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Letter to the Editor From the Author of Dying for Heaven

…ual, yet deeply serious, treatise,” adding that, “the thesis of the book itself would be a laughing matter were the author not intent on altering the way that the defense establishment—and not just academics or scholars of religion—think about ‘holy pleasure.’” Prof. Glucklich writes: Dying for Heaven is a tightly argued deductive theory of religion that must be read from beginning to end, without skipping around, in order to be understood and app…

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GMO or No: Problematic Intersections of Religion, Biotechnology, and Food

Acceptable Genes: Religious Traditions and Genetically Modified Foods Edited by Conrad G. Brunk and Harold Coward (SUNY Press, 2009) Why is genetically modified food an issue for kosher Jews, halal Muslims, and vegetarian Hindus? How do religious beliefs intersect with ethical and moral views on biotechnology? A new collection of essays explores the links between religion, culture, and GMOs. In their new book, Acceptable Genes: Religious Traditio…

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Haiti and the Push for Theological Questions

…ase with Haiti. I hear many of us, especially among churchgoers, say to ourselves and to one another: Whatever is, is God’s will. Or, God’s reasons are inscrutable, though they will become clear to us, once we have joined God in the afterlife and see “face to face.” Or God is teaching us a lesson through this event; a greater good can come from this horrific moment. Or suffering is a blessing, an opportunity to live as Christ lived. Or suffering i…

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For White Christians ‘Anti-Christian Bias’ Reflects ‘Anti-White Bias’ According to New Research

…ite and Black Christians picked up on the signal, demonstrating that political messages about faith actually communicate something about race. Al-Kire and Pasek suspect faith-talk is used to convey coded messages that would otherwise be socially unacceptable. “We know that racism is widely condemned,” says Pasek. “We’ve gladly moved past the days where you could have these overt racist actions taking place in the public sphere. And yet we also kno…

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Capricology: Week 2: The Soul of a Robot

…Zoe underneath (or more accurately, an image of an avatar that is an identical copy of Zoe’s avatar). Furthermore, this robot has its own personal identity since its software (soul within the Caprican universe?) can only work with a particular body (though beware, souls can be transferred using the technology of Cold Souls). The robot, however, is also designed to kill—and thus it has another personality that is bound to clash with Zoe’s. This bit…

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The Endurance Of Christian Reconstructionism

…andidate is Rick Green, who works with WallBuilders, David Barton’s historical revisionist outfit that would have the world (and Glenn Beck) believe the founders planned a theocracy rather than a democracy. (Barton, who once served as the co-chair of the Texas Republican Party, advised the state’s Board of Education on the rewriting of its curriculum standards.) Right Wing Watch noted last week that Green’s candidacy is supported by Houston activi…

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Conservative Christians Oppose New ‘Inter-Religious’ University

…ademy of Jewish Religion in Los Angeles and the Islamic Center of Southern California. The San Diego Jewish Journal calls it “the world’s first multi-religious graduate school.” Of course, Claremont is not alone. Hartford Seminary boasts the Macdonald Center for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, the country’s oldest center of its kind. A second imam training program is being launched by the once all-Christian Graduate Theological

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Does the Bible Really Call Homosexuality an “Abomination”?

…ne group, and forbidden to another. Though there is (probably) no etymological relationship, toevah means taboo. The term toevah (and its plural, toevot) occurs 103 times in the Hebrew Bible, and almost always has the connotation of a non-Israelite cultic practice. In the Torah, the primary toevah is avodah zara, foreign forms of worship, and most other toevot flow from it. The Israelites are instructed not to commit toevah because other nations d…

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The ‘Christianization’ of Shirley Sherrod

…tian” rhetoric and identification to construct meaning in social and political life. This has included establishing specific conceptions of citizenship, structures of education, social roles and behaviors that simultaneously develop and inscribe hetero-patriarchy, white supremacy, and racial subjugation in policies, practices, and the imagination. Examining Christianization during the US antebellum era, religious historian Albert Raboteau says Chr…

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Mormon Leader: ‘I’m Sorry’ For Hurtful Legacy of Prop. 8

…the morning of Sunday, September 19, about ninety members of the Oakland, California stake (diocese) of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints met with Elder Marlin K. Jensen, the Church’s historian and a prominent member of the General Authorities, the ranking hierarchy of Mormon leaders. Stake President Dean Criddle had invited Jensen to the special meeting, advising him that many Mormon families in the area continued to feel hurt by t…

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