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Women and Children First: Syria’s Day of Dignity

…ence actions in Damascus since January 28, which had emboldened increasing numbers of young women and men. Several who gathered on March 16 were from Daraa, including Meimuna Alammar and journalist Dana Jawabra. And no wonder; Daraa had fifteen new prisoners as of March 5: the children. The Dignity of Women What happened to the Women of March 16, like what happened to the still-imprisoned young Tal Mallohi (sentenced on February 5 to five more yea…

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In a Field of Anti-Science Candidates, Santorum Sets Himself Apart

…rwinian theory. The Dover Area School District has taken a step in the right direction by engaging in the debate and attempting to teach the controversy of evolution.  One day after Judge John E. Jones III struck down the teaching of intelligent design in public school science class as unconstitutional, Santorum—on the verge of losing his Senate seat to current Senator Bob Casey—quit the TMLC board. He also denounced the teaching of ID. Santorum s…

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Of Sports and Social Justice: An Interview with Rebecca Alpert

…es and seeing religiously-oriented social justice concerns gain respect in American public life. Those changes, while important, have hardly brought about the world I wish to see however. The gap between rich and poor grows wider every day, we don’t have the will to tax ourselves in order to maintain the social programs that have allowed a middle class to flourish and the poor to at least subsist, and we have failed miserably to plan for the futur…

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Coming Out Twice: Sexuality and Gender in Islam

…Then J. W. Wright and Everett Rowson’s edited collection Homoeroticism in Classical Arabic Literature (1997) showed how much literature in Arabic addressed questions of same-sex attraction, if only researchers would open their eyes to it. Yehuda Schofer and Arno Schmitt also contributed to this dialogue. What was missing was a more intimate engagement with the religious tradition of Islam. This came with feminist Muslim scholars. They provided th…

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How the Religious Left, or Whatever It’s Called, Failed at the Budget Big Game

…acknowledging that cuts would hurt to an even split on the question. These numbers, and the widening confusion they reflect, will come back to haunt the Democrats if and when they next propose a jobs program to help the economy get moving again. The reason why Democrats are losing, as Meyerson and others have pointed out, is that they have relented to using the Republican Manual of Economic Destruction, which holds, essentially, that the national…

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Shari’ah (Panic) Threatens the Constitution

…ers legitimates the whole creeping, toxic American system of providing one class of legal protections for some but not others: special laws for children of immigrants, special laws for people who might look like immigrants, different jails for those who seem too dangerous, special laws for people worthy of wiretapping, and special laws for corporations. After today it will be easier than ever to use words and slogans to invent classes of people wh…

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Why I Will Not See The Help: A Rant

…of these assertions is that such social benefits burden “real [read white] Americans” with taking care of those “other [read colored] people” living within the US borders. US airwaves present ample evidence of this as purveyors of ideas about the so-called “real American way” or the “really Christian moral order” daily decry all programs that enhance our common life as they advocate states rights and individualism. That these assertions have reach…

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Ghana’s LGBT Population Safe From Persecution, But Not Prosecution

…rday that current Ghanaian law does not criminalize gays and lesbians as a class of people, but rather “unnatural carnal acts.” She added that the prosecution of people suspected of being gay would require a change in Ghana’s laws. Just over a week after being cited as favoring decriminalization of homosexuality, Lamptey added that she was “misquoted and therefore misrepresented.” Ms. Lamptey, a recent appointment by President John Atta Mills to h…

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Mark O. Hatfield and the Politics of an Earlier Era

…d are the peacemakers. We’re with you, Mark.” Hatfield’s speech, entitled “American Democracy and American Evangelicalism—New Perspectives,” returned the favor. Fuller’s mandate, Hatfield said, was to offer a social and ethical alternative to the “Biblical Nationalists.” Fuller’s evangelical leadership should revolve around three pressing issues—war, race, and the distribution of wealth—all moral, even spiritual, obligations that could return evan…

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How Religious Progressives Should Challenge the Anti-State State

…iberals tend to describe their fears in terms of the erosion of the middle class and the growing divide between rich or poor. But the feeling of worry and insecurity reaches across partisan divides. And it’s something no one—not even our faith leaders—seem to be addressing. Progressive religious leaders miss an opportunity when they don’t engage that sense of worry and responsibility—call it a sacred obligation to do right by our children.  As a p…

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