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Taking the Economy Back From the Elites: Blessed Are the Organized

…o lay out a systemic analysis of how an imbalance of economic power within American society translated into an imbalance of political power. The main theme was the rise to dominance of new elites from the 1960s to the present and the failure of religious and secular citizens to recognize the dangers of the resulting form of domination. It was, I think, a solid piece of systemic analysis. But I discovered that it had a surprisingly debilitating eff…

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Breivik’s Emasculation Paranoia Fueled Vision for Patriarchal “Reforms”

…, driven by a fear of emasculation by powerful women, is also a feature of American religious right rhetoric. Florida Congressman and Tea Party favorite Allen West, speaking last spring at a “Women Impacting the Nation” meeting, declared: “We need you to come in and lock shields to strengthen up the men who are going into the fight for you, to let these other women know—the Planned Parenthood women, the Code Pink the women—these women who are neut…

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As Debt Crisis Escalates, Tea Party Acts in Bad Faith

…building (and the warehousing of thousands upon thousands of young working-class people of color) replaced actual economic planning as the state’s response to economic restructuring and the loss of our manufacturing sector. The Tea Party response to the nation’s economic situation is to hobble federal power and use national debt as a political gun to the head of the president. It’s nihilism masquerading as end-times revivalism. It’s just plain bad…

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Bob McDonnell’s Christian Reconstructionist Thesis

…ut McDonnell’s use of sources would be inadequate even in an undergraduate class. For example, he cites statistical evidence as the basis for his arguments, but checking his references we find that his source is not a scholarly report but an un-footnoted reference by a Christian Reconstructionist pastor, Ray Sutton, in a little book written for Gary North’s “Biblical Blueprint” series. The book is written at a level appropriate for a church Bible…

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Tea Party Rhetoric: Literal Slavery Not So Bad

…ay most Christians do) is a far cry from equating paying taxes with the actual slavery. Comparing slavery to anything experienced by contemporary mainstream middle-class Americans is absurd, and as long as tea partiers continue to do it they’ll be accused of racism….

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Austrian Court Okays Head-Colander in Driver’s License: Is Pastafarianism Becoming a Religion?

…ason: to gain religious exceptions. In 1966, Arthur Kelps created the “Neo-American Church,” which claimed LSD as a sacrament. Demonstrating the sort of silliness that defines Pastafarianism, the Neo-American Church hymnal included “Puff the Magic Dragon” and their motto was “Victory Over Horseshit.” While their bid to legally use LSD was struck down in 1968, last month Ariana Iacono of North Carolina successfully sued her school district over her…

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Evidence of Mass Graves in Sudan?

…ement in which he emphasized that the victims of these atrocities are “not numbers and statistics” but “my people.” “I ask the world,” he continued. “Open your eyes and your heart for the suffering of the people of South Kordofan, not only Christians, but my Muslim brothers and sisters who are facing the same.” He asked that the international community act to stop the bombing by the SAF; to protect civilians and the witnesses to the crimes describ…

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Lesbian Nuns: Still Immodest After All These Years

…s that we would have to engage in if we couldn’t use such words as gender, class, oligarchy, etc. to societies that didn’t know those terms. Yet scholars seem to be more rigid about similar uses of language related to sex. I would also make use of recent literature on aspiring saints and feigned sanctity, clarifying what seems to be less than obvious, that religion and sexuality are not either/or categories, but both/and. I have seen your book in…

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A Short Goodbye

…winter watching events unfold in Wisconsin, as teachers and other working-class people stood up to the cynical corporate-led attacks on collective bargaining rights—one of the last few ways non-rich folks can still level the playing field in this country. The day that farmers rolled their John Deere tractors into Madison in solidarity with the hardworking people who educate their children, I knew I wanted to join this fight. In Pennsylvania, the…

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How Evangelicals Pick Presidents

…was going to win.’” (Some of those “prophetic voices” included Barton and American Family Association founder Don Wildmon, who is listed as part of the “leadership” of Perry’s prayer August prayer meeting; one person singled out for Huckabee’s ire was Hagee, who hosted Huckabee for a sermon at his church just days before Christmas 2007, but then endorsed John McCain.)  Huckabee had a problem: while he was beloved by many evangelicals who believed…

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