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Sarah Palin to Tour Israel, Christian-Style

…em and Nazareth (just after Purim, Queen Esther’s big moment in the Jewish calendar) is probably no more than the usual Republican political stopover to show solidarity for Israel. To her loyal followers, Palin’s pilgrimage will be one more sign not only of a potential presidential run, but of God’s divine hand on her life. Expect to see pictures of her praying at the Wailing Wall, as well as an uptick in her comments about her faith, the gospel,

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Review: Is the Religious Right Dying?

…iginal movement leaders, especially Rev. Pat Robertson, are far less politically relevant today than they were in their heyday. We now hear comparatively little about religious right interest groups, and the once-powerful Christian Coalition is a brittle shell of its former self. Quite a few books recently have appeared that call for or point to evidence that a new religious left may be asserting itself. A number of progressive Christian blogs, su…

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Post-Zionism or Post-Judaism?

…salon across the street from Israeli shops. Like an inversion of the biblical Samson (a popular figure in Israeli culture), Zohan eagerly provides “silky smooth” hair and back-room amours to the aging women who line up for his services. Both films conclude with father-son reunions. When Tzach’s mother dies, he finds and angrily confronts his Moroccan-born father, who fled Israel’s wars and ethnic discrimination twenty years earlier. After a stand…

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“I’d Be Stupid Not To Go Packing Now.”

…nization that encourages lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender to arm themselves to prevent hate crimes the Pink Pistols are also a social gun club. On the San Francisco Pink Pistols website it invites the community to learn how to shoot: “We are a group of primarily gay shooters, who are welcoming to all. One need not be an experienced shooter, nor own a firearm. So if you are interested in learning to shoot in a non-threatening gay friendly env…

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This is Not a Religion Column: The Audacity of Compromise…

…eople ought to try a little harder. King drew on the Social Gospel and radically expanded it. Obama has taken King’s vision and trimmed it back to Social Gospel size, offering a faith-inflected politics of incremental social reforms for a religiously conservative nation in a neoliberal age. Obama began this campaign with the “audacity of hope,” a concept descended from King via the liberationist preacher Jeremiah Wright — disinvited at the last mi

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Gutless Americans: Religion-Baiting Heading into Election Day

…disintegrating and receiving appropriate opprobrium from across the political spectrum—not to mention the media—a number of races around the country turned ugly. In the House, Virginia Republican Virgil Goode’s campaign and the National Republican Congressional Committee has been distorting the record of a group that his opponent, Democrat Tom Periello, founded called Faithful America. In a comically dark TV spot that ought to have been sent dire…

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RDBook: Christian Culture Clash

…rthwest corner as a spiritual wasteland. For his most recent book, Evangelicals vs. Liberal: The Culture Clash of Christian Cultures in the Pacific Northwest, Wellman profiled nearly 30 evangelical and liberal northwest churches finding that evangelical churches are growing at breakneck speed, while churches that more closely reflect the region’s traditional liberal values are struggling. Religion Dispatches asks Wellman, a self-described liberal,

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Obamunism? The Traditional Values Coalition Coins a Term

…tion of personhood, but misguided laws built on sand shifting in the political wind. —Brian Rohrbough, President, American Right To Life Despite the fact that much of the air was sucked out of Washington DC by the nearly two million people that personally witnessed the historic and inspirational inaugural of President Barack Obama (and the flurry of activities in his first 72 hours), the anti-abortion March For Life, an annual event held on Januar…

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SBC’s #MeToo Problem Isn’t a Rotten Apple, It’s a Rotten Theological Tree

…, known colloquially as “Al,” is the president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. He’s also one of the most prominent voices in American evangelicalism, representing the Southern Baptist Convention on the national stage through his radio shows, blogs, and on the boards of various organizations across the United States. Paige Patterson, like Mohler, is a prominent member of the SBC, working as president of the Southwestern…

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Sex Comes For the Archbishop: Rembert Weakland’s Unflinching Memoir

…n the very places where he had been heavily involved, especially in liturgical circles. Changes in the papacy cause a ripple effect throughout Vatican offices. Theopolitics is nasty, rather like watching the law (or maybe sausage) being made—better not to get too close. I came away with a strong sense of just how personal (not to say petty) a lot of the Vatican workings are—who knows who and what squeaky wheel gets grease. It obviously cuts both w…

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