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A New Book Traces the Influence of Racism and Imperialism on White Christian Feminism

…rotestant Women and the Consecration of Empire Gale L. Kenny NYU Press Feb, 2024 Indeed, racism and imperialism are such endemic features of conservative Protestantism that, all too often, historians and political analysts alike mistakenly position them in opposition to typically left-leaning ideals like secularism, feminism, and political and social liberalism more broadly. But to do so is to ignore how racism and imperialism actually influenced…

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Comparing Gender Transition and Surrogacy to War and Human Trafficking, Vatican’s ‘Dignitas Infinita’ is an Intellectually Embarrassing and Harmful Mess

…pep-rally type prayer) about how the Roman Catholic Church “encourages the promotion of the dignity of every human person, regardless of their physical, mental, cultural, social and religious characteristics…” Tell that to a trans person, a family growing through the generosity of a surrogate, or a pregnant person who decides to end their pregnancy. Their human dignity is erased by the content of this document. Their rights are threatened and/or r…

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From Fox News to the Far(ther) Right — Calls for Violence and Retribution Follow Trump Verdict

…based on candidates releasing lists of potential Supreme Court nominees. In 2024, I want to see lists of which Democrat officials are going to be put in prison. This is what happens when you cross the Rubicon. Davis, who has since issued threats against—among others—President Biden, Judge Juan Merchan, Maxine Waters, CNN commentator Norm Eisen, New York Attorney General Tish James, Democratic lawyer Marc Elias, and Chuck Schumer, claims that Democ…

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Resurrection of ‘Comstock Laws’ Would Threaten Access to Abortifacients — But Even That Fear Misses Bigger Picture

…gs, once prohibited the advertising and mailing of abortifacients. In March 2024, when the Supreme Court heard oral arguments over abortion medication, these two septuagenarian justices signaled their wish to resurrect Comstock laws. A casual observer might come to a myopic conclusion: these anti-abortion justices are invoking Comstock provisions in an effort to once again outlaw abortifacients. But that conclusion misses the bigger picture. By ta…

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‘Leaving is Never So Simple as Stepping Over a Line’ — A Conversation with the Author of ‘Rift,’ a New Memoir on Christian Patriarchy

…Memoir of Breaking Away from Christian Patriarchy Cait West Eerdmans April, 2024 Cait West’s insights could not be more urgent. At a time when conservative lawmakers and influencers idealize “tradwives” and vilify “childless cat ladies,” West draws from her experience as a survivor of the Christian patriarchy movement to expose the mythologies that sustain and reinforce it. In her work as an editorial board member for Tears of Eden (a nonprofit su…

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Don’t Sleep on Trump’s CPAC Speech Calling For ‘The Final Battle’: This was Southern Strategy as Apocalyptic Promise

…s speech—after a long list of far-right celebrity shout outs—by framing the 2024 election as a battle: “the greatest in our history, most important battle in our lives is taking place right now as we speak. For seven years, you and I have been engaged in an epic struggle to rescue our country from the people who hate it and want to absolutely destroy it.” The stakes aren’t just political control—though political control is part of it—but existenti…

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2023 CPAC Lived Down to Expectations, But Don’t Buy the Narrative: The GOP is Not as Divided as You Might Think

…Kremlin must feel giddy knowing that Putin may only need to hold out until 2024—under a GOP president, it appears, Ukraine should not expect aid. The Right’s admiration of Russia hasn’t subsided, even though the images from a besieged Ukraine—the slaughtered civilians, including children—forced them to tone down their accolades for Putin a bit over the last year. Putin’s Russia is their utopia; they imagine it as a White, conservative Christian p…

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Top Five Toxic Religion Stories of 2014

…hers have already obliterated the hated Sykes-Picot line between Syria and Iraq. Thanks in part to what is widely viewed in the region as a hamfisted U.S. intervention, the Taliban are staging a fierce comeback in both Afghanistan and Northern Pakistan. The slaughter of children in Peshawar won’t be the end of it. In Northern Nigeria Boko Haram is determined to eliminate all non-Islamic schools and drive out the Christians. DIY jihadists commit ra…

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This World Refugee Day, Rising White Nationalism Meets the Largest Refugee Population in History — Which is No Coincidence

…raine, was an unexpected site of war, because it was “civilized,’’ unlike “Iraq or Afghanistan, that has seen conflict raging for decades.” Though D’Agata provided a formulaic apology soon thereafter, if not for the failure to recognize that the lack of “civility” in Iraq and Afghanistan could be attributed to US-led war, then because his choice of words revealed the mindset of many, from celebrities to individuals, who’ve converged to provide an…

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Why Don’t Republicans Want to Allow Pastors to Endorse from Pulpit?

…as to “freedom fries” when the French failed to support the US invasion of Iraq, Jones later became a strong critic of the war. He wrote a personal letter to the family of each and every soldier, sailor and Marine killed in Iraq and, as Mother Jones reported, “one letter at a time, Jones’ doubts about the war began to take shape.” He broke ranks with the Republicans. And broke them hard. “Lyndon Johnson’s probably rotting in hell right now because…

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