, you may want…

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