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US Catholic Bishops Elect a Culture Warrior

…d in the very church where we were singing vespers. And while Dolan said a number of things about Day in his sermon, including a brief mention of her pacifism, what he stressed above all was Dorothy Day’s loyalty to the Church. She was a faithful Catholic. He didn’t use the word obedient, exactly, but clearly that’s what he was getting at. Now there can be no doubt that Dorothy Day was a faithful Catholic; she did not spend a lot of time attacking…

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Meet Arizona’s Even More Anti-Immigrant Bill

I spent a week in Tucson in September after having heard many stories about the friendliness of the town and the funky collective atmosphere of its diverse population. But because of the militarization of the border and the passage of SB 1070, which would require police to check the documents of people they suspect are in the country illegally, I found a community overwhelmed by fear. While there I heard stories of parents afraid to send their ch…

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AFA: Native Americans Lost their Land for Not Being Christians

…into his diatribe by the Native American blessing at the memorial for the Tucson shooting victims in January – a blessing that drew mocking commentary from others in the conservative media as well. “The continued presence of native American superstition was on full display” at the service, Fischer wrote. The invocation – “such as it was,” in Fischer’s words – was offered by Carlos Gonzales, a Pascua Yacqui Indian. Fischer complained that Gonzales…

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Guns and the Wyoming Legislator Proposing the Shari’ah Law Ban

…is not unlike those being promoted by far right Christian groups after the Tucson shootings. When the group’s founder, Aaron Zelman, died in December, he was praised by one-time Constitution Party presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin (who I interviewed here) as a “tireless defender of the Second Amendment.” And the New American, the magazine of the John Birch Society, recalled an interview with Zelman in which he declared, “We’re not interested in…

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Pope Francis vs. the Bishops: An “Overblown” Narrative?

…ction since conservatives elevated Dolan as head of the USCCB in 2010 over Tucson Bishop Gerald Kicanas, a moderate who was next in line for the job. As Michael Sean Winters notes in the National Catholic Reporter, “since the 2011 USCCB elections, a stunning number of very talented people have left the USCCB” and many of their replacements have little experience with social justice policy but “a string of associations with different conservative o…

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20 Years for Giving Water to Migrants? A Religious Freedom Case of Little Interest to ‘Religious Freedom’ Industry

…Patrol agents, and/or the unscrupulous employer if she makes it to a U.S. city. Migrants are easy targets on both sides of the border. One reason I don’t face a possible 20-year sentence while Warren finds himself in this predicament is because two things have changed since the 2016 election. The first is the Trump administration’s zero tolerance for anything deemed to assist the undocumented. Zero tolerance was institutionalized in an April 11,…

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Adult Realism and the State of This Union

In my previous post on the President’s Tucson speech, I noted the oddity of lionizing a nine-year-old child, when there were adults in this story who had heroically sacrificed their lives for friends and loved ones. I suggested that a certain Christian schizophrenia about the innocence or fallenness of children had something to do with that. And I suggested that tragedy was for adults. And I hoped that in the State of the Union address, the Presi…

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Exclusive: Columnist Jonathan Merritt on his Sudden Departure From Religion News Service

…lete Socolovsky from the email chain. When Merritt’s assistant scheduled a phone meeting with Gallagher to discuss the contract in April of this year, Gallagher never informed Socolovsky about it. When Merritt finally reached Gallagher on the phone in April of this year, he says Gallagher was “placing the blame [for the delay] on Jerome” for not reading Merritt’s emails, which “was all very weird and unprofessional, and it made me uncomfortable.”…

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The Pope in My Pocket; We Are All Dilettantes Now

…or sell for under two dollars). And unlike the internet, the space of the iPhone feels not just private, but personal. Yes, the iPhone might be my means of connection with the world—it is, after all, a phone—but it is also my own little password-locked garden that I carry with me wherever I go. Moreover, I can remake the landscape with a few flicks of my fingers whenever I choose. As a result, the territory necessarily mixes the sacred and the pro…

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Google’s Benevolent Interfaith Big Tent

…the story, she returns home, opens Google India, and tracks down the phone number for the sweet shop her grandfather mentioned. Within seconds, she has called the store on her smart phone, and Yusuf’s grandson—who answers—has likewise opened Google to research visas for a reunion too long denied. We can understand the implications of this storyline by putting it into conversation with its longer historical context. The logic of the plot—that Googl…

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