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Gay Marriage Supporters Rally People of Faith for Washington’s November Vote

…ch of Christian denominations working with us now.” Discussions during the phone bank covered the Golden Rule, whether the Leviticus view of homosexuality as an abomination also extended to eating shrimp, and how civil marriage licenses are distinct from religious weddings. Most of the calls lasted mere seconds, with people not home or not interested. After an hour working the phones, Scott Holley, 33, cheerfully noted that he had become “unfazed…

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What Will Orthodox ‘Republicanity’ Look Like?

…that Democrats need to get better at telling stories than at crunching the numbers, in this battle of the budget, the numbers actually matter. Hell, it’s a fight about numbers. And balance. And the virtue of justice. What this latest budget battle, and the question of raising the debt ceiling, and the straw polls are revealing, is just how Tertullian a wing of the Republican Party has become. It not only offers absurd arguments with a straight fac…

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Gay Rights a Go in Chattanooga

…an-American. But as anyone familiar with Southern politics can tell you, a city of Southern Democrats is not necessarily a city of social liberals. And, in light of perceptions about a lack of African-American support for gay rights, that should be especially true of support for gay rights in Chattanooga.  I grew up in Chattanooga, leaving for college in 2008. As a kid, I didn’t know a single adult who was out—although I certainly knew plenty of p…

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Rent-Free Religion in New York’s Public Schools

…e large-scale organizations that successfully planted churches in multiple numbers of New York City’s public schools, and the numbers grew quickly. During the 2010-2011 school year, the Department of Education said 160 congregations were granted permits for worship services. The new churches valued not just the free real estate, but also the proximity to children and families, and the credibility provided by their new physical setting. Owing to th…

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RDBook: A City Too Busy To Hate

…k the city of Atlanta does that? Page: Atlanta used to bill itself as the “City too busy to hate.” Lefever: Maybe it should be the “City too busy to remember.” We can see this physically, where we tear down building after building here. In terms of Civil Rights history, unfortunately, people know Dr. King—and that’s what they remember. What we tried to do in the book was to make this more than a King movement. Michael, since you are an Atlanta nat…

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Texas Textbook Massacre

…edom Network, points out that Texas in the next 10 years could become like Kansas; in response to Kansas’ board of education’s decision in the late 90s to eliminate evolution from its standards, voters elected a pro-science board. In the next election, voters elected a creationist board and then back to a pro-science board. “It became like educational schizophrenia,” Quinn said, “where teachers didn’t know what to teach from year to year.” The ame…

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Obamunism? The Traditional Values Coalition Coins a Term

…nual “Blogs for Life” conference of pro-life bloggers, with special guests Kansas Republican Senator Sam Brownback and Washington Republican Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers. The Washington Times’ Duin also reported that Priests for Life sent out an “abortion manifesto,” a fundraising letter about the “54 objectives the abortion industry expects Obama to sign off on during his first 100 days in office.” Using words like “diabolical” to describ…

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Religious Right: God Should Kill Health Care Reform to Save America from Herod

…ins, Republican Senators Jim DeMint of South Carolina and Sam Brownback of Kansas, Reps. Todd Akin (R-MO), Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Trent Franks (R-AZ), Randy Forbes (R-VA), and Mike McIntyre (D-NC); as well as Shirley and James Dobson; Bishop Harry Jackson, who recently led an unsuccessful crusade against gay marriage in the District of Columbia; and Pastor Jim Garlow, a leading proponent of California’s Proposition 8 who claimed last night the h…

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Using Religion to Get Away With Murder?

…his religious beliefs. From the New York Times: Mr. Roeder, 51, of Kansas City, Mo., told jurors that he had a growing sense of his own faith and opposition to abortion in the 1990s after watching “The 700 Club,” the evangelist Pat Robertson‘s television talk show. Mr. Roeder’s views on religion and abortion, he said, went “hand in hand.” The National Abortion Federation and American Civil Liberties Union have filed an amicus brief in the case, o…

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Tim Pawlenty’s Dilemma: How Far Will His Anti-Choice Extremism Go?

…nseling measures were introduced, and laws were enacted in seven states (Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Minnesota, Oklahoma and South Dakota). The new laws in Arkansas, Georgia and Minnesota require that women be told that a fetus may be able to feel pain (and that they be offered the option of having anesthesia administered directly to the fetus), even though there is no scientific evidence to support this statement; these provisions are…

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