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Rarefied Islamophobia: When Americans Duplicate the European Cultural Talk

…tutions in Europe are facing many serious challenges. And yet even if this central assumption is true and Caldwell’s overall analysis of cultural and demographic evolution of Europe is correct, the author examines the questions within the primitive trappings of “The Green Peril.” Following a long list of European intellectuals such as Oriana Fallaci, Michel Houellebecq, and Caroline Forest, he argues that Europe is succumbing to an “Islamic cultur…

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Aung San Suu Kyi: The Verdict is Unfair

…ngs suggest a Buddhist vision of civil society in which people can live in freedom from fear; empowered to resist corruption and coercion. She articulated her political thoughts in her address to UNESCO’s World Commission on Culture and Development: The true development of human beings involves much more than mere economic growth. At its heart there must be a sense of empowerment and inner fulfillment. This alone will ensure that human and cultura…

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The Scandal of the Cross

…harged political backdrop in “secular” France, where religion is playing a central role in the political theater. Coming on the heels of the recent banning of burqas in public, the assault on the photo has been characterized as a response to Nicolas Sarkozy’s public elevation of the “Christian heritage of France,” which some see as his pandering to the Christian far-right. Gallery director Eric Mézil claims that the protests at the exhibition reve…

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Pseudo-Historian David Barton in the Times and on The Daily Show

…ew of the place of religion in America is simply NOT what Barton typically promotes. Going all the way back to that first book cited in the Times, Barton wrote:   “Currently this nation has no religious preference. It permits diversified religious freedom and extends no special recognition to any particular faith. This nation was not founded as it now exists. It was from its inception outspokenly Christian.” [italics in original]   … While there w…

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‘Reasons My Son is Crying’ and the Suffering of Children

…ican stories of sacrificial citizenship. Suffering is seen, suffering is a central part of American history, and horrific moments of agony pierce other people, bringing communities together in powerful yet troubling ways. No wonder a list of even a child’s minor pains—along with the frustrated pain of the parent behind the lens—has caught the eye of so many people. In an interview with the Christian Science Monitor, Greg Pembroke, the father behin…

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The Truth about Catholics and Condoms

…, the issue of condom use to prevent the spread of HIV will certainly be a central topic of debate. For many involved, the statement that Pope Benedict XVI made in 2010 still resonates. In a great leap forward for the Catholic Church, he said that using condoms to prevent the spread of HIV can be “a first step in a movement toward a different way, a more human way, of living sexuality.”  The fact that it came from the Pope meant not only that Cath…

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Saving Teens from Obama: When Bible Study Goes Wrong

…s. But we went because I wanted to see the movie that our former church, a central Nebraska Salvation Army congregation, thought was an appropriate selection for its bi-monthly “Teen Night” one Friday evening earlier this September.   Here’s what D’Souza wants us to know about President Obama: That while he may have to concede that Barack Obama is an American by birth, at heart the president is still an anti-American Communist, socialist, Marxist,…

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Christ is Pissed, Again

…rt. Piss Christ, ultimately, has turned into a controversial symbol of the freedom of expression and the ability of art to catalyze significant change in society. It’s of course a bit disingenuous to claim that Piss Christ is an “unwitting lightning rod” in the cultural landscape. Serrano himself has noted that the work is “meant to question the whole notion of what is acceptable and unacceptable,” and, let’s face it, anyone who deliberately subme…

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YouTube Terrorism

…n used to justify an attack on American sites overseas? The two principles—freedom of speech and protection of American diplomats—become entangled when the internet makes possible not just the distribution but the reemergence of visual production (a movie, a clip, a trailer) at a delicate moment; in this case, the anniversary of 9/11. Beyond all the issues that have been discussed, debated, and fine-tuned since the 9/11/12 tragedy in Benghazi, one…

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Manufactured Outrage Over ‘Godless’ Democratic Platform [UPDATE]

…n probably keep its apoplexy in check over the Democratic platform. Unless Republicans and news organizations are going to start condemning the Constitution, too, demanding an explanation for its secular nature, let’s relax a bit. Indeed, the ballyhooed “purge” involves a revised section on economic opportunity, which no longer references individuals reaching their “God-given” potential. The Democratic platform does include an extensive section on…

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